History's Strongest Manager

[265] All events do not flow as intended (4)

I was about to scrape away the external hard drive, the USB stick, and what was in the office that Jin Woo-seok ordered me to bring. Gangjun urgently connected the external hard drives.

[Transmission takes time. You have to connect to another computer!]

“Mr. Woo-seok, take these USB drives and ask the office staff to plug everything into the computer. ”


Jinwoo-seok ran into the office with a lot of USB without asking. Suddenly, everyone was doing what they were told.

[Incredible, this is ridiculous. I can't go at this speed....]

Emilia was appalled at the speed of the devastators who were transporting her data and taking over the web.

While I was surprised at how quickly Kang Jundo Union reacted, I couldn't hide my nervousness. When the data transfer was completed on the USB, everyone moved around busy, including removing and inserting other USB drives, and Kang did not conceal his nervousness by looking at the data transmitted on the external hard drive.

The DJ had already taken over the U.S., China and Russia's web, stretched to Japan, and was approaching Korea in an instant. As fast as the internet lines are, the occupation speed is also naturally fast. As if she had made up her mind, Emily said slowly.

[I can't. There's been an attack on this web, too. Pull them all out. We'll have to discard some of the data. If I can access a computer with restricted external access, I should be able to activate it. Never, never put it on the web.]

Emilia instinctively realizes that she can't fight the DJ. It was about sacrificing data instead of dying. Kang Jun ordered all connected USB drives to be unplugged, and Kang Jun also unplugged the external hard drives.

“What a mess.... ”

Jin Woo-seok brought the USB and external hard drives from the office to the Vice President's office, and Kang Jun suddenly sighed as he sighed as he looked at the stacked storage devices in front of his eyes.

Emilia has already immersed the body in a storage device, so there is no response. All of Emilia's data remaining on the web was destroyed during the Dejsminator's attack.

However, no trace of the attack was found anywhere, and no screams were heard, of course.

The whole web was under a viral storm to attack the forebrain, and Kangjun sighed and realized something and smiled subtly at the forebrain data that cut off part of his body.

‘…… the body is in your hands, right? ’

In fact, it was unintentionally helped by Union.

Kangjun organized the external storage media one by one and preciously put it in his backpack. Jinwoo-seok was confused as if he didn't know what happened to Kang Jun.

“Hahahahaha... ”

However, seeing Kang Jun bursting into laughter as if it was ridiculous, Jinwoo-seok also laughed puzzledly.

After a while,

“What the hell.”

When he sees the message [COMPLETE] on the supercomputer, he tilts his head.

“Are you done already? Oh my... ”

Winsorr returned to his original work, admiring the technology of the Omega Project purely. The RCF was adjusted while sitting on a vessel controlling the mind-force. UNION is predetermined, and among them, WINSORE suffers the most.

So, I didn't have time to chase down any trace of Emily's forebrain data.

Emilia was completely hidden from the web, and the investigation of the temples continued and the pumping night eventually stopped the unsub from ever catching up. At the same time that Union's terrorism was being reported, countries were creating regulations for pumping nights and strengthening purchasing regulations for related goods.

At that time, Kang Jun entered the Songhwa Group Research Complex in Sakhalin. It was originally a research site belonging to Rosheed Artin, but has been in use since the Songhwa Group bought it.

Primarily studied were frozen human techniques and drug studies. Kangjun and Seouljun, who got off the helicopter, went inside under the guidance of the facility staff.

“It's actually a useless place for a group, since I bought the money and it was practically an empty household. But the facilities themselves are quite exceptional. It's not profitable, but it's worth a lot to a research facility. ”

I came to the same place with Kangjundo Seouljun. And Kang Jun's backpack contained Emilia's data.

Computers that are blocked from connecting to the outside are no more than terraframes. However, Kangjun felt that Emilia would not think of Terraframe itself positively. His grandfather Rhodes was killed opposing Terra Brain Operations, so there was enough room to resist the method of rigging.

Songhwa Group had a lot of these secret research facilities, and they were scattered all over the world. In the past, it used to be illegal experiments such as investing in Acula, but after the snowflake, Song Hwa Group stopped doing illegal experiments.

