A long time later, Kang Jun opened his mouth.

“What are you going to do? ”

[I'll start with the cure in my body, and I'll test my regenerative skills.]

“It will be more difficult to find medicines that cannot be found in this research facility, so the environment will be sufficient. ”

[Thank you, Grandpa.]

Seol Woo-jun laughed at whether he hated being called a grandfather or not. Emilia had something in common with Seouljun in the part where she had to save a frozen human. That's why I took the time to accompany him.

“And then? ”

[Do me a favor.]

Suddenly, Kang Jun tilted his head to ask for another favor.

“…… Things are different, what? ”

[Emilia has no relatives anymore. You won't be able to live with yourself.]

Somehow, Kangjun felt like a lump of stone fell from his heart.

[Emilia... Can you take care of him? If you do, I'll cooperate fully with you.]

Seol Woo-jun was right. Kang Jun thought too much by himself. I've been raising worthless worries and doubts inside thinking about the loathing of doppelgangers, the lust for the body of the forebrain.

She just wanted to see herself live and walk the world. The girl who was destined to die of a refractory disease wanted to see her life again and live in the world.

It was just that.

Kang Jun was staring at the screen, being even more ignorant than before.

With the loss of simple goodness and simple goodness, Kang Jun did not even imagine that anymore.

People are selfish, their own desires come first, and what others have is irrelevant. Gangjun had lived in such a world and was that person. He was one of those people who lost their appearance because they were worn out.

But there are people like this in the world. I just forgot for too long.

Emilia was waiting for Kangjun's answer.

“Another lesson from the chairman. ”

Suddenly, Kang Jun said that with a depressed voice, and Seol Woo-jun smiled. Gangjun looked at the screen and said.

“It doesn't make a difference now that you have a child. ”

It was unexpected, but it's cheap to think of Emilia as an ally at a completely different level.

“And you don't have to test regenerative skills. ”

Kang Jun forcefully smiled brightly.

“That skill already exists. ”

The most fundamental technology for saving snowflakes has already been developed. After the clinic is finished, Emilia will be the first to be revived, not the spiritual one.

Emilia decided to develop a cure for the refractory disease at the Sahalin facility, and Frozen Human Rehabilitation Technology was soon to be picked up from Terra Brain and delivered by Jun himself. There was no risk of exposure since it was only used on her body and was about to be destroyed.


On the plane back to Korea, Seol Woo-jun said that in the next seat. Kang Jun stared out the window with a blank expression.

“There was a teacher. ”

It was the first time I ever talked about the commotion myself. Kangjun hardly spoke to Seouljun about this topic, as well as to Union. He didn't say anything because it looked like Kangjun sunk today.

When someone who is not serious gets serious, you should listen to him for once.

“He was a thug. He smoked everywhere. He was a jerk. He was very good at cursing. If you don't hunt, you get drunk and fight drunk. Not only did they grip me under the guise of a duel, but rather than teach me properly, they cursed me. ”

“There's a reason for your personality. ”

“I'm not good with insults. ”

Kang Jun smiled.

“My teacher and I had that feeling of sharing just the two of us. You know, most of the groups I was with were monsters, and humans were just me and my teachers. That's why it might have been harsher... So more... It had to be cruel, calculating, desperate. ”

Gangjun was talking to himself. It was a tone that said it was okay if Seol Woo-jun wasn't listening.

“My colleagues are friendly. I didn't lose my emotion. Humanitarian, sweet, intimate, fragile. ”

Maria, a singular RCF rider, did not abandon her human weakness.

“You may think that's a weakness, but I believe that makes people human. To be precise... ”

Kang Jun told Seouljun exactly what the commotion had once said. That's what the commotion said.

"Back the fuck off! ’

I yelled.

"They're strong enough to be weak! But you... and I... ’

They were strong enough to have human fragility.

There is no freedom to be weak to us! ’

She screams with a bloody look on her face. I yelled at Kangjun who could not give up weakness. As we have heard of Mary, she has not failed to give up human vulnerability.

You don't have to throw it away. It's strong enough not to have to throw it away.

It can be weak because it is strong.

You must be strong because you are short handed.

More essentially.

You can protect your humanity because you are strong.

You have to give up your humanity because you're the acronym.

“Teacher told me to abandon my humanity like a habit. They told me that I had to be as cowardly and mean as I could be, lie, cheat and somehow win. He said there was no freedom to be swayed by compassion, by compassion, by compassion. ”

Kang Jun said that and laughed.

“But…. Funny. The teacher always hit me like that, got angry, yelled at me... That night, the teacher wept in my arms while I was asleep. He told me to abandon my humanity, and he treated me humanely. I think it was love. ”

The only two who can understand each other are, of course, those who love each other. It is not to be seen as heterosexual love. It's existential love.

