History's Strongest Manager

[276] Reunion, and Commitment (3)

Now that we have found a useful way to use Emilia's forebrain, there is only one thing left to do. Kwak Dae-wun was the General Manager of AP, so he was left here, and it was Seol Woo-jun and Gangjun who left.

And Seo-young, who will stay.

Seouljun's expression was stiff the whole time that he was sad that he had to live underground without a research purpose.

It was the same with Gangjun. Seeing the resurrected snowman walking outside, Kang Jun thought.

You may not have to be too thorough. Maybe you don't have to sacrifice everything. What's different from being dead and living in this basement? Gangjun has literally become a leader.

It may not be difficult to hide one snowflake. Kang Jun looked at Seo-young in his patient uniform and recalled his thoughts.


“I'm not a representative, but I keep saying I'm a representative, Kang Joon. ”

“It's a habit. Anyway, let me tell you something. ”

Kang Jun had a greater influence than Snow Jun with regard to the AP, and Seongjun acknowledged that. Therefore, Kang Jun could decide on Seoyoung's past. And Kang Jun now absolutely, unconditionally, absolutely needed Seoyoung.

“Do you want to raise a child, by any chance? ”

I remembered how to be a good sister and a good husband.

Of course, Seo-young became a fierce expression.


What are you talking about, grazing a dog? However, Seoljun, who knew the meaning of the word, burst out a smile.

Seoyoung asked me to choose between living in the basement and taking care of Emilia. There are many controls, but ultimately the human mind is good on the outside. Seo-young chose the latter, and Kang Jun took Seo-young out of the AP.

The people around you need to be confiscated, and you can only meet a few others, including the H-1 team. I also gave him a cloak for Snow to use just in case.

When Snow came back, Team H-1 became a sea of tears, not a time. Even the strong Seo Aran couldn't fall with tears pouring out.

It is enough to be happy that there are people who are so happy with themselves. There was a party celebrating the return of Seoyoung, and everyone knew about what had happened.

“Do you know Emily? ”

“…… Yes. ”

“Let's get along. ”

Emilia was very unfamiliar in the beginning, but Snow was soon able to talk to her and others because of her unique friendliness.

Kang Jun believed that Seo-young could do well. He liked to take care of someone in the first place, and even though Emilia was not sticky, Seo-young seemed to like it.

Of course, she became a nanny at the company representative, but she didn't seem to hate it. Kang Jun was looking at those who were laughing and talking quietly.

“Hero management is finally here. ”

At the end of the performance, everyone smiled. It took five years for everyone to be back here. But Seo-young tilted her head.

“The Song Team Leader doesn't exist. ”

As expected, the gentle ex-subject knew exactly who was down here. In fact, the Song team leader was the best hero management except for Seoyoung.

“Oh, Director Song, I'm with the Alpha Sword Treasury. ”

“She used to complain a lot about the good old days. ”

“Is that so?"

Seo-young laughed.

The vacancy is now filled. Everyone became a different present self from the past, but even after this painting was completed, Kang Jun felt proud.

Brought snowflakes is actually a dangerous gamble. Gangjun knew that too. With all these reasons in mind, Kang knew that he was acting foolishly this time.

‘Sometimes you have to lose. ’

Kang Jun intended to take this risk.

In fact, Kang Jun may have just wanted to see it separately from the plan.

The missing pieces of the puzzle are finally complete, and it may be that I just wanted to see it again five years later.

‘Freedom to be weakened.... ’

“Ji, Support! Can I have a drink? ”

“Of course!”

Kangjun wanted to see this harmony, this complete, and this heartwarming landscape for a long time. Gangjun looked at the distant cities of the night.

‘Just a little, just a little weaker...' At least this much... Is that all right? ’

As I told someone, Kang Jun was rethinking his mind. I gathered people because my body could not become stronger. That's why I have power. There are many ways to be strong, and no one can object to the fact that Kang Joon is objectively stronger than in the past.

Just as Kang Jun's friends were weak because they were strong, Kang Jun was thinking that he might become a little weak now.

Kang Jun knew that it was just a magnet.

“Let's have a drink, Gangjun! ”

Seo-young gave me a can of beer with a big smile, and Kangjun also smiled.


- Cheers!

The room was buzzed with a cheerful pop as the can lid opened.

“By the way, Kang Jun, are you able to tie your tie now? Looks like you fixed a bit of the scratch. ”

“Ah…. Is that it?"

Gangjun came to AP in a suit and had a neat tie. There were always moments when Seo-young didn't wear a tie or gave it to me because I wore it badly. Kang Jun whispered to Seo-young, laughing at what was so funny.

“Actually, I thought you were supposed to tie me up. ”

“What, what? So far this guy...! ”

“You know, I have a little childish corners, right? ”

“This…. This impostor... ”

After a long time, Kang Jun finally confesses his lie. In fact, after Seoyoung became a frozen man, Kang Jun went to Alpha-Sod and wore a tie without hesitation.

Seo-young frowned and blew a night of honey on Kangjun's head.

- Exactly!


For five years of lying, it was very cheap.

Snow came back, and the lodge was gradually returning to its old, cosy atmosphere. Only one person came back, