History's Strongest Manager

[270] Legends are made (2)

“Hmm……. Yeah, well... Go ahead. I'm driving. I'll call you back in a minute. ”

Kang Jun answered the call from the manager of River's team and hung up after answering. Kang Jun, who was holding the wheel, was still thinking.

Templar directly into the dungeon brake? ’

Kang Jun nods at the request for assistance from the River Team. Kang Jun could not erase the feeling of disgust.

The more dangerous the templates Kang Jun knows, the less likely he is to go. There will be no templates sent directly to the anomalies in mainland America that are already being sufficiently defensive there. If Templar doesn't go, someone will cope, and there is no reason to go there.

However, Templar was committed to the incident and requested the assistance of River's team.

‘Now that I have a strong alliance, I want to test the power in real life...' Or…. '

- Bye-bye!

“Oh, dear. ”

The rear car honked as it did not leave even though the signal had changed, and Kang Jun hurriedly left.

Did you notice something? ’

I don't know where the notable corners were, but it's not surprising that something like this could happen because of a strange feeling.

The Templers are Bondi, a group that worships the word "safety first."

So Rivers' help is useless and they can sell traps like this. It is difficult to destroy an alliance that has already been formed. There is a bigger issue than what happened when the alliance formed.

If so, it is ideal to eliminate groups that can influence them. Moreover, if River's team were to be honest and not killed, there wouldn't be a better picture.

“Sir, what did the monster look like? ”

Emelia bites, sitting quietly with her seat belt on next to her. Then Kang Jun got out of all sorts of thoughts.

“Well…. There are many kinds of monsters, some that look like animals, and some that look terrible. ”

“You don't talk to monsters? ”

“On that side. Why?”

“I just thought it would be nice if we could talk. ”

He smiled at a quite unique point of view. Emilia became a frozen person in a world without monsters, and when she woke up, she first encountered the concept of monsters. That's why I've never seen a monster before, but there were a lot of questions.

So I was not prejudiced, and I did not know what is acceptable in today's society.

What would it be like if it was a world where monsters could communicate with each other? Gangjun was unknown.

However, it was impossible to communicate with the current monsters. There was only such a reality. Emily stares blankly at the buildings and buildings that are passing through the window.

“Why do monsters kill people? ”

“I don't know.”

Emilia brings back problems she never thought about. Gangjun doesn't know how to treat children. But lately, I felt like I was becoming confused.

Without pretending, just treat it as a person. It might not be any different because everyone is a child like that.

“Actually, I don't know. ”

Gangjun smiled and said that, and Emilia stared at Gangjun and said as if passing by.

“You're always smiling. ”


“But I'm always surprised with a different look on my face. ”

At that, Kang Jun was a little surprised. Gangjun was always smiling, but he knew that although Emily could not read the subtle emotional changes hidden within the smile.

Emelia, you always look so fat.

Choi Kang-joon, smiling all the time.

In fact, there may not be a difference between the two.

Gangjun soon arrived at his destination and dropped Emily off from the car.

“We're here.”

“I'll be back.”

“Well, have a good day. Call me if anything happens. ”


Emily bows to Gangjun and slowly walks to school. Just because Emilia gets out of a high-end sedan doesn't mean that there are children or parents staring at her. The parents of all the children who attended this school were in a wealthy family, and of course, they had to have something like a high-end sedan.

Kang Jun was sitting on the bonnet looking at the back of Emilia who was going to school.

‘That's funny. ’

Looking at the children who were fluent and had nothing to do with the world of monsters, Kang Jun felt that his life had bounced to a completely different place. It wasn't a bad feeling, but I kept thinking, can I do this? Apart from that reality, Kang Jun had to do what he had to do.

Kang Jun called the River Team leader, Ko Hyun-woo.

[Yes, Vice President. High Spirits.]

“Hyun-woo, are you on your way? ”

[I'm on my way to Salt Lake for now.]

“Hyunwoo seems to be noticing something, but I think Templar has some bad intentions. ”

[I felt a sign of that.]

However, we cannot suddenly ask what the intention is when Templar goes to such a place. Templars are cooperating in emergencies anyway. It's natural, but they haven't done it yet.

“I think it's probably rich with very little or no support. You might be in trouble on purpose. ”


Go Hyun-woo said as if he was getting ready. Go Hyun-woo has a strong sense of responsibility and strong temperament. I have acted as a great leader who has never been so arrogant.

Choi Jung believes in Go Hyun-woo.

“But it was better. ”

Trust the River team.

“Rather, show 'how much' you are getting at this opportunity. ”

It's not a River team that's gonna get hit by a dungeon brake. If Arslan set a trap, the temples will know about it, of course. What if River's team falls into a trap that Arslan sold, and they get over it?

There will be no respect.

And with such a fierce trap, you will destroy the arc templar who was trying to get River's team in trouble and those who are in tune with it.

Breaks through the Templar's ingredients. There is no operation as effective as that one. It takes advantage of the enemy's operations. There is no plot. It's just a show of overwhelming force.

“If it's going to be difficult, you can leave. I'll take responsibility. ”


Kang Jun said that you can give up if you are not confident. He replied with a serious voice.

[I'll show you.]

“I believe I can do it, too. ”

Kang Jun stood still, hanging up the phone. Arslan thought he would one day understand the intent of the Gangjun and River teams. So I thought that the duc would be the one to break the alliance or fall into a trap like this.

