As a result of the negotiations, Allen asked the director of Immigration to inspect the water purification magic equipment in order to dedicate it to the Emperor of the Prostian Empire.

All the gifts except for the magic equipment of water purification are wholesale in the port and delivered in writing.

Allen and the others were given a single-family dwelling with a garden near the palace.

(Well, are you going to install it in the garden?The wall is at that height)

Because it is a huge magic tool, it cannot be left indoors, so install a water purification magic tool in the middle of the garden.

The magic equipment is basically built to be equipped.

The magic tool was fixed to the ground with chains made of jalajara and mythrill.

Then check again that you are surrounded by walls that are too high to be seen from outside the garden.

Sometimes the magic equipment is comparable to the national budget of the Prostian Empire, and Director Tynome said he would send a few knights from the palace tomorrow.

It must be for the magic equipment escort.

The knights sent from the palace have already arrived, but the building and the garden have nothing but Allen's party and Clevule's.

Princess Carmine of the Krebille royal family and Allen of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary also seem to keep a certain distance.

"Allen, that was fun!!"

As Allen checks on the construction of the building and the state of the magic equipment fixed to the garden, Luke is excited to recall the exchange at the port earlier.

"This is going to be fun.And we'll call him Alec here, Lutie. "

"Oh, that's right! Alec!!"

Looking like a Mermaid and holding his fists in both hands, Luke seems to have inspired a lot of playfulness.

"Rooty was a pretty good actor, too.At this rate, I'll keep asking you. "

"Whoa, leave it to me!!"

That said, Luke rushes under the magic equipment he's working on.

(Well, it was a fact that he was doing better than Formar.)

Luke was better at acting than Formar, who was quite stiff.

I think Luke is talented as a child and can stretch without tension.

Formar was dismayed to see what Allen was trying to say.

It's like I'm not under Sophie to do this.

I'm glad to be on the boat's way, but this is in Imperial Patlanta.

Sometimes this building is near a palace, and you can see a large palace just ahead.

Everyone sends a line of sight to call each other by a pseudonym.

"So, Alec, what are you going to do with all the lies?I'm looking for Bek. "

Cecil watched as he lied and stunned to take the story to the palace side while occasionally weaving the truth together.

"Yes, Serafi, I'm afraid we won't be able to get into the palace soon."

I also call Cecil by her alias.

"You were kind of stubborn.I wonder if you won't let me in that much. "

Allen and I had a feeling of discomfort before they could get us into the palace.

I didn't get into the Prostian Empire in the first place.

Entry from the Kingdom of Clevule to the Prostian Empire was also quite demanding.

The issuance of an entry permit from the Prostian Empire has been officially denied under the name of the Director of Immigration, Tainome.

Allen checked to see if he could stay in the Imperial Capital of Patlanta at the port and told Director Tynome to leave immediately.

After requesting a stay at the palace to inspect the magic equipment, he is guided to a building near the palace.

I couldn't enter the Prostian Empire, I couldn't stay in the Imperial City of Patlanta, I couldn't enter the palace.

We negotiated this and won the right to stay near the palace.

The idea of whether there was anything in the palace came to Allen's attention and passed it on to his friends.

"It's time for Director Tynome to report to the palace.Simply because I belong to a country, I need to make sure that this is how it is handled.Come on out. "


Summon the Fish C Summoner.

I was a Summoner of Fish C that I couldn't talk about at first, but I was able to talk about it by strengthening it and raising my intellect by 5000.

The Summoner of Stone A doesn't talk at all, but it seems that what we can talk about is intelligence or the rank of the Summoner.

-I can't talk about the insect system.

The animal lineage can be talked from rank B

-I can't talk about the bird system.

* Bird E and Bird F have special moves that can talk

I can't talk about the grass system.

-I can't talk about the stone system.

The fish system can be talked from rank B

Spiritual systems can talk

-The dragon system can talk.

The angel system can talk

I feel like the number of Summoners who can talk from the trend increases as their rank rises.

Fish C's summoner, which reaches a metre in length, swims glued through the garden tip.

Unlike swimming in hiding to melt into the ground, you can swim gracefully.

(Hmm. There are plenty of fish near the palace.Is this unnatural?)

When Allen looked up, not only Fish C's Summoner, but also colorful fish were swimming over the Imperial Capital.

There are also large sea turtles and rays.

It could be like a pigeon flying through a land city.

"Just look inside the palace."

Yes, I understand.

Allen instructs Fish C's Summoner to enter the building and move to a meeting room where everyone can sit back to talk about the future.

(Hmm, there's a palace in the middle of the crystal flower)

Allen stares at the full extent of the huge Imperial Capital Patlanta from the shared Fish C Summoner.

Even at this time, if the Summon Beast of Fish C is only about the size of a small fish, it will be eaten by other fish, so I wonder if it was just this size.

There is a palace in the middle of the giant 100-kilometer crystal flower, and even in the middle of the Imperial capital, Patlanta.

I have seen the palaces of the Baukis and Giamuto empires, but I feel they are much bigger than that.

