History's Strongest Manager

[271] Legends are made (3)

After handing over all of HQ's authority to the deputy, Tillion moves into position. As soon as the contents of the operation were delivered, the Arc Templar's contact sounded urgent.

[What are you doing, Tillian?]

The arc templar seems to suppress something, but speaks in a voice full of anger.

“Too obvious a trap. ”

What does that mean?]

“Putting a few minor teams and a River team together is a clear demonstration of their willingness to throw them away. But if I, the head of HQ, were to come with you, the River team wouldn't doubt it. ”

In fact, the River team knew they were going to fall into a trap, but they were confused that Tillian, the field leader, was coming in person. The leader couldn't have come in person for the hand and had no reason to. It was just Tillian's whimsy.

Tillian's argument is reasonable. Use one of the commanders as a scapegoat to make your Trap more plausible.

[…… fool.]

I could feel the end of the arc templar trembling. But Arslan has not withheld Tillion. That's the kind of arc templar Tillian knows.

This action has already left the Arc Templar's sight. With only doubt in his mind, Arslan will abandon Tillion.

The call was lost, and soon Tillian arrived at the waiting spot for the River team and 7,8,9,10. The templar teams are relieved that Tillion is here.

None of them know that Tillian came here to die. The five River teams appeared to have casually bowed down to Tillian.

“This is Tillian, in position. HQ, please advise. ”

His old colleague, MT-1 team commander Hador, will lead the MT-1 team as his successor. Tillian gets tired, and he feels guilty about leaving the burden to his colleagues and friends.

But Tillian had no intention of stepping down.

[Herein initiates HQ, envelope formation and penetration inputs into the current time zone.]

“Let's go.”

Everyone quickly initiated the deployment to the center of the surrounding network with a firm look. The space where the dungeon had already occurred was cracking and entering the open phase. Dungeon Brake imminent.

I'm going to die while Templar is still Templar.

Tillian runs and runs with his lips clenched.

Two hours later,

Tillian looks at the demons.

“Don't say that... This is ridiculous.... ”

The SS-rank monsters from the dungeon brake, the monsters that ran out with the overwhelming defensive field, were simply monsters who were too much to judge as SS-rank. A monster in this state must have a large, heavily armed army with only one body.

If you are a Hunter team, you must have at least ten Hunters of rank A to capture one SS-rank monster.


- Boom, boom! Boom!

The four Knights of the River team were moving at an invisible speed, literally crushing their enemies.

The monsters are getting bigger and stronger, unable to change their resistance, and the defensive field is being broken and limbs torn off.

That's not what's even more surprising.

Located in the center of the siege, they were, of course, exposed to attacks from all sides. However, one man was in charge of one defense, one from the east, one from the south and one from the west. Defeat SS-rank monsters with short notice. Cuts and slices the Pokémon at a speed that is hard to follow, even with Night's Reflexes.

The team leader in the middle, Go Hyun Woo, was focusing on his mind, identifying the movements of each person, and carrying out a rapid adjustment of his assistants in real time.

Nevertheless, he looked relaxed.

The HT team members who had been instructed to kill themselves had to step back to avoid interfering with their fight.

‘S rank Time Capacity Co Hyun Woo... ’

Tillion knew that River's team was more than just the Night's Team. Their true power is accomplished by what appears to be doing nothing right now.

Increases retention time for River's team while accelerating real time. They fight at that speed, but their guard time grows so that they can make the best judgments and best attacks.

There are only four A rank knights. That's where the Srank Time Abilities come in. That Time Ability is just a difficult assistant to use for direct attacks.

But the River team's overall rank is SS.

Tillian continues to think that four A ranks and one S rank combined would be a bit much to get an SS-rank.

I have suspected that Korea's capability certification assessment is a bit lax.

- Blah!

Park Seo-yeon's Ethel Sword suddenly expanded to four meters and split the beast six times in a row into the arena. The body of the SSrank beast that had quickly become flesh and blood has collapsed. But even before the body collapsed, Seo-yeon was attacking the next target.

Ko Hyun-woo's eyes were flashing with a strange white light.

“It's an attack from underneath, right below me. ”

Ko Hyun-woo's expression suggests to Tillian that he sensed something. But I couldn't figure out what the instructions meant.

- Dwarf!

So it was too late when I noticed the attack with the rumbling.

A sandworm sweeps through the surrounding land surrounding Gohyun. The rush was already at hand, and it was about to be swallowed up by the armoury before it could be stopped.

Then Ko Hyun-woo reached out to that side. And there was an explosive white light emanating from a large device mounted on his arm.

Subject Visual Collapse

- Kuang!

Suddenly, the sandworm's speed slows strangely and almost stops. It was the ability to control the enemy's own time with high time capabilities. Go Hyun-woo gave the order.

“Take care of it.”

For a moment of embarrassment, the temples, including Tillion, immediately pulled out the Ethel Sword and began scrambling the slow sandworm.

By the time the time of the meltdown was over, the sandworms had already become minced meat. In the meantime, River's team has been slaughtering monsters, decimating every defense in the northeast, southwest and east.

Tillion feels that the SS-rank given to the River team is excessive.

No, it's not.

Not enough. He has never experienced, seen or heard of anything like this.

There's not a single SS-rank on the team, but the River team is the real deal when it comes together.

‘At a minimum SSS and team level, this is no different from an overrank…. ’

Tillian looks at the overwhelming battle scene and thinks he can put an overrank ticket on the team itself.

