The frozen capsule was moved to the open room. What happens now is confidential. Even in the lab, only a few people, including the small intestine, knew about Emilia's existence, and the researchers and doctors who arrived here were not just people in the study.

These were the best healthcare workers on the planet who encountered the MD of AP, the technologies extracted from the terrafrane. It was their first time defrosting a frozen human, so they were on their way. If it wasn't a mess, getting out of the AP was strictly controlled, so I called them to Kang Jun.

They are also professionals and geniuses. Although Kang Jun was the superior, he could not ignore them carelessly. They decided to sacrifice a part of their lives for intellectual curiosity.

Among the people in the study complex, only the small bowel is undergoing extreme surgery that no one knows about.

Rehabilitates the frozen human, stabilizes the deteriorated body state at the same time, and restores the refractory disease.

Her refractory illness was difficult, but the process was simple. His organs were stone solid and literally petrified. The petrification of Benjamin Emilia was advanced to the kidney.

Return the mural.

It's simple but difficult.

Kang Jun stood still and watched as the frozen human resuscitation proceeded. Not alone, to be exact. Emilia, who could not proceed directly, was also watching the situation with a camera.

The surgery was long.

Kangjun couldn't see what was going on, but he could only see that something was going on.

The hospital room in the lab, the girl's long sleeping cheeks were blooming, and she was breathing warmly and exhaling. The girl's eyes began to flutter with a new blur, and soon she opened her eyes.

“ ……. ”

In front of the girl who opened her eyes, there was a man who had no idea. The girl did not know that she had been asleep for a long time. But looking at the man, the sick self, and this place that I don't remember at all, I knew something was going on.

The first time I saw him, he was smiling softly. Even though I had never seen him before, I suddenly thought that the boy in front of me was not a bad person.

“I've never seen you before. Nice to meet you."

Surprisingly, the man was also facing himself for the first time. The man seemed troubled. I slowly opened my mouth as if I didn't know what to say.

“My name is Choi Jung. ”

“ …. …. ”

“May I ask your name? ”

The girl does not know the intention of the question. But I felt drawn to something.

“Benjamin…. Benjamin Emilia... ”

The man smiled brightly as if he had heard something more pleasant than that.

“Thank goodness.”

Without knowing what was fortunate, the girl wondered why this man was smiling so brightly.

Kang Jun had to make sure that his frozen human days affected his memory. That's why I asked her for her name. Gangjun asked many other questions. There was no big problem with her memory. Literally, it was preserving the memories until they were frozen.

This proves that frozen human rehabilitation skills are perfect.

The MD team made a medical judgment that Emily's refractory illness was apparently fully cured, but it needed to be monitored first.

Now there are two of Emily. forebrain emilia and ten-year-old emilia who knows nothing.

After more than twenty-five years of human Emilia, she had no relatives, so she was literally born again in the world as a thousand orphans.

Emilia has an oddly similar aspect to support. He knew about the pain of the Refractory Disease and that he woke up frozen.

The girl did not ask about her grandfather and relatives. As if I vaguely knew that this was going to happen, I didn't ask Kang Jun anything.

I was just looking at the faint landscape of the Dazed Research Complex.

Gangjun wanted to deal with Emilia in the AP, but had to explain the terraframe operation essentially. So, first, the forebrain decided to stay in the Sahhalin Research Complex. Once the AP was ready to accommodate Emilia in multiple directions, the data would be transferred there.

[Take good care of Emilia.]

“I'm not sure I can do it, but I'll try. You take good care of him. ”

This made the forebrain an ally of Kang Jun.

Human, Benjamin Emilia will return with Gangjun. Emily checked her physical condition, including a few days of moving her body, but there was no problem with her movement, whether it was the effects of regenerative technology.

“From now on, I'm your guardian. ”

In Kangjun's words, Emilia nodded and did not say anything to Katabuta. Kang Jun felt strange about Emilia's attitude.

If a man comes out of nowhere and says he's your guardian, he's right to be reluctant. But Emilia was not pleased, nor did she show any objection.

“Any questions? ”

“My grandfather said that if I woke up, no one would know. ”

So, if you meet someone you've never met, don't panic, they would say that.

That doesn't make any sense. Kangjun was able to notice to some extent the determination contained in Emilia's blue eyes. I had never taken care of a child before, and I didn't think that day would come.

A quiet child might be better, even though it is more depressing than a child crying.

“Yes... Then let's go.”

Gangjun leads, and Emilia follows. Her usual clothes were a little big, but not too shabby. Kang Jun suddenly came up with a ridiculous thought.

‘…… I think more of you than I do. ’

Kangjun was born in '95 and was thirty-one this year. Emily, on the other hand, was 90 years old and entered a frozen capsule before the catastrophe occurred. Not one or two years old, but five years old.

This situation became amusing because Kang Jun had to take care of a child who was older than himself. Gangjun wondered if Emilia knew about it, but she didn't.

They boarded the helicopter.

“Where are you going? ”

“Korea, you might need this. Come on, come on. ”

Kang Jun placed the automatic translator in Emilia's ear and mouth. Until now, I have been speaking English, but when I went to Korea, I needed to understand Korean.

Emilia tilted her head after several words about how strange the automatic translator felt.

“Can you understand? ”

When Kang Jun spoke in Korean, Emilia nodded. It was small, so I thought I might need an automatic translator in the first place.

Soon, a loud propeller rang out.

On returning to Korea, the most important thing was Emily's identity. Acquisition of South Korean permanent residence rights on foreign status was challenging, so Kang Jun simply proceeded.

