History's Strongest Manager

[202] Biopsy of all (25300) for different reasons (2)

UC's name did not include regional specific words. It was soon a statement of a willingness by UC to accept all subscribers and not to restrict influence to South West Asia and Africa as well.

The UC, of course, had Trinity on it. Trinity wanted to manipulate North Korea to create chaos and use it as UC's home base to control Asia as a whole.

North Korea wanted to exclude the United States and participate in UC equally to form a new trade and federation sector.

North Korea had advantages for UC to have strong allies called the Asia Bridge and Overrank, while North Korea had substantial advantages of building alliances with new groups unlike before and stabilizing chaotic internal politics after the U.S. military went missing.

Gangjun and other people, including full-time workers, received an urgent report. The helicopter has already crossed the border and is on its way to where Overrank is moving.

“Let the pilots know. Slow down and raise the altitude. ”

- Whew!

As the core engines start, the helicopter increases altitude and slows down. At this time, Jablines were sent in. How you behave here determines the future of Korea.

“Are you back?”

When Kang Jun asked, he didn't say anything with a firm expression.

This was not a situation for him to decide, even if he was absent. It was intertwined with the United States, UC, Jabline, South Korea and North Korea. With UC officially declaring protection, if an attack were to be carried out here, South Korea would be attacked by a core submarine.

Ultimately, if North Korea is protected by UC, North Korea's chaos, which was a critical concern, can be prevented.

Therefore, Korea was not in fact troubled before doing things. They had to stop now to see what the U.S. military was up to.

“Wait for instructions. ”

Right now, the decision was not made by Heo, but by President Kim, Lee Jeong.

The warnings from China and South Korea arrived immediately about UC, but they were stunned. They were put in charge of protecting North Korea and had no reason to withdraw from their territorial waters. UC was a new gangster in the world, and the biggest outrage was not in Korea and the United States, but in China.

China was ready to declare war on UC at the moment, but UC silenced all protest messages from China, as if to do so or not.

At that time,

A dark-footed woman arrives at Incheon Airport, where the boundaries are tighter. A woman with bright height, attractive eyes, and a typical Western beauty smiled as she looked around the airport. Her cover was easier to get through the airport than flipping her palm.

“What a noisy neighborhood. It only spreads outwardly.”

She gets into a car waiting in front of the airport in her sunglasses in the middle of the night.

“Are the funerals ready? ”

“Yes, they're already at the rally point. ”

The woman on the advanced sedan nods slowly as she listens to the report.

“Okay, is the Korean elite on the move? ”

“Yes, I see helicopter squadrons flying north. ”

“Then there's nothing for Korean hounds to bother with. Let's go.”

- Boom!

A large black sedan gently leaves the airport, while a black-haired woman smiles gladly overnight.

“Blueheart is finally in hand. ”

You can't fail like last time. Right now, Korea is not a situation that should concern one young mutant.

Jabline arrived here directly by SSS rank mutant Cynthia, one of the elite to wreak havoc on the Korean Peninsula and secure the Blueheart there.

Everyone didn't expect it, and even North Korea had no idea that Jablins' real goals were in Korea.

Kangjun thought Jabline would definitely not miss this opportunity. I did not anticipate the arrival of the Core Submarine, but I was sure it would reach for the water and headed to North Korea alone, leaving Iznitas behind.

Gangjun's insurance was right.

The conflict between Iznitas and Cynthia is imminent.

Lee Jeong was sitting in the conference room, guarding the seat. Everyone panics at the sudden appearance of the Jablin Core Submarine.

The United States did not receive a response quickly, whether they were coordinating opinions. The Secret Operations of the Constitution was being deployed at Cheongwa University and only a few other chiefs, including Lee Jeong Kim. Of course, he was sharing the operation with the United States.

The United States called from the White House immediately.

‘We are ready. I want to continue the operation. I won't spare the tactical support I need. ’

The United States declared a perfect hostile relationship with the UC and demanded the immediate action of South Korea. The only way to disable the asymmetrical forces known as Overrank is now. In the end, South Korea was demanding a battle with a core submarine because it was not U.S. territory.

The UC Core submarine is a practical threat and, of course, it's not far, even if it's in the high seas. It is not an unusual situation to carry out an attack immediately.

But you have to remember, it's UC.