“Paradoxically, so I didn't lose my humanity. ”

I had to be human because I had someone who could understand me. Gangjun's words are past tense.

It means that the commotion is not the same now as it was then. I could understand what Kang Jun said. Today, Kang Jun faced something that had disappeared within him. To be precise, I faced something I didn't even think about.

Suddenly I realized that humans had already lost what they should have a long time ago.

Loss doesn't come from loss.

He comes when he realizes his loss.

The distance between the realization of loss itself and loss is too far.

Choi Kang Jun lost something forever with the death of the commotion. The Hunter, Choi Jun, who was trying to create a commotion, was finished by the commotion. A mere hunter, an inhuman being seeking perfection close to the Wall, became an indistinguishable monster.

Isn't it right to think of completion as failure, even if it is completion?

Gangjun said that the fragile and foolish part makes people human. Old colleagues said it still is.

That is, what Kang Jun thinks of himself.

You may think of yourself as human, but not human.

But you can never go back, apart from what the worn one wants to go back to.

The worn parts would have already been scattered in the wind. When you hold dust, it is dust, but you cannot re-affix it.

Sometimes people don't want to go back, but they miss it. Seol Woo-jun turned his head and briefly said to Kang Jun who was speechless.

“You're getting old. ”

It is proof that longing for the self that has been scattered in the days that has passed is aging.

“Time is fair. ”

What does it mean that time is not just, but just by time? Seol Woo-jun felt that the emotions that Choi Jun accumulated were insufficient to express in a few words.

So I didn't say anything.

It didn't take long to test Emilia's cure. Kangjun replaced the clinic by testing Emilia's refractory disease on the terrafrane and the drugs produced by her forebrain.

The effect showed a nonsense efficacy of ≥ 98% treatment rate. Along with the pumping night, Emilia may have had tremendous medical potential in the first place, apart from her ability to learn.

The cure for snowflake was just about to enter the terraframe simulation after finishing manufacturing.

In this case, a little more time was needed. Apart from the refractory medicine, this is a new drug that can restore the body of people who have failed mutant experiments.

It was a new drug developed for snowflakes, but it had to be approached with great care as it would save a huge number of people if commercialized.

At the end of the pumping night, the information control was complete, and Gangjun and Arslan shared their deepest regrets. As Aslan did not know about the investigation of Gangjun, neither did he know about the investigation of Arslan.

The interest in Union's terrorist events has become increasingly fading, and pentagonal alliances and SNAA's vomiting of Union are becoming fading, and it is imperative to see Union's awareness.

Because they did not want to provoke the Mad Dog, the movement of both allies evolved naturally towards cautious increases in armed forces.

Apart from that, lower templates began basic practical hunting with the help of Alpha-Sod and the United Nations, South Korea and North Korea.

People in both countries were reluctant to see amateur hunters hunt within their jurisdictions. The management of the amateur team, of course, did not reveal practical safety issues, as the instructor-level templates made it clear in Alpha-Sod that there were no problems with the promotion.

Kang Jun told the template that he would anticipate such noise well and make sure about it.

Alpha-Shad also started sending overseas hunting volunteers.

The templar began to spread to Korea and the alpha sod to the world. International management took that much capital and time to get there, and the representative was Kristen with Maria.

However, Alpha-Shad was able to quickly become international management just by using the template's foundation. The capital was not a problem because there was a reliable backboat called Songhwa Group.

When the monster crisis erupted, the management business that the Songhwa Group's successor started to create a new market was no different from the one that began to build a foundation that would allow the Songhwa Group to move forward over time to a large group that could stand against its shoulders.

Naturally, the position within the highest alpha sod that created the sequence was naturally announced. Kang Jun wanted to hold on a little longer, although he was still holding on. As I got higher, I often got called to useless things rather than what I wanted to do.

Since it was good to move with the scarecrow, the long-term staff was guarding the position with consideration, not consideration of Gangjun. Of course, the long term sources were no longer aware of their roles.


A colossal VR animation titled "Magic Girl Acacia - The Lightning Blitz" began playing simultaneously in Korea and Japan.

Originally, it was the main ability of Acacia, but the birth of a magical girl and the battle of glamour were the motto of using the power of a slightly more glamorous epilepsy as the main force. Significantly high expectations resulted in an explosive reaction, as well as a flammable sale of VR-related products.

At the end of the day, he secretly watched the animation in the corners and was seen by the H-1 team members, up to the small hazing of suicide commotion.

And that little thing is going on, and of course, the last royalty you're going to get is astronomical.

Kang Jun once again arrived in Sakhalin.

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