History's Strongest Manager

[209] War is short (7)

Trillion, Trillion 2, all dead at the hands of Iznitas.

- Heave!

Cynthia's new brother disappears, and Iznitas blocks the incoming fist with his left hand.

- I'm fine!

The shockwave causes the earth to crumble and the ground to sink as if a missile had exploded. Iznitas, who stands in the way of nature, Cynthia, who stands in the way of output.

The collision was a massive explosion even with one fist.

In front of the Grand Monarch, all the equipment was disabled, and they all had to fight naked. That's why we were devastated, and that's why there were so many casualties.

Iznitas wields his power and attempts to kill Cynthia with power. But Cynthia was agile, sharp and fierce. Fists, kicks, scratches, and pricks are several times more powerful than Ethel Blaster, though their nature was combat.

Cynthia, who avoided Iznitas' slaughter, grabs Iznitas' face with her right hand. Cynthia also no longer laughed in front of the deaths of her men. Blueheart and Naval and it doesn't matter now.

I'll kill you anyway.

It was just that heart.



Cynthia's palms are filled with a core air flow and a powerful core burst is imminent.

- Kukwakwakwabang!

A massive explosion was enough to devastate the surrounding land.

Iznitas bounces off his face like a strappy kite, struck by a core burst. But Cynthia did not stop at it, but rushed towards Iznitas, who was flying before he crashed.

Boom! Qajik! Wooduk!

The slashing claws, elbows, and strikes tore Iznitas' body apart with a core burst. Cynthia was impressed with how many times Iznitas had flew away and broken through the building's exterior walls.

“You're not going to get yourself killed. ”

Even at the Overrank Station, the monarch's body was still intact, even in a fierce blow that was enough to destroy it.

- Puck!


A red bond blade flew from the dirt and pierced Cynthia's chest. The moment I landed, I aimed at Cynthia and threw the sword.

- Boom!

The red air stream on the Bone Blade explodes and envelops Cynthia's body.


Cynthia took out the Bone Blade, but the inside was already shaken. Immediately, Iznitas emerges from the darkness, and retaliates against the enemy. With every strike, the red air bursts, grabbing, scratching, crushing and bringing Cynthia's body closer to the mop.

“The destruction of the Jablines will begin with your death! ”

- Blah!


Cynthia felt her skull shattered when she was hit in the head. With the shocking wave, Cynthia is briefly unconscious.

But chimeras don't die like that. Thanks to the regenerated flesh even before falling, Cynthia immediately recovered her lost mind and immediately fled as if thrown back.

‘This is ridiculous. ’

It was hard to see that the great monarchy's power was no longer embodied in the mutant's body. All of Cynthia's combat gear has been disabled, so fighting is inevitable. And the fewer of them had overwhelming combat experience than themselves, and there was a significant difference in the body being the base.

I thought it would be difficult, Union, but I didn't think it would be this easy. The best forces she had were dying, and she couldn't escape the classics.

The battle against Iznitas is incomplete. The fight that led to the rush, the rush, the rush, and the brawl was almost breathless.

Union's technology is already capable of creating subspace arbitrarily. Jabline should withdraw everything she thought she knew about Union. The Jablin's skill is only a few of them.

There are no wins in a front-row match.

Cynthia had to admit it.

But Cynthia had no intention of losing.

- Kukwabang!

While avoiding the assault on Iznitas, Cynthia quickly climbed to the top with her fingernails in the outer wall of a seven-story building. Iznitas did not climb up the building.

- Quadruple!

I cut the building itself with a single swing of the Bone Blade.

- Kuku ku Kung!

The broken building collapsed and Cynthia stood on top of it, rather than drilling through the falling building. Cynthia makes her way down to the first floor of the building, rushing toward Iznitas as as she makes her way through the rough crumbling ground.

- Boom!


Cynthia, who appeared suddenly through the gray dust, reaches out to Iznitas with a dark turbulence.


- Heave!

Iznitas grabs the stabbing hand and grabs Cynthia's neck with his right hand. Iznitas finds out about the move, and rather captures Cynthia.

- Boss!

“Queek! Queek! ”

“The end.”

Cynthia, who vomited blood, struggled, but immediately fell to the ground, and Iznitas choked her breath.


Cynthia's been waiting for just one shot.

- Su-wook!

Cynthia's body suddenly came out of nowhere, moving like a mollusk, and reconciled into a snake and wrapped around Iznitas' body. Mutants' fights are monsters' fights, and at this level, each other's fights are ugly and bizarre. Cynthia quickly removed her body and became a snake, stopping all of Iznitas' movements.

“What a talent...! ”

However, the Grand Monarch will not be tied down like this.

One shot, one shot.


