Allen talked to Princess Calmin and the Knights of Ivanam about the conversation that took place during the Prostian Empire.

A man named Ignomus who sat on the throne said he was also the Knights of the Knights of the Prothia Empire and was a general.

It appears to have been in the same position as General Hoba of the Beast Kingdom of Albahar.

It turned out that the former Knights of the Kintetsu had rebelled in the Prostian Empire.

Now sitting on the throne, the Prime Minister calls him Emperor.

It seems that Prime Minister Ajiray has been a prime minister for a long time, so he is a traitor.

I didn't know what the Synologist was.

Having heard this, Allen reconsidered what she felt about her talents and identity when she reincarnated into the world.

This world is basically less talented and more apt to develop talent.

Therefore, in the case of royalty and imperialism, it is likely that low-status people with high talents will try to overthrow the state.

When I was a servant at the Granville family, I realized that even if I raised my level firmly, I could not compete with my talents.

Since the world has more than ten times the difference in status created by talent, I thought it was a world that seemed to be prone to revolution.

I studied the history of various countries around the world in my study at school.

In fact, there are cases where kingdoms and empires are destroyed by the rebellion of the underprivileged.

However, I also heard in class that there are not so many such things.

The world is built in reason that only some talented people exist.

Therefore, it is common for powerful parties such as kings and emperors to take measures.

Basically, too irrational kings like tyrants and dark lords don't seem to be born.

Because when the powerful are tyrannical, civilians and serfs rebel.

Some rebels are talented.

The state treats the gifted so as not to cause a rebellion.

Hermios, a hero of the civilian population, holds the position of Duke, the highest rank of nobility, and is scheduled to marry the sister of the Emperor of the Giamuto Empire.

Not just in the position of a brave man, he protects himself from those who seek to overthrow the state by placing people with starry talents such as Kensei in the nearest Knights of the King's Guard.

Against the talented are equally the talented.

And by the state power of kings and emperors, the Knights of the Guards are better equipped than the adventurers and civilians around them.

Not as much as Allen's buddies, but spending money on gear can result in a more than doubled difference in real stats.

In addition, the force should not be too biased, such as distributing military power evenly between the defense of other countries and the defense of King's City so that the army does not run wild.

In addition, there are talented world-specific state-run know-how, such as seeking the cooperation of other countries in the event of rebellion.

Protecting the power of the powerful is the power of another country.

Similar counter-insurgency measures have been taken not only in the royal family but also in aristocratic societies.

Allen wonders if this kind of know-how will be learned in the House of Lords, where Cecil's brother Tomas also went.

Still, civil unrest sometimes succeeds.

It is the same in the world of the past, where there is no talent.

Remember a region or country where an army with easy-to-kill weapons was causing civil unrest with overwhelming military might.

Three days passed while we grasped the status quo of the Prostian Empire.

In the meantime, Allen was searching the palace for something he couldn't find.

We changed the way and decided to go to another place we had already discovered in the palace.

(Well, maybe around here.)

Allen looks to the corner of the palace, thinking about talent and identity.

I had a Fish D Summoner pass through the sky window in the first place, but today I pass the wall as well.

There are no large windows around here that allow Fish D Summoners to pass through.

The corner has few lights, unlike the gorgeous part of the palace, and the windows attached to the thick walls are small.

The scenery outside is almost invisible, with a harsh smell and plenty of water.

(Oops, there was a fish man.Well, naturally. How much surveillance?)

Slowly passing through the walls without making a sound, I feel a sign of the Mermaid.

Looking down the stairs, there were two fish men dressed as soldiers, so they slowly hid in the wall.

When this happens, I don't think the setting to melt in the wall will survive.

"Hey, take the watch. If you sleep too much, the warden will beat you up again."

I hear a man I don't know.

"Hmm? Oh, don't kick me!"

"Don't kick me.Hey, it's time. It's your turn. "

"Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, then, please."

(Hmm, there are guards in the prison after all.But if you can see it, it will be difficult to move quickly.)

The Summoner of Fish D hiding in the wall opens his mouth and leaves the Summoner of Bird A hiding inside.

The Summoner of Bird A uses his stunts to create a "nest".

"Mm, who is it...."

One of the soldiers notices multiple signs and turns around.

However, he loses consciousness without turning around and falls on the spot.

The other soldier fell to the ground without the same force.

Allen, who had been transferred using the "nest", used the Worm E's Summon Beast trick "Scale Flour" to sleep the two soldiers.

(Hmm, as verified, there is almost no problem with using stunts even in the water.Settings around here may be modified in the future)

"Looks like it worked."

Shia, who came with her in her homecoming instinct, whispered as she watched the soldiers who were completely asleep.

"Ah, you didn't show up. Let's hurry up."

I had Shia come as a fighter, but I didn't have a chance to play because the Worm E Summon Beast's trick "Scale Flour" worked.

Shia, whose movements are light and her weapons do not have knuckles and large prey, may be a good fit for this operation.