Beyond the new Mad Dog, he was a mad monster. It is not wise to slap the cheek of a beast who may ask what to bite.

It doesn't matter whether North Korea is protected by UC or the United States. If we can only stop North Korea's chaos right now, it has nothing to do with that entity. Nobody stepped up and left Korea, and now I don't have to.

The only thing that matters is that North Korea, once internally serviced by UC, has surpassed South Korea. With overwhelming force called Overrank, North Korea has become a reckless rabid dog. The moment I exercised that power towards Korea, I was forced to be humiliated.

There is only one Awakener.

Kim Lee Jung could not believe the situation in which the honor of the country was determined because of only one person.

If the United States makes a choice, Korea has to make a choice.

If there was a moment that would kill the Overrank, it would be the only time North Korea would be confused by a civil war. If North Korea enters UC's protection and starts strategically running the Overrank, the moment of death will never come.

Do I have to watch as someone twists the collar of a rabid dog?

Can we assume that North Korea, under UC-controlled control, will not invade Korea?

Is there a party that has to hold the hand of an old friend of America this time? They even declared a nuclear bombing that might affect Korea. But still they face friendship.

What will become of Korea in the battle with the Core Submarine? What level of tactical support can the United States provide?

UC may only be aimed at protecting North Korea. If we remain silent, the U.S. military may retreat, the UC may settle in North Korea, and the situation may stabilize.

Kim was about to break his head. Of course, there are no answers to political choices. It's just a bigger loss or a split.

In the United States, the telephone kept ringing for answers, and the staff remained silent. After all, politicians are in a position to make choices and should not be delayed in the process of reaching those choices separately from the outcome of the choices.

Silence. Behavior.

Kim made a decision.

“You don't know, you don't know. Either... ”

Kim Lee Jeong slowly organized his thoughts. Will you listen to a madman you don't know? Or you can keep going with the son of a bitch you once knew. The United States hit their backs in a dismemberment situation, but the public enemy is still sharing.

“Still, I think I know a little better. ”

Lee Jung-eun picked up the phone.

The choice was made.

Now there are only actions left, and we don't know what the consequences will be.

He nodded with a firm expression. Then he looked around and said with a strange smile to the radio.

“I've been instructed to go to death. ”

He mutters with a bold but firm voice.

“Speed up. ”

The soldiers' expressions flooded with splendor. Gangjun was likewise thinking with a stiff expression.

The Tactical Flight Squadron of the U.S. military set out to bombard again, and the ROK military set out to launch submarines, destroyers and fighters to attack core submarines in the west coast.

The United States, South Korea, China, Union, UC and North Korea were facing extremes.

An enormous attack has begun on the Core Submarine, and no matter how large the Core Submarine was, there is no other alternative to a nuclear sub in the past. A fleet of Korean fighters launched ballista missiles at the submarine.

- Bang, bang! Boom, boom!

But the missile was destroyed by a sudden flash of fire.

[Bravo, this is Eagle-1. Hostiles are forming a net. All attacks have been disabled. More than.]

[Eagle -1, data show that the Core Submarine has no anti-aircraft artillery capable of constructing a network.]

[Bravo, the net did not start from the submarine.]

The fighter pilot looks at the numerous spots highlighted on the radar and is cold sweating.

[12 enemy naval destroyers have appeared suddenly.]

Suddenly? What do you mean, eagle-1, dimensional leap?]

[Details are unknown. But it's obvious that it came out of nowhere.]

Suddenly, next to the Core Submarine, an enormous number of destroyers appeared. And he was neutralizing the bombing of the fighter plane with a net.

Like an enemy rising from the veil of night, the destroyer soon launched a thermal tracking missile at the fleet of fighters.

Soon, the entire UC fleet began moving towards Incheon. Many panicked at the sudden appearance of the fleet. How did a destroyer appear, falling from the sky?

The UC destroyer was there from the beginning.

The Enclosure is a technique made by the Bondi people, so it is not only Union that should be used in the future. Jabline has been searching the area for what is thought to be a Union operation for a long time. Jablines allied with Acula have searched around the destroyed illegal ports. It wasn't that hard for Jablines around the world. As a result of this scruffling, Jabline pours a large amount of money into discovering and restoring traces of Union weapons and technology.

And they were finally able to steal some of Union's technology from it.