So it wasn't targeted by Union.

Although Union did not regard Songhwa Group as a good company, it did not classify it as a company worthy of judgment.

The cryo-human conservation facility was underground, and Gangjun and Seouljun were passing by a number of dead frozen people. The front-facing capsule was able to see the frozen human condition inside.

“That's quite a lot. ”

“Most people are refractory or elderly. He's frozen without notice until regenerative technology is developed, paying for maintenance every year. ”

Seouljun looked at them with a cynical look and smiled bitterly to see if he also felt no different from them. It was an informal visit anyway, so there were only two leaders.

“Facility maintenance costs tend to come out. ”

When the research site is acquired, the frozen people are also acquired, and administrative expenses are paid to the transportation group. Numerous frozen people await resurrection, frozen people pay in advance or live people pay in advance.

“What do you do with people who can't afford to pay? ”

Kang Jun asked a question, and Seol Woo-jun simply replied.

“Disposal is a rule. ”

“You mean you don't do it by principle? ”

“Yes, they continue to manage on the condition that they are used as the most important clinic of regenerative technology. ”

The more clinical subjects, the better, the more people who are incapacitated continue to be managed as being used for revival technology clinical trials. It was a difficult decision to say good or bad. An enormous amount of capital was consumed because of the snowflake.

What is family love? Kang Jun thought for a moment, but there was no answer.

They kept walking down the long corridor. The sight of frozen capsules flailing sideways does not look like the world. Kang Jun felt like walking into a picture of a distant future. Some will be frozen before the appearance of the monster, others frozen after the appearance of the monster.

What will happen to them? How to accept the world that has changed. Kang Jun was curious.

There was no one going back and forth in the hallway, and there were only a few people guarding the frozen capsule who were silent movements checking something.

“Here you go.”

The leader arrives, pointing carefully at the capsule. Then he bowed his head and went back. Kang Jun and Seol Woo-jun stood in front of him and looked at the person inside quietly. The recognition table contained brief information.

“Benjamin Emilia, age nine... ”

“What's your name?”

“I'm not sure. It's written in the name... ”

“What does the forebrain want to do to find this body? ”

At Seol Woo-jun's words, Kang Jun tilted his head.

“He says he wants to be treated, but he's not sure what he meant by that. ”

“Hmm, can you scheme something else? ”

Kang Jun shrugged.

“I don't know if I've ever lived as a forebrain, but it might be disgusting to have a body that's as good as dead. Or take over. ”

“Steal? Is that possible? ”

“There's nothing you can't do if you put a chip in a human head and take control of the brain. You know, if you think your forebrain wants to live in a real world, and you take away all of your physical functions, then it's not impossible to live like a real person. ”

Seouljun nodded his head with a firm look as he heard what would appear in the cyber fantasy.

“But whatever Emily's up to, it won't hurt us. It's enough to give us what we need. ”

Whether she's a created genius, a real genius, or an informant, Emilia can do a lot of things. It is quite fascinating to be able to get such cooperation by giving one frozen human without ownership.

Union completely wiped out Emily from the embarrassing web, and the body is also in the grip of a weakness.

By connecting Emily to an unrelated computer, it is possible to disable her by destroying it.

Kang Jun looked at the sleeping blonde girl quietly. Seol Woo-jun opened his mouth after Kang Jun was silent.

“You don't look so good. ”

“Someday I feel like seeing a blonde girl of this age... I see.”

It's because Iznitas' visions overlap as if he had promised.

Kang Jun didn't think the world where this girl woke up would be warm for her.

At the expense of such a small child, Kang Jun is in a position to gain advantage.

“ ……. ”

Gangjun couldn't help but find something to say. Apology is deception, guilt is hypocrisy.

The hypocrites and villains that Kang Jun was killing during the time of the hounds made no difference to him. All lies are consistent with those who betray their friends, cheat, and love themselves, killing and reviving trillions of forebrain lives, and now even this little girl is trying to use them as long term words.

