History's Strongest Manager

[208] War is short (6)

“Khhh... ”

Cynthia vomited blood. The identities of Iznitas grew at an enormous rate, killing and resurrecting. They were all bodies, so killing anything did not end.

The Shrine Garden had already become a mess, and the troops dispatched were barely surrounding the area without getting involved in this extraterrestrial fight.

There is no Blueheart here anyway. Getting out was the best choice.


Cynthia is fundamentally considered to be the best value for power. I have lived with a mind of death rather than defeat. Above all, if the battle with Union is planned and only one defeats it, the right to speak in Trinity will be reduced, of course.

Flight is easy, but there are many sacrifices to endure defeat. You shredded Iznitas' body, swinging a core blade, but the others charged again. Damage will accumulate and limit will be imminent.

Cynthia was not even a little tired.


The situation in Iznitas was worse.

‘The output is too weak.... ’

Can't blow the crystal. It was ideal for pulling time, but at this rate, his strength was running out. If we retreat here, Cynthia will go after reinforcements. Iznitas could not take a step back because he could not cause such a situation.

We can hold them off, but we can't stop them. Objectively, Iznitas is currently outputted at the top of the SS-rank, with a few SSS ranks and two SS-ranks total.

Even Iznitas' use of self-immolation was not a win-win, so he chose it.

Enemies have clearly accumulated damage to Iznitas as as they process the self-immolation, and it has been lost and is approaching.

And then...

Variables appeared elsewhere.

- Boom, boom!

Troops surrounding you begin firing at the shrine. I started using force, not waiting for monsters to fight. Of course, the troops didn't know who their allies and enemies were, so they started an attack to wipe them both out.


Iztas' body is absent from self-immolation. Everyone said it was the main body, but in fact, the main body under control was inside the shrine building. In fact, it was a small deception that everyone called the main body.

The artillery strikes the tentacles surrounding the building, as well as the tentacles underground. Rather, the military's bombardment destroyed the half-destroyed buildings and damaged the neural networks leading underground.

Naturally, dozens of the tentacles and neural networks of identities suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

“What the hell.”

Cynthia tilts her head as she sees the self-immolation hit.

- Bang, bang!

“Hahahaha! Those idiots are helping me! ”

The identities disappear one by one, and Cynthia laughs as she watches the building collapse under fire.

“Yes! More! More! More! ”

- Bang, bang!

Core tanks and Ethel blasters are raging and the shrine begins to collapse. A small Cynthia can withstand as much as she wants with her defense focused, but Iznitas surrounding the shrine itself was forced to take a beating.


Iznitas vomited blood as he removed the electrodes from his body. The tentacles were so deeply placed that it took time to recover, and instead, they were still hit by the Korean military artillery.

“Huff, huff... Ugh. Ugh... ”

Iznitas rises slowly on the ground.

During the recovery of all the tentacles, you are hit hard and your goal resonates like you've been hit in the head by a hammer.

It takes time to re-tap the tentacle. The trap has been destroyed in the wrong place, and it is now impossible to create a tentacle and disrupt it. Iznitas was furious at the end of his ill-tempered attack on an unfamiliar ally.

But things have changed, and we can't hold out much longer.

I have no choice but to fight naked.

- Boom!

The shooting was focused on the building, and Iznitas had to break the window and run out of the prison itself.

- Kwachang!

Cynthia smiles as she breaks the window and a mutant falls violently.

“You're in trouble, my little Union. Mmm-hmm? What if that technique doesn't work anymore? ”

“You're going to regret this. ”

Iznitas grimaces and tucks dirt from his clothes.

- Kuku ku Kung!

Soon, the dungeon collapsed and settled. Watching the dust and stones fly, Iznitas wondered what Kangjun would look like when he returned. The shrine continues to shoot Ethel Blaster, but Cynthia doesn't blink an eye when the explosion goes off right next to her.

“Er... All right, let's get these soldiers cleaned up. ”

Cynthia suddenly communicated with someone.

- Bang, bang! Boom!



“Shoot! Shoot! ”

Suddenly, the troops hear screams and rumbling with a massive explosion.

“Well, well…. ”

“Looks like we'll be catching a Union today. ”

It didn't take long for the exhausted troops to clear out in an instant. The thunder and screams subside soon, and a group of troops arrive at the shrine. Two-two corps of funerals were about to run like the wind to help Cynthia.

Tentacle Prison is unusable and has been reinforced to the enemy, making the situation worse.

Cynthia has also begun to mutate for the hunt for Union.

- Boss! Boss!

Once again, the skeleton twists, and Cynthia's body is covered with a huge upper and transformed into a hideous monster.

The transformed Cynthia did not belong to any monster.

Monsters among monsters that combine only the advantages of their genes, the worst monsters that do not exist but are only born in the body of Cynthia.


The ultimate body, the ultimate weapon, and the ultimate shield, crafted by tightly absorbing only advantages.

“Look, this is the end of evolution. ”

Mutants evolve, and Cynthia, at the pinnacle of that evolution, is intoxicated by her own sense of smell.

“The virtues of every creature, the virtues of every creature, are embedded in this tiny flesh. I'm not the cheapskate playing tentacles like you. ”

A hideous, shimmering creature with black air streams across its body stares at Iznitas with a glint in its eye.

