History's Strongest Manager

[203] War is short (1)

Meanwhile, River and H-1 teams were working together to escape to the outskirts of Seoul. Naturally, the sudden massacre in the middle of Seoul was being reported in urgent disaster messages and news. Lee Woo-seok, the manager of the River Team, grabbed the wheel, and the others were stuck in a big van somehow.

“The suspected UC Special Forces are slaughtering people in Seoul. ”

“Well, is that true? ”

In Ko Hyun-woo's words, everyone turned on their phones to check the emergency news.

[Special Forces, currently suspected UC, in the vicinity of Jamwon, are brutally attacking civilians. Civilians to evacuate the area immediately.]

Emergency distress call has been sent. Everyone was looking at it with a stiff look. The troops are being dispatched, but they are under heavy guard, and we need to assemble an organized strike team with Hunter teams, but the maneuvers of the enemy are immensely fast.

“We have to go, too. ”

Song Jae-seok from River said that with a firm expression. However, Jinwoo-seok cut it off.

“No. They must be UC's finest. We'll only get killed if we go there. ”

“So we just let people die? We need to buy ourselves some time. ”

“Do you think you can buy us some time? How are we supposed to stop them? ”

River team did not accept the situation where they could not go. In the beginning, Templars were an out-of-definition group, so they left the templates as a group. The excitement between Jinwoo-seok and the River team grew stronger.

Then, when they tried to get out of the car, the West Arans opened their mouths.

“Stay still. Don't do anything useless. ”

The voice of West Aran growls as if it were a threat.

“Their goal is support. Are you suggesting that we go and deliver it ourselves? Then it would be pointless for Mr. Iznitas to send us away. ”

“Then we can just go. You guys stay here. ”

“Not that either. ”


“Javelin probably already knows that River Team is in Hero Management. You guys can't just die, but what are you gonna do if the enemy tries to I.D. River's team and get information? Rather, if we find out that we've escaped, all of your actions will be meaningless and we will be pursued. ”

“ ……. ”

“You know you're not going to be able to fight. And it's not just River's team that wants to go there in this situation. ”

Seo Aran also wanted to run to the site more than anyone else here, but she was very patient. Seo Aran is calm, but she looks at them with a screaming eye.

“Look at the situation. Burn the sense of justice as you go. It's annoying.”

“Seo 'aran, you're a bit harsh.... ”

“Stay still! It's not the time to be emotional. ”

It was not Seo Aran who cut off Dojin Hee's words, but Kang Ju. Rivers and his best friend from the H-1 team abandoned their fiction and turned on their twins.

“We need to get out of Seoul as soon as possible. That's what you asked me to do when you decided to fight them alone, so we can't get caught here. Let's go, Brother Woo-seok. ”

“Ah…. Yeah, yeah, yeah. ”

The air inside the van cooled down after I had cleaned out the main part that was not normal. It was not the time to move with emotions as Kang Ju had to abandon everything and yell at older people than himself.

Innocent people were dying. Their goal was chaos, but the ultimate goal was support. He pierced Gina's side, which was creased next to him.

“Don't even think about using your avatar. ”

“Hic! Uh, uh... How..."

Choi Na, who was closing her eyes, was furious and looked at her. He pinched his thigh with a stiff expression.

“If we're out of our minds now, we can't really use our powers when we need them. ”

“Ah…. Yeah, okay. ”

Kang Ju was exercising leadership at this time, and Gina nodded her head firmly.

Support, the key to all of this, sits quietly, head down without a word.

Hunter forces that were not properly organized were dispatched to the raid area in a hurry, but it was only a matter of time. Each member of the funeral staff was above the A rank and above the S rank.

Teamwork and overwhelming equipment organized there, even those who had never faced a man, were brutally dismembered or failed to respond to the Trick-Sod.

Fleet warfare occurred in front of Incheon Sea in the West Sea, and several missiles and artillery launched but did not work with destroyers and core submarines.

“Enemies are invading all attacks with the broad Rebellion Factory. ”

Even if the missiles and artillery hit through the firewall, the enemy has stopped the attack by inflicting a force on the ship itself.

“That's possible...? A dizzy cube is impossible to generate such a massive station. ”

“Normally, when a station is disabled and an attack is detected, it appears that only the landing zone is affected. ”

“That kind of ridiculous technology... ”

Surrounding the entire battleship with space is both costly and inefficient. However, the enemy detects the attack itself around it, preventing the attack by activating the battlefield for just a short while when the ship is under attack.

To prevent excessive energy consumption. This will nullify both artillery and missile attacks.

The enemy fleet was truly invincible because it didn't need to be fired up all the time.

They weren't just out of their minds doing this. The Chinese fighters continued to launch tactical missiles, but the enemy was blocking them with towers and stations.

The war since the emergence of new energy, it was showing a different picture than the previous one. The Korean fleet, without countermeasures, was naturally exposed to enemy fire.

Weapons, missiles and torpedoes are all disabled.

It's hopeless.

Only a few dozen ships have threatened to overthrow the nation itself. The attack on this side does not work, and the attack on that side is unacceptable.

In the past, the fleet commander was once again taking over time, fearing what the ships would have felt when the Yang ship first appeared.

Enemies squeeze in slowly, without using any force, as if playing a prank. One by one, decisively sinking Korean warships.

“Commencing drop. ”

In the transport helicopter arriving at the target point, numerous Constabulary forces began to drop in groups. It was a dark night without the moon, and I didn't know what was happening in Korea. Nothing seemed to happen during the quiet night.

- Kuku Kung!

The troops that finished the descent as they cut through the dark night sky quickly regrouped. Gangjun also completed the descent without too much effort using the ability of frame suits. The scattered troops quickly converge, and he gives the order through the radio.