With the ceiling window, you can break into the sizable Fish C Summon Beast.

The fish system is also capable of swimming on the ground, so regardless of the size of the window, it is possible to penetrate by passing through the wall.

Unnaturalness occurs when you infiltrate a building without windows, but I don't think there is a problem because there are a lot of fish swimming in the ceiling part of the palace.

(Is this the kitchen? Fishman's food is normal.Well, is Director Tynome going to report to the Emperor after all?)

It appears that a significant number of fishermen are working in the palace.

The fishmongers are hastily cooking in the big kitchen, whether it's dinner soon or not.

I recall that the brightness of the crystal flowers has also become much weaker.

This crystal flower that illuminates the sea floor brightly is only bright during the day and does not emit light at night.

The weakening of the lights signals the arrival of dark nights in the Imperial Capital of Patlanta soon.

The large building is tall to the ceiling, and Fish C's Summoners are out of sight.

It enters the palace of the chestnuts.

"So, what happened? Director Tynome."

(Oops! There he is!! The Emperor?)

We've traveled everywhere, but it looks like we arrived while we were watching.

I think there is a sense of Fisherman's country during the viewing.

I wonder if Dragon Miyagi Castle was like this in the memory of the previous life, but there seems to be someone on the throne.

There is a mighty fish man sitting on the throne.

He is wearing a cloak and quite fine armor.

Right in front of that is a fish man who looks like a minister and a fish man who looks like a doctor.

In front of the man sitting on the throne with his cheek cane, is Director Tynome, whom Allen talked a lot about.

To the director of the Tynome, a minister-like fish man standing in front of the throne asks what happened.

"Ha! The Krebille royal family is bringing magic equipment! That one...."

Director Tynome seems to be talking to the man sitting on the throne about the magic equipment Allen brought.

Ability to wash 10 times the territory of Imperial Patlanta.

He also told them that he was prepared to receive and donate magic equipment from the Bauxi Empire that would continue to operate in 300 years.

As Director Tynome's story progressed, wrinkles appeared between the eyebrows of the man sitting on the throne.

Looks suspicious.

"Prime Minister Ajiray. Is that what happened?Isn't that a lot of talk? "

"Sure, but there were reports earlier that all the water quality control magic tools in Imperial Patlanta showed anomalies. Emperor Ignomus."

-Is that what the Emperor was called?I mean, Ignomus is a refreshing tone)

Prime Minister Azillai, who stands in front of the throne, is certain to have received the report.

The contents of the report do indicate that the water quality figure is zero, which is consistent with the story of Director Tainome.

Allen was curious about the Prime Minister's words.

I don't think the Emperor's name was Ignomus.

It was true that the Emperor had many children, but none of them had the name Ignomus.

But since Prime Minister Azillay calls him His Majesty as a matter of course, there is no doubt that he is the emperor of the Prostian Empire.

"Really? Did you bring all the magic equipment? I see....."

How does it work?

Ask Ignomus what will happen to Prime Minister Ajiray.

"I see. They say they will give it to you.You should give it to me.Will it take time to inspect the magic equipment? "

"What do you think? I wanted you to see it for a month."

Director Tynome tells Allen that he will stay for about a month to adjust.

"A month. Is there any further delay?"

"Well, what do you think? It would take a month."

Ignomus seems to care about the duration.

(Hmm? Anything in a month?)

"Make sure it's serviced within a month."


Director Tynome lowered his head and replied.

"I see. Everything seems to be moving at my convenience!"

Ignomus says magic equipment is convenient.

"It seems that way. Emperor Ignomus."

Prime Minister Ajilai smiled.

"Incidentally, a princess named Calmin of the Krebille royal family is also coming.Anything. I came to see the dress curry. "

Director Tynome adds that Princess Carmine is also coming.

"Hmm? The Duke of Calais in a dress?"

"Yes. Anything to see your fiancée?"

"I see. Are you still alive? Master Sinolom."

You look like a doctor.

Prime Minister Ajiray and the other one who kept silent were Yoboyobo's grandfather's mentors in a white coat called Sinolom.

"Yes, if you're a kid, you're still alive in jail."

The lord of the Duke of Dress Calais has already killed him, but the child says he is still alive.

The Duke of Dress Calais is captured.

Hmm. I see.

That's what Ignomus thinks.

"What will you do, Ignomus?"

"Well, it won't be long before the princess of Clevule finds out the truth about the civil unrest."

Ignomus twisted his mouth.

"That's true. The face at that time is a sight to see."

That's how the Synologist distorts the sneezing face even further.

"I see. Will such magic devices come to me?Time seems to be moving for me. "

There seems to have been no further interest in Princess Calmin.

Ignomus is once again thinking about magic equipment.

It's not a quiet conversation either.

(Yes, the Prostian Empire has fallen completely due to civil unrest caused by a man named Ignomus.)

The Duke has been captured and a man named Ignomus has taken the throne of the Emperor of the Prostian Empire.

Allen knew that the Prostian Empire was in a situation where there was a subordinate rebellion or something and its survival was at stake.

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