It has been verified that Summon Beast stunts can be used without any problems in this deep water of several hundred meters.

It is not originally possible to use a Summon Monster in the water, and it is more likely that it was not considered a setting in the first place.

Recalling that Allen was testing as his first Summoner when he was reincarnated, he thought that the Summoner's settings might change in the future.

Special moves and awakening abilities are activated without any problems, but I feel that the Summoners are not moving as well as they are on the ground, except for the fish lineage, which is resistant to water.

A little further from where the soldiers were, I saw a prison with a tin lattice in it.

The two men I just put to sleep were soldiers watching the prison.

Shia nods as she shifts her gaze to Shia.

Come out, hallucinators.


Have the Summoners of Fish D go and see what's going on inside the Iron Grid.

A Summoner of Fish D in the shape of a salmon slowly passes in front of the iron lattice.

(Oh, this guy?)

There was a man in the iron lattice with more chains tied to his hands.

"What is this guy?"

He wears run-down clothes, but he speaks elegantly.

It also looks very similar to the story of Princess Calmin, a cute fish man.

I wonder if I'm in my mid-twenties, but I look 10 years older than Allen.

Sir Dress Callay?

Although the Duke of Dress Kalei and Allen recognize each other, they are actually the rightful sons of the Duke of Dress Kalei.

Julius Dress Curry is his full name, and since he has not yet succeeded to the title, he deserves to be called "Lord Dress Curry".

"Yes, but you..."

I'm here to pick you up.

"Mm, pick me up? What is this?"

Allen and Shea rush to find the target.

Allen and the others came in front of the grid, but the grid looked like it was made of Mithrill.

In addition, the Duke of Dress Calais is chained to the talented.

When a talented person is imprisoned, in order to prevent escape due to high stats and skills, they are connected in this way, even in prison, with a hard metal chain, such as made of mythrill.

I also learned how to imprison talented people when I built a prison on Heavy User Island.




Shea stretches the Mythrill iron lattice on her own.

Then Allen and Shea went in through the wide gap.

The Duke of Dress Calais has blown it out, but it's not possible to bend the Mithrill with bare hands.

The ring and the necklace are about 16,000 hits, so I can do it.

"Quiet, let's get out of here.Does anyone else want you to let them out? "

Allen talks as Shea tears through the mythrill chains that tie the Duke of Dress Callay.

"So you're here to help.Then let the Empress and her sons escape more than I do.They must be in the next room. "

Obviously, Shia drank water to rip off the mythrill chains, but the Duke of Dress Calais talked about those who needed help.

"I understand."

The Empress seems to have been captured, so I will go and see.

"Who are you!?"

"Please be quiet.I'm here to help. "

Looking at the next room in an iron lattice, there was also a woman dressed in rags.

I'm pretty upset, but I'll destroy the grid and help you out the same way.

Apparently, there were a lot of royalties and their gangsters around here caught in the middle of a rebellion.

I got about 30 people out because I wanted you to help me, but I'll get them all out and gather around the room where the Duke of Dress Callay was captured.

Well then, I guess that's all. Shea, please. "


Shea walks toward the back wall of the room.

"What do we do?"

"Destroy the wall. There will be a roar, so please block your ears."

Allen answers the Duke of Dress Callay's question.

We have to be careful how we get out of here.

If we just get out, we can get out without destroying the grid so much.

Fish Summoners can pass through the walls.

Traces can be minimized by passing through walls, tearing apart only chains and metastasizing.

However, it may remain unnatural, and the eyes of suspicion may be directed at Princess Allen and Princess Calmin, who have come as ambassadors ad hoc.

If the iron lattice were destroyed, turned from the inside to the outside, and the walls were destroyed, you might think it was an inside job.

Shea puts her strength into the knuckle to activate her abilities.

While Allen's stats alone can increase his Attack Rating, Shia's abilities are definitely more powerful when activated.



With a huge explosion, Shea shatters thick walls and opens a big hole that leads out.

It seems to have used mythrills on the steel frames of the walls, but that's not a problem.

Well, let's get moving.

I didn't say that I would use the hole just because it was punctured.

Allen uses Bird A's Summon Beast's Awakening Skill "Homing Instinct" to move into a building near the palace he was given.

"Hey, where are we?"

"This is a safe place, Empress."

Allen calms down the queen, who is quite upset.

"Please, Empress, I have a change of clothes for you."

Princess Calmin says she's getting dressed for the Empress and the women who got caught with her.

The men seem to be taken care of by the Knights of Iwanam.

It's quite a crowd, but the Krebell royal family seems to be able to handle it without being upset.

"You said Alec. Thank you so much for saving the Empress."

(Doesn't it feel like a long reunion?)

Allen wonders if just a glance at her fiancée, Princess Calmin, would make it feel like a reunion hug.

So Allen and the others rescued the Duke of Dress Curry.

"No, actually, I wanted to ask you something and I rescued you."

"No? Do you have something to ask?"

"Yes, I'm actually looking for a beast named Bek.What do you know? "

That's how Allen explained how he got out.

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