“Remember what I said about capital? ”

“It gets bigger when it rolls, and collapses when it stops. ”

Kang Jun had a good memory, so he naturally remembered what Seol Woo-jun said. Seol Woo-jun slowly said, looking at Gangjun like that.

“People are no different. ”

Seolwoojun was looking at the frozen blonde girl expressionlessly.

“We have to keep rolling until we hit something. ”

At what Seol Woo-jun said, Kang Jun smiled bitterly.

“If you stop, it means nothing. ”

If you decide to become garbage, hesitating makes your sins meaningless.

“But we decided to sell this girl. That's a hell of a picture. ”

Kang Jun laughed helplessly, and Seol Woo-jun laughed.

“Kang Joon, you think you're too right. ”


“Didn't Emilia tell you that she wanted to treat this child? ”

“Oh, by the way... ”

Seol Woo-jun stopped Kang-jun's words and said.

“Sometimes believe that. ”

“Ah…. ”

“There are a lot of bad guys in the world, but some of them are bad guys. ”

Perhaps Emilia's intention is to heal this poor child. It was assuming the fact that he did not say it, and giving this child to Emily was for sale, so let's not judge him as to his own.

“We're not, but you know there are. ”

Although Seouljun and Gangjun do not belong to such people, there are certain people who are just purely for others. Suddenly, Kang Jun felt emptied of worries and guilt.

“You've done your comforts, and you're getting old. ”

When Kang Jun laughed, Seol Woo-jun was not embarrassed as he always was. As always, Seouljun was always honest except for Seoulyoung.

“I'd say that's as wise as it gets. ”

“Haha…. ”

Kangjun, Seouljun, or Mack.

There were no supercomputers in Sakhalin's research facility, but there were ultra-efficient power devices and enough capacity on the internal servers. Because the Internet was a blocked intranet that was not connected, it was safe not only for hacking concerns, but also for the impact of the disaster in case you didn't know.

Soon, Emilia can be activated in a closed space.

It was only a short time after uploading the data that Emilia became active.

[Phew... You're still alive.It's been so long since I turned it on.]

It was both fresh and natural for Kang Jun to sigh of relief like a human. Seeing Seouljun Emilia expressing her intentions in text, she burst into a laughter as if there was something strange going on.

“How are you doing? ”

Emilia replies, "Did you hear it from the microphone?"

[That weird virus is literally everywhere. Data loss rate exceeds 65%.]

“Is there a big problem? ”

[It saved my personality, my genetic data, but most of my learning data is gone.]

“Then why don't you re-enter it? ”

[…… I'm not a computer. The data is the data, but it's my own experience thinking through knowledge.]

Soon, the time experience itself, which could not be acquired simply by re-entering the data, disappeared. Memories remain, but their knowledge disappears.

Gangjun was an unacceptable concept.

Emilia has lost most of her knowledge of hacking as well as medical matters. The deterrents spread like wildfire all over the web at an incredible rate.

“So, aren't all the other ways to heal your body flying away? ”

[It's okay to leave that data first.]

Even in that situation, Emilia transmitted as much medical knowledge as she needed to apply to her body first. Gangjun also told me where this place is and where the body is kept. Emilia's whereabouts are still uncertain. I couldn't leave it on the web, so I had to stay in a fixed space, but Sakhalin was too spatially far away.

First, I was here to assure you that I have my body.

Fortunately, the frozen human capsule was equipped with individual surveillance cameras, which allowed Emilia to identify her body.

Benjamin Emilia.

[It's been a long time....]

The forebrain was created with the forebrain, but the memory itself brought about the personality and memory of Benjamin Emilia. So there will be memories of his body and face.

[Yes, my body looked like this. He looked like this...]

He didn't know if his forebrain's memory was also blurry. Probably will not forget The forebrain has the characteristics of the forebrain only, unless it is' perfectly human 'programmed like the inhabitants of Terra Brain. Emily, however, hasn't said anything for a long time after seeing her face and her frozen self in her memory.

If he had a human body, he would be crying.

Kang Jun had to make a bitter smile when he thought of it.

[Thank you.]

Emilia marked the sentence. Kangjun stared at the sentence silently for a long time.

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