But it's too soon.

‘Did you notice something...? ’

But Arslan was far away, and we don't know yet. Kangjun wanted Arslan to dig a trap like this often.

The more likely the River team is to become a template legend.

‘It's the same as before and the same as now. ’

Kang Jun got into the driver's seat smiling helplessly.

The dungeon braking outside Salt Lake City, Utah, North America, was an A rank, and released monsters spilled out at the SS-rank. The dungeons appeared sequentially and generated a total of eighteen.

Fortunately, there were no high-rise outskirts, so Templar entered the siege in a slow manner inside a defensive line set up by the U.S. military. The men inside the perimeter have already been alerted and evacuated.

The United States of America was in disarray. Under military control, civilians were evacuated and not a single civilian in the anti-oral area.

It took less than three hours for a massive siege network to form, and temples dispatched more than forty teams of A ranks.

The dungeon has already been prepped within the grace period until the monster spills out. The Templars said they would be dedicated, so American hunter forces were standing by near the defensive line in reserve.

The horse is a dungeon brake and creates eighteen cores from which an SS-rank monster with a defense yard spills out.

If it weren't for the United States, there would be nothing strange about declaring a national disaster.

40 templar teams, with a total of 160 or more large templar units deployed.

He was the leader of the MT (Master Templar) -1 team and Chief of Staff, Tillian Marek.

Tillian stares at the vast area of the operation with a hard look on his face that cannot even see the end of the siege.

‘Get four sub-teams to the center of the river team. You can state the name as an internal and external bid. And tighten the perimeter slowly. Gather the monsters inside, not outside. ’

‘…… Are you falling into a trap? ’

‘River team is gaining influence in templates. We're already losing credibility with command. At this rate, the deserters will be treated like real temples. The alliance with Alpha-Shad is also under suspicion for the purity of the vice president. Rivers' natural disappearance is a way of not seeing the dirt in many ways. ’

What happens if the River team refuses to give the order? ’

‘There will be a good excuse for disagreement with an alliance that is not cooperative. ’

‘…… so what happens to the four teams that will be accompanied by the River team? ’

‘… Tillian. ’

‘Yes, arc templar. ’

‘For tomorrow, for temples. Sadly, sometimes there are "inevitable sacrifices." You know that. Just as you are here at the end of the inevitable sacrifice of others. Isn't that right?’

‘ ……. ’

‘If you finish well this time, I will create a place for you in the GAT team. Go.'

With that, Arslan blocked further questions. Tillian stands still. There's still time.

No matter what you become templates for. That kind of anxiety disappeared long ago. Wanting to rescue the helpless while wandering Yagi, he has not experienced combat because of his talents, but has focused on only Crystallizing at the base.

She is talented and was treated as unharmed for the future. The crystals they sent together have become their own.

Around the time five of them were dying, Tillian had a conviction.

Even to remember their sacrifices, one must survive for the future. Growing a little bit, becoming a little bit stronger led to a belief that they had to realize the same public good that they had sacrificed for themselves.

In fact, all templates that are 'subjected' to arbitraging have that idea at first. Only then can I forget the guilt of my talented colleagues templates that are dying as consumables for hunting.

Talented people have gained the courage to live now by taking responsibility for the future. Just as talented people have a limit, talented people have to somehow unravel the tears that were excluded from the fight.

He is a Grandmaster-class senior template who recently reached S rank.

He always acted for the benefit of the templates rather than the public good. I soon forgot my past beliefs and debts in such boring and dishonest days.

I haven't looked down a bird in a long time since I only stared at the high places. Watching a civilian die and avoiding a clear fight, he was able to rationalize everything with one word: He now entrusts everything to the future.

I didn't like it, but I had to do it when I was given the Political Duke's order for the pentagon. At that time, I continued to wonder why I had to do this, apart from being overcome by a guy named Choi Jun.

But this time it's different.

The Arc Templar commands him to abandon his men. If you are a team of four, the minimum members are 16, and the templates here are at least B rank. He ordered the River Team to die among the monsters, using them as a hand to throw sixteen.

‘What is the future that we have to protect like this? Is there even such a thing? ’

Perhaps because of that order, Tillian once again raises his head in doubts that he had forgotten long ago. I realized a long time ago that it was just oral to avoid the current crisis, and I decided.

Where the hell are temples and what are they for?

[HQ, follow instructions.]

But it was too late. He has been in this hypocritical group for a long time, and he has become a senior template of many hypocrites. In fact, I don't even want to join GAT.

He who has become accustomed to turning away is now used to turning away from his colleagues.

It is because he does not refuse the order, and he knows too well that he will eventually repeat the command of the arc template like a parrot to the radio.

“This is HQ. I'll brief you on the operation. Be familiar.”

“Operational aspects take a siege, but form an internal invasion troupe to disperse the enemy's strong resistance. The role of internal penetration disrupts and repels enemies from the center of the siege network. The key players are the River team and HT-7,8,9,10 team…. And…"

Tillian is silent for a moment. He obeys orders, as always. But a little, it destroys the self that has to obey these orders.

To destroy himself, Tillian adds.

“I'm coming. ”

If you want to drive your colleagues to their deaths, you will die there, too. Tillian didn't want to wait any longer for a future where even his comrades had to be sacrificed to protect it.

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