Cynthia bites Iznitas' body into the jaws of the snake, and then releases a core turbulence from her mouth.

- Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwam!

A huge flash exploded and destroyed the subspace generator in Iznitas' stomach.

Soon, the subspace assimilated with reality and they were thrown back into reality. The world has found light, and Cynthia has once again returned to the chimeric foam, relieving herself of her guilt to avoid a retaliatory attack.

“Ugh... ”

Cynthia knew she couldn't defeat Iznitas head-on.

That's why he was only trying to succeed in one attack. Destroying the subspace generator was Cynthia's goal, and it succeeded in taking a decisive punch.

Iznitas dismantles his ship with a damaged subspace generator. Cynthia spits out a lot of laughter.

“Hey, Union. ”

“ ……. ”

“Do you know why villains always win in reality? ”

Cynthia is an objective villain to everyone, and I was a villain to Cynthia herself. But Cynthia is not a movie, but a real villain.

The real villain always wins.

Why win.

Iznitas stares at Cynthia, waiting for her body to regenerate.

“Villains basically have more options than heroes. ”

Cynthia reaches out to the building that was demolished earlier. It collapsed in subspace, but not in reality. It was the building that Iznitas had just destroyed indefinitely.

- Boom, boom!

“You can't do this. ”

The core energy fired from Cynthia's hands has collapsed as it hits the building. In the enemy, Iznitas shines a more intimidating glare.

“No civilians should get hurt. You can't kill innocent people. I can do whatever comes to mind while I'm deleting my options with this bullshit. ”

- Thug, thug.

Hundreds of protrusions protrude from Cynthia's body, and she fires a blue-core blaster at every turn.

- Kukwakwakwakwakwabang!

Suddenly, the surrounding buildings were hit by core blasters and literally smashed into pieces.

“Heroes are for movies, you morons. ”

Villains basically have a lot more options than heroes. Cynthia stares at Iznitas with hatred.

“Kneel down, or I'll kill every civilian in this area. ”

Cynthia bursts into a cheerful smile. The buildings that Cynthia blew up were collapsing in real time, showing her the level of destruction she had. Sharpening hundreds of core blasters all over the body was one of those monsters that could do nothing.

Iznitas glanced at Cynthia and said boldly.

“You must be mistaken. ”

“! ”

- Shit.

The monarch's figure disappears into the darkness. The monarchy was once again seen in the air. Immediately, the monarch's right hand flew over a hundred metres and heard a massive red Bonblade and precisely red core airflow.

If the enemy is agile, wipe out its radius of action with a broad attack that covers it.

“Union is a villain, not a hero. ”

- Cough!

A red concussion erupts from the Bonspires of Iznitas, and Cynthia looks at it, her eyes wide open as if torn open.

“And you're not a villain, you're a brat. ”

- Slut!

At the same rate as a flash, Bonspire is shot down towards Cynthia.

As a matter of fact,

In reality, villains win.

And he's not a bad guy.

It was common sense to lose to villains, both in movies and in reality.

- Kuku ku ku ku kung ng!

The explosive red turbulence engulfs the surroundings, including Cynthia.

Union is not a hero group.

To be precise,

It is not a group that is so overwhelmingly defined by the threats of cunts.

In some cases, Union slaughters civilians as well.

So Cynthia made a big mistake.

Through the area of the building opposite the shrine that was nearly destroyed, Iznitas staggers toward the shrine. Now it's back to its original form, and Iznitas is moving his little body restlessly.

What happens when I transform using the monarch gene? ’

‘The strength of the red core is essentially different from the strength of the existing core. You think pumping gasoline into a machine that uses electricity is gonna work? ’

"No"? ’

‘It won't work, because in the end it won't make a difference in terms of core energy. However.’


‘I think if you use that gene, you die. ’

It was a conversation with Winsorr.

Iznitas saves that his body is literally empty. Beyond pain, he was almost numb.

However, Cynthia was not an easy opponent to deal with because she lacked the power of a great monarch. I used a bit of dangerous power, and I was lucky Iznitas didn't die when I flew it to the finish.

Iznitas walks towards the ruined Shrine, resisting the blackness of his eyes. We need to find and absorb the crystalization equipment from the rubble quickly. If you don't, you won't be able to keep your body. It collapses.

“Heh... Heheh..."

You've still got it. You've knocked out the biggest enemy alive. He was able to do whatever he had to do. This will make recovery time a little longer, but we were able to keep that little fella out of Trinity's hands.

Just a little more, absorb a handful of crystals and you'll have the strength to move. Then we can go to the support that is being tracked.


With an enormous scream, Iznitas looks back.

“I'll kill you!”

The skin peels off your entire body, revealing your muscles, crushing your right leg and tearing off half your face, a monster is crawling towards Iznitas.

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