“Perform that little Union's funeral! ”

Cynthia shouts. Iznitas knows he needs a decision.

Make a decision if you need to.

The trillions rush in like lightning, and Iznitas rolls his feet in fear of their rush.

- Kugung!


The shockwave strikes everyone at once.

“Who kills who? ”

Iznitas stares at the wide-eyed with furious eyes. Then he cried out, looking at Cynthia who had turned into a chimera.

“You call that a monster? ”

Iznitas pulls out a handy metal ball from his chest and presses the trigger button.

- Flash!

Soon, flashes of light blanketed the area. What was triggered by Iznitas was the subspace generator. Iznitas mutters, staring at the enemies who were snatched from subspace in an instant.

“This, this... ”

Why was a subspace generator built?

Battles in urban centers cause enormous destruction. Especially Union, which has a strong power. When you have to fight powerful enemies and massive destruction as collateral, you kidnap them into subspace to end them.

It was originally meant to end with a trap, but all of Iznitas had to mobilize an abnormal subspace generator that was disabled. And Iznitas swallowed the subspace generator with his little mouth.

- Swallow.

The girl who swallowed a punching ball like a snake looked terrible.

If Iznitas doesn't die, the subspace won't be freed. The girl looks at the enemies and declares.

“I'll show you what a real monster is. ”

Iznitas' body begins to deform.

- Right, right, right! Wood Duck!


It wasn't a big change. His height had grown to the size of an adult, and red air currents were rising all over his body. You shroud yourself in a red mist and emit a fierce aura, flashing a black eye light that could not have existed. Cynthia, a humanoid monster, snorts at Iznitas like that.

“Well, I wanted to show you something great, but it's no big deal, right? ”

But Iznitas, without an answer, lightly clenches his fist at the enemies in formation.

- Shhh!

The red shockwave wrapped three squads together with a shockwave that would distort the space.

- Kukwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwabang!

However, the red waves spread in a sectional shape and swept through the walls beyond, as well as the buildings behind them. It was such a devastating force that it began in that small body. Of course, the true destructive power of this beast could not be reproduced, but this was enough.

Iznitas tears out his left arm and pulls out the bone fragments inside. A frightening red-black, threatening fog blows through the grass. Bones and arms regrown, and Iznitas stood still in the red fig.

What's that?

The strange thing.

That red thing, that ominous energy, what is that overwhelming form of fear?

There was no knowledge of such things in Cynthia's head.

I am Iznitas.

Iznitas looks at Cynthia, dumbfounded by the evaporation of his allies in an instant.

“The power as a mutant is not confined to the body. ”

Iznitas ridicules.

“How does it feel to see the Great Monarch for the first time? ”

The expression froze everyone's faces. The monster that is so famous, but survivors are reluctant to speak only of fear.

The monster who almost threw the world into the abyss. A symbol of overwhelming violence and destruction.


Cynthia never imagined it would look like this.

And despite being imitated, I never thought it would be so intimidating. Iznitas, reconciled to the monarchy, emits a red storm all over his body.

“Behold the power of destruction! ”

The Grand Monarch's roar, which seemed to tear the world apart, shook the subspace.

Iznitas' output is lower than Cynthia's. But the fundamentals are different. Cynthia took advantage of the monsters and created the best flesh.

After joining GR, Iznitas gained the monarchy gene.

The best flesh of the Gorgo chosen, and the flesh of the monster monarch of destruction. Although the maximum output is weak, the base itself is different.

- Aah!

Swinging the Bone Blade caused hundreds of meters of red wind and tore the earth apart. It's not a sword, it's a beast's halt.

Why was the Great Monarch the Great Monarch?

Why was it so powerful?

Iznitas roars with his jaws open.

- Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

The roar that began in the small flesh tore the earth apart and caused enormous shock waves to erupt around it. And a red current swept through the surroundings.

“Khh, khh! ”

Iznitas flashes and slashes two trillion people stunned. The armored field is not triggered.

“No one who hasn't dealt with the Great Lord knows. ”

Iznitas slaughtered those who fled, muttering coldly.

“The Grand Monarch decimates Ethel Sword and Armour Court. This is an EMP for Energy Crystals. ”

We can't respond even if we let them know. Iznitas slaughters enemies who have lost their armor as if ridiculed.

“Of course, the pigs who took advantage of me in other people's vacancies didn't walk there with the power they deserved in GR don't know! That's why I didn't tell you! So I didn't say! Isn't it natural not to share this sadness and this knowledge with your fellow demons who don't deserve to share this fear? ”

- Quadruple!

About a minute until the whole squad is torn to shreds by the wind. Cynthia was at an unbelievable speed. Iznitas eventually rushes to the last surviving Tribune Mule. He's been neutralized, but he's endured a few attacks with SSRank steel.


However, the thumping noise destroyed his eardrums, and for a few moments, Iznitas stabbed his left hand into Mull's eyeballs, crushing his eyeballs and bashing his skull in.

In front of the Grand Monarch, SSRank Knight met a miserable end. He had no choice but to disable all defensive gear and attacks.

“That was quite a mix-up. ”

Seeing their men's deaths, Cynthia's expression stiffens cold.

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