Jabline was going to devote all her hidden skills to this opportunity. If you don't kill him, the Jablins no longer have to hide or reason to die.


It is no longer union's only technology.

Cynthia soon met everyone at the rally point. Jablin's elite troops, the 'Undertakers', were preparing to infiltrate one by one.

All of them were more than A rank, all fifty, all four of them were S rank, and the commander next to Cynthia was SS rank Knight. It was the same level as Trinity's.

Cynthia looks nervous and opens her mouth to the troops looking at her.

“Korea has rejected our alliance. And today, we show the price of rejection. It's the first time we've shown the world our true power. ”

The undertaker's unit has been her executive unit since the days of the Jablins. Each of them was a great help to her in the Jabline internal quarrel, and to her, they were also the most important of her core allies.

“We are not an organization that speaks nonsense like mercy and justice. We declare that we will not be bound by existing laws, justice, rules and ethics. So we have to prove it here today. We show the world that our enemies are crazy bastards who slaughter children, women, and seniors alike. ”

Cynthia wears an exoskeleton reinforcement suit and exhales red breath from her mouth.

“We will piss on the justice the world cries for today. There's only one target on the ground! ”

In Cynthia's red breath, even the sparks splattered.

“Kill as many civilians as you can. ”

Jablines needed to show that they were an extreme group full of madness, and there was no better way to slaughter an unsupervised opponent.

Soon, the funeral home surgeon flew into the streets, and Cynthia directed him toward the first trillion.

“The first mate gets confused with me and goes to Hero Management to secure Blueheart. Let's move quickly.”

And it creates chaos, and using this chaos state, they steal the Blueheart.

It didn't take long for Seoul's streets to turn into a bloodbath. As monsters sweep through the streets that didn't take a second to kill one person, screams and violence are blazing. Even when the troops are dispatched, they are torn apart like a signpost, and the Constitution Elite Forces leave their post.

Despite this spectacular massacre, several hunter teams rush into the streets, but in front of the overwhelming armor and forces of one of Jablin's most elite, the funeral staff, they collapse without holding back.

At that time,

Iznitas sent all the Hero Management personnel out of Shrine. Iznitas knew this place was going to be raided soon, so he couldn't leave a single one behind. When Iznitas told me to get out of here before, there was no one I could vomit to.

Iznitas pledged his allegiance to Choi Gina, who was the second most powerful force behind him.

“Their goal is support. Don't ever take it away from me. Never.”

“Yes, yes... ”

“Get out of here. We don't know when they'll be back. ”

“Ahjussi... Are you okay?”

Everyone knew Iznitas was waiting for a huge fight, so they couldn't help but worry.

“You're not weak enough to worry about! Get out of here! Get to the safest place. If we lose the reinforcements, this whole thing will be for nothing! ”

Somewhere safe.This is the most dangerous place, so this is as far as it goes. Support mutters in a trembling voice, watching Iznitas whether he feels indescribable emotions.

“Ahjussi... ”

“I'm fine. So let's go. ”

“Don't get hurt! ”

“Got it.”

Finally, all remaining members of the company, including the H-1 and River teams, left the burinake. I wanted to keep them here as long as I could, but I wasn't willing to fight them while guarding them. It might be better for Iznitas to face the enemy's core elite while he's on the run as a group.

Iznitas plugs the electrodes for the crystalization into his body, then massively slams the core into the box.

And the absorption rate was set to maximum. It was not good to absorb this much at this rate. But that wasn't important to Iznitas. We need to regain some strength. Iznitas closes his eyes, kneeling on the ground, without entering the capsule.

- Glug-ug-ub.

A tentacle extending from Iznitas' knee and calf sank to the ground like a stalk of mahjong. Iznitas' whole body was wrapped around the roots of a tree, with tentacles all but his face embedded in the floor.

Iznitas was like a tree now.

A tree rooted all over the shrine. It can detect anything approaching, and any organism in the surrounding space enters the Iznitas realm.

This ability, which Iznitas calls fortification, is more effective at defending than attacking.

When his essence was fully restored, Iznitas was able to plant roots for a kilometer around him, but now he had limited coverage of this shrine.

"Come, I'll kill you all. ’

The tens of millions of tentacles that flow through the earth are ready to pierce, tear and destroy when enemies enter.

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