I created a new identity just like I was Korean in the beginning. Emilia had no relatives, and it was better that way. It was not difficult to carry out such work using government connections. It was decided that Kang Jun would become Emilia's legal representative.

Emilia decided to stay in an H-1 team home with an empty room. The H-1 team's accommodation was equally formidable as Emilia's original mansion.

However, Kang Jun faced an unexpected challenge.

“Oh, here they are. This place..."

Today, everyone was gathering to eat cake and dessert and stared at Gangjun with a frightening look. Kang Jun felt something was wrong watching everyone's faces rot.

Choi Hyeong-jun went far away without saying anything and came back in a few days.

With a blonde girl in her arms. The girl is still beside Gangjun, even though she doesn't have a face.

Kang Ju opened his mouth.

“I knew you had a lot of secrets, but I didn't know you had a hidden daughter.... ”

He said with a tremendous expression.

“Then again with Maria... ”

“Oh, is that so? ”

- Linc!

In the face of Gina's conjecture and the lead, Seo Aran misses the fork she was holding. The support was wide open. Blonde beauty, I don't know if I can believe it, but if I claim to be the daughter between Maria and Gangjun, I can't believe it.

“No, you guys, what are you misunderstanding? ”

Kang Jun sighed and explained step-by-step.

“This is Emilia. I took care of her for a reason. A guardian or legal representative? Something like that. ”

At that, everyone nods slowly. I did not think that I would have to raise a child among the strange things that Choi Joon does, but there is no law that says this is not the case.

However, Emilia stares at Gangjun.

“Emilia said you were my papa. ”

“What, what?! ”

Suddenly, there was a terrifying silence. Kang Jun didn't know what this was, so he hardened it like a stone, but not others.

At the moment, Choi Jun was no more than Horo Abbey, who called his daughter Namola.

Specifically, Seo Aran suddenly charged towards Gangjun.

“You son of a bitch! ”

Ow! Ow!


- Whoa, whoa!

Kang Jun was hit by a punch and it took a long time to wake up.

“Ugh... ”

“I'm sorry... I really don't know what that means.... ”

“Ah, Mr. Aran... I... if that's true... I'm dying..."

Gangjun was lying on the couch and was suffering from bone disease. As it turned out to be a misunderstanding, Seo Aran sat on her knees in front of Gangjun and was helpless.

“I really thought she was the vice president and Maria's hidden daughter... ”

“You've seen too much drama.... ”

It turns out that Emilia's forebrain has been in contact with the real Emilia, telling stories like that. We didn't know what we were talking about, but Emilia from the forebrain said, 'That man, Kang Jun Choi, should live as four papas in the future.' It was a story of Nuance.

Emilia couldn't possibly understand the words of being a legal representative, so she mostly said so.

Emily lies prone and stares at Gangjun, who is ill. Kang Jun said it was hard because he felt he needed to fix something.

“Pa, not Pa... I'll call you Oppa... ”

“ ……? ”

Emily did not answer to Kang Jun's pain. Rather, it was the performance.

“Do you really want to hear from a kid like this? What a shame."

“I knew you weren't a couple, but you were a father before you were a couple. You're a big brother.”

At this point, Gina's sneer laughed as she laughed at what was so funny.

“Did you say Emilia? There's a lot of empty rooms. Do you want to know where they're gonna be? ”

The support dragged Emilia, who was standing idle, to give her a tour of the lodging. Support seemed excited, and everyone was staring blankly at the empty rooms and watching them shoot.

Gangjun was also looking at it.

Seo Aran opens her mouth quietly.

“…… I'm reminded of Mr. Iznitas. ”

That made everyone look embarrassed. He added.

“Personality seems to be the opposite. ”

Of course, unlike Iznitas, who was shouting in a big, loud manner, Emilia seemed quiet and quiet.

Above all, I missed Iznitas and saw the support I loved burning with enthusiasm, and everyone's heart just couldn't be happier.

Emilia was determined to live next door to Gangjun. The title problem was stifled, Gangjun said no papa, and asked to be called brother as much as possible, but this time the H-1 team said, "That's unconscious nonsense." Uncle, "he said.

Therefore, the title for Gangjun was summarized as uncle.

“No, this doesn't make any sense! She's actually more connected than I am! Do you mind if I call you uncle? ”

Kang Jun Choi explained Emily's situation, but Seo Aran said in a cool tone.

“Then you can call her your sister. ”

“Well, that's... ”

“What a shame. ”

“People get ugly when they get older. You were no exception. ”

Kang Jun, who became ugly, frowned on the sofa.

“It's always bothering me.... ”

There was a small commotion, but the H-1 team was not obscure, and Emilia was too quiet, but not harsh.

I have a new family. He is not a hunter, he is not a friend of Gangjun, he is just a child who needs protection. It seemed like support was more pleasant than anyone else, and everyone felt like they had a cute little brother.

“I'm the lead actress, call me the lead sister at ease. ”

At that point, Kang Jun, who was frozen, suddenly woke up.

“…… I'm you, why is Joo-yeon my older sister? Let's go to Auntie Equally! ”

“W-what? I'm not a lady! You're still so plump! Unlike you and me! ”

“What's the difference! Soon Ju-yeon will be thirty... Unh!"

“Shut up!"

Kang Jun, who was hit by another one, collapsed. In the end, everyone was named as their older sister, and Kang Jun was the only one left.

“It's unfair.... ”

No one listened to the sofa, even though it was crying.

Emilia was able to recognize that this group was not unusual.

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