“Stay with me. Enemies get more aggressive. ”

Go Hyun-woo told Tillian.

“You're here to survive, aren't you? ”

At that point, Tillian and the temples finally came to their senses.

“Seismic, spiritual, a little more forward. Seo-yeon, come inside a bit more, Jinhee, it's unique on the right side. ”

Ko Hyun-woo was giving crazy instructions to the communicator. He constantly looked into the situation and gave everyone the necessary instructions at that time.

“The wire is gradually expanding. The temples herd themselves around me, and they protect their spilled enemies from coming towards me. ”

Goh Hyun-woo, who has a new command, has ordered, and Tillian realizes it's best to listen to him in this situation. They're not devoted to the defenses in the center, but they're getting deeper and deeper to catch the monsters inside.

If he had just seen the threat of the River team, he would have tried to stop him. But not now.

They can do it.

The feelings of defeat and death have already vanished from the temples. They hold Ethel Sword with a stiff look and have a defensive posture around Ko Hyun-woo. Go Hyun-woo is the control tower of this commando.

They not only watch, but participate as part of the operation.

They are confident of winning against overwhelming enemies. Seeing the delegation of the River team, they also find their role.

Such an elevation is an emotion that they have never felt while working as templates.

An unworthy opponent, a sense of despair in the face of them, and a victory captured in that despair.

The River team was making them feel something they had never felt before.

“Focus on me! One's coming! Get ready! ”

“Copy that! All units, battle formation five! It's moving!”


The shifting temples look at the beasts that have escaped their annihilation after deployment.

- Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

You hear the sound of giant clouds rushing in, as if to match their harsh heartbeats. Tillian counts the timing with a firm look and shouts.


- Boom, boom!

The knights kick into the ground roughly and begin to attack WearBear.

[Let HQ know. As of this moment, Operation Salt Lake Dungeon Brake has ended. I repeat, operation is now closed. Report casualties to each team sequentially. More than.]

[MT-1 Total Member 6, Gyeongsang2, Jungg1. Rescue team required. Over.]

This is MT-2, total 5, deceased 1, critical 1. Heavy box is currently in transit. More than.]




Each department was counting the casualties and casualties, and the operation was closed.

“Hah... Hah..."

Tillian is breathing heavily, covered in blood. The battle was fierce enough for the S-rank Knight. Rivers roamed the perimeter and slaughtered a large number of monsters, and Tillian and the Knights had to deal with the monsters rushing towards them as Ko Hyun instructed.

Ko Hyun-woo was protected by templates, and assisted with the time ability if the aggression of the templates became dangerous. Ko Hyun-woo approaches Tillian, breathing heavily.

“Well done.”

“Hah... Well done…. ”

Infiltrator, respond. so we can report the damage.]

A radio has come asking you to report the damage to the infiltration party on a loud radio. Tillian looks around and checks the situation. And then I turned on the radio.

“This is the infiltrator. Total number 22. All clear. ”

Not a single casualty has emerged from the invasion party that anticipated annihilation. All members of the River team returned to Ko Hyun-woo's position after the fight.

Naturally, everyone looked fine and did not get a whiff. They didn't even make a fuss, and they just bluntly reported their battle accomplishments to Ko Hyun-woo.

“Good work, everyone. ”

Ko Hyun-woo said so with an office attitude and then tapped everyone's shoulders. Templers felt a different kind of respect for River's team that didn't feel overwhelmed by this tremendous struggle.

They had an incredible fight they had never experienced before. However, the River team reports the criminal record as if it were routine and moves on to a simple civil affair as if Ko Hyun-woo was also paying the paperwork.

Just as the world lived saw something else, the temples, including Tillian, looked in awe. Ko Hyun-woo unpacked his luggage, glanced at his watch, and opened his mouth looking at Tillian.

“The River team will return. ”

“Ah, ah... Yes... Well, well... You did. You can rest a little... ”

“I have the following events: I'll see you later then. ”

Ko Hyun-woo led the River team to the location where the helicopter was waiting.

Tillian looks behind them and forgets what to say. Other templates could not find words to say, seeing their foolish pieces and their actions that they did not want a civil servant.

“Ugh... Ugh..."

Some temples burst into tears. Even if you are happy with victory and the Blader, crying at this moment is not suitable.

“Hey, why are you crying.... ”

Another template next to the tear-broken template patted his back. However, the voice of the template was also wet.

It's a cry.

But Tillian seemed to know the meaning of the cry somehow. Tillian stares at the back of River's team as it unfolds.

Behind it.

Behind the scenes of just going to the next place without expecting praise from anyone.

The old self wanted to be like that.

It was a future me that I had dreamed of, that had now been forgotten, that had now been lost, and that had now become meaningless.

For those who truly need help, they want a life where they can fight against someone they don't want to fight and then go somewhere else to help. They were all temples, and everyone who wanted to be temples had a heart that was small and big.

The remaining temples were enduring the tears of reason. Someone shed tears because they couldn't bear it. The meaning of the crying is actually not complicated.

However, it is sad.

It's just sad.

Because I found my lost dreams in a very unexpected place. Because I saw someone who had already fulfilled the dream that I thought was impossible in reality.

It's already become something, but the present self is not something that you wanted in the past.

After all, I miss you.

“ ……. ”

I couldn't help but feel that horrible, sad, and yearning.

Everyone here can't even cry properly.

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