Solim hadn't been to other wizards' weddings, but he knew what a wedding should look like.

But at his own wedding, the few bright colors were worn by the female companions of the guests, and the men were all dressed in black or gray wizard's robes.

It's not like a wedding, it's like a funeral.

"A young boy will die today!"

Solim was a thriller, thinking that this was some kind of code, and then a bunch of wizards would lift their robes, draw their wands, and start firing spells...... Just as his muscles tensed, ready to react to the next scene.

As a result, this damn guy changed his words and said:

"—in its place will be a man, and this man will ......"

Solim couldn't hear what the master of ceremonies was saying, he just thought that something might be wrong with his thoughts.

"Hahahaha, this kid is "one one zero"!"

In the middle of nowhere, Vanessa patted Calvin beside her, smiling breathlessly.

"Hah...... Ha, did you see it, as soon as that sentence came out, he was taken aback. "

"I'm really scared," Ken agreed, having been with Solim for a while and familiar with some of his little gestures, "He's just ready to draw his wand." If there was any movement in the stadium at that time, it would have been a lot of fun today. "

"That's a shame. Vanessa wiped the corners of her eyes and sniffed, "I was quicker and might have seen a good show." "

Kent and Calvin looked at each other, then shrugged. They knew Vanessa well, and this woman could really do such a thing.

"I'm going to show this memory to Ogle—"

Vanessa closed her eyes and posed as a "maiden prayer".

"—I'm looking forward to his expression. "

"Let's bless the couple once again! their union will open a new chapter for the Selwyns and the Greifs......"

The guests applauded, no one shouted, everyone was quietly applauding and blessing, showing considerable restraint.

Solim noticed Vanessa in the distance—the trio was so conspicuous that none of the people present were smiling, but the three of them winked at him and couldn't even notice it.

Calvin, the bald man, also exaggerated the reaction of Solim - Solim could tell that he wanted to appear frightened, but the exaggerated performance made him look like he was having a seizure.

It was clear that the overreaction just now did not escape the eyes of the trio. If they can see it, then ...... Many of you present should be able to see it.

Solim glanced at the crowd of guests, and sure enough, many of them looked at him strangely.

Gan ...... This time it's embarrassing, and it may even become a black history that accompanies him all his life, and maybe someone will make fun of it at any time.

Solim felt that he might have lost some part of his memory, and when he came back to his senses, he was already standing in front of a large white doorframe, a ritual that was unique to him today.

He knew what it was, this door frame represented the youth of the underage, and when he walked through the door frame, the magic on it would strip him of the white gown he was wearing, which meant saying goodbye to his underage status, and then he had to pass through a black door frame and put on a black gown that represented responsibility. At this point, he will officially become an adult wizard, and he will be responsible for growing and continuing the family.

Solim had already rehearsed for this three times before, and he only had to go through the two door frames in order, and then he could toast Elena and the guests with his glass.

He thought so when he passed through the first door frame, and after a few more hours he would be able to "get off work". But when he was about to pass through the second door frame, the black robe that was about to be draped on his body made his whole body tremble.

At the same time, the wizards with high magic power in the field all sensed that something was wrong, and the figures of the trio in the distance had begun to blur, and they were ready to apparition over......

Solim was both familiar and unfamiliar with the feeling. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He knew what it was like, and he had been very sensitive to the perception of malice ever since Filch had left a mark on him.

But this time it was a little different, he had never felt something so evil and cold, even worse than Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Solim subconsciously wanted to use the apparition to leave the place, but this is the island of Neasto, the whole island is protected by magic, and wizards without "permission" cannot move or manifest.

Seeing that the black robe was about to be draped over his body, Solim's anxious and panicked mood attracted ashes, and at the last moment, the phoenix appeared not far away with his master in a firelight.

Just as Solim was leaving, the trio and Levitheath appeared on the edge of the black robe at about the same time.....

The faces of all four of them were quite ugly, especially Solim's great-grandfather, whose face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

"Investigate!" Levites' entire face contorted, showing the Grand Wizard's anger at this time.

"There must be a ghost!" Vanessa narrowed her eyes and glanced at the guests, "Find Bilbo, who is in charge of setting up the venue." "

Kent and Calvin simply disappeared from their place.

Solim looked at the black robe on the ground in horror, he knew that if it weren't for the ashes, the obviously problematic robe would have been draped over him. At that time, the robe was about to fall on the shoulders, and it must have been too late to run. []

Elrond finally squeezed to Solim's side, he didn't even have apparition permission on the island of Neasto, which gave a sign of the trio's position within Selwyn.

"What the hell is going on?" Elrond, Solim's grandfather, looked a little panicked, "Didn't you say foolproof?"

Levites glanced at his son, obviously not wanting to count him down in front of the guests.

"Yes, you kid. Vanessa walked over and patted Solim on the shoulder with a big grin, "It's all dodged, yes, the phoenix is a good thing." "

Saying that, she also looked at the phoenix on Solim's shoulder, with a look of envy, and even reached out to touch it, but she almost didn't get pecked by the ashes.

"What's that?" Solim looked at the black robe on the ground, "I feel ......"

“...... Evil, yes, you can add all the vicious spells or curses you can think of5.5, and its materials can carry more viciousness than you think. Vanessa explains: "Made from the skins of innocent people who have been tortured in a certain way, the production method is very complicated and extremely expensive, and it is a very unpopular method of harm, and I have seen it once, and this is the second time." "

"But ......"

Speaking of which, Vanessa glanced at Elrond.

"What?" Solim followed suit, glancing at his grandfather.

"This kind of method is not our European method, but the method of those Native Americans, which is very primitive, so it is basically not seen. "

Native American ......

This clue undoubtedly pointed to those wizarding families in the United States, and thinking of this, Solim hurriedly looked for Elena. I was relieved to find out that my wife had been protected by Selwin and Greif.

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