“This is Nalparam-1 and Nalparam-3,4. I want you to destroy the highway as quickly as possible. Flying birds two and five, climb to high ground and secure your sniper zone. Over. ”

- Idiot!

A squadron of American fighters flew past the Sonic Wave in a low air flight. They were bombarding the roads, returning to a distant place where they could not reach in order to slow down the movement of the strongest force.

“Good thing the Americans destroyed their aircraft ahead of time. ”

Ten Nalparam-1 men and Gangjun gathered in the forest in the wilderness and watched the road unfold below.

“Currently, the strongest force is coming here from the road four kilometers west. Movement speed is an average speed, taking into account 50 km of speed over a cut road. It should take at least five minutes to get to this point. ”

He quickly started briefing. As is always the case, there was only one option: fail, succeed, or both.

“Like I said, we destroy enemy vehicles. It is more than four days' walk from here to nearby military and living stations. Moreover, while we were waiting for the mission, the ultimate force had already faced four small battles. It's time to take a break. ”

The operation wasn't that complicated. Continuously induces the use of enemy abilities. I'm sure you're tired enough already, but it was the Constabulary's mission to lose even more.

“He uses the manpower field to absorb or push away any attack. You can think of it as having an absorbent field all over the surrounding space. Our role is simple. I use my mind to puncture the enemy's human strength field. ”

He deals with the psychokinesis of SS-rank. They reach your toes compared to the Overrank, but they are also not weak. So it wasn't hard to create a tiny gap in the memory field of a weary overrank. Phantom root explained the coordinates and location of the striking point.

“The only chance I have is once, when Overrank crosses the other side of the road on that disconnected road, I'll use my mind to create a small gap in the defensive field. We don't know how many holes we can make. Don't attack the Overrank's main body. Our purpose is always the vehicle. Don't be greedy. ”

Drill a hole when the vehicle slows down and shoot at it to destroy the vehicle. Everyone had a sniper rifle, and they were all assembled.

Destroy enemy vehicles and retreat immediately. A single shot from a kilometer away from the enemy's capability, and if it fails, the Overrank will strengthen its defenses.

The Constabulary elite fire at different locations at the same time, increasing the chance of vehicle destruction by a fraction.

If the operation succeeds, each unit will run in a different direction to increase its chances of survival. Those with no overrank trail will return in an air transport helicopter.

The Overrank faces a situation that must be moved by magnetism, and the American bombardment begins when the magnetism of the Overrank reaches its limit.

It's a simple operation, but it's all tied up at once. The threat from North Korea, the threat from the U.S. military, the threat from UC. Korea is forced to do everything at this moment in a situation of retreat.

“Individually report the situation of the high order. ”

[This is Nalparam-2. High-definition. End of visual. Sniper ready.]

[This is Nalparam-5, I have high command, I have visual. Sniper in position. Signal standby. More than.]

“Report a road destruction. ”

[Nalparam-3, complete a 30-meter crossover on the road 1 km ahead of the target.]

[Nalparam-4 area does not need to be bombed due to bombing of U.S. military tactical bombers. More than.]

Received. Stand by to engage and engage. More than. ”

The end of the operation was near, and Kang Jun loaded the bullets into RT-20.

“You carry a monster around. ”

“I hear you've had a little sniper attack. ”

Kang Jun said nonsense in the meantime, and the rest of the group laughed powerlessly. Successful destruction of the vehicle will depend on which direction the overrank is headed. Nothing good happened because I was too nervous.

[This is Nalparam-5, enemy vehicle spotted approximately three kilometers back in the area of operation. More than.]

A tactical armored car aboard the Overrank is approaching. They all wore infrared scopes and Gangjundo masks. Targeting systems are active and the landmark has established RT-20. They were all unaffected by reactions, so they stood or sat down and took fire positions.

Since they were superhumans anyway, few people fell down and took sniper positions. A sniper's rifle was enough to shoot with one hand.

- Curr!

The armored car's loud engine sounds from afar. Armored vehicles powered by core engines, one of those vehicles was now responsible for all civil wars in North Korea.

If I had flown in a helicopter, this operation would not have been possible. The United States military is at a crossroads. This operation is possible even in that situation because he did not hesitate to move to gain a tactical advantage.

Even in this situation, the U.S. military was launching carpet bombings all over North Korea to destroy all tactical vehicles.

A single bullet shatters the destiny of war.

In Kangjun's view, an armored car soon appeared. The gluteus maximus injected overdrive medication into his forearm. I stood for one moment. He sighed for a moment.

He was holding a radio in his left hand, waiting for the time to give the order to shoot.

‘It's massive.’

Kangjun was shocked to see spatial refraction around the armored car. A manpower field that absorbs everything. The light refracted and even the armored car couldn't be seen properly.

I was surrounded by defenses like that, but nothing could have worked.

Where the road was cut off, the armored car was lifted by manpower and moved to the other side. An overrank inside the armored car has not been identified.

Even the sound of salivation was quiet enough to be heard. Approaching the target point is 400 meters, 300 meters, and 200 meters. Once again, the armored car slowly crossed a bridge where the road had been cut off.

The moment of shooting is coming.

- Bang!

The armored car jumps down the road and spits out a boiling gasp.


An intangible energy hit the air and the phantom muscle force was applied to the workforce field surrounding the armored car. The immense momentary impulsive force has succeeded in creating a tiny gap at the top of the workforce field. It was at most the size of a basketball.

He shouted.

“Open fire!"

- Kwakwakwakwakwabang!

Fear of falling horses, sniper rifles erupted from each government mountain.

- Kukwabang!

RT-20 also spilled out the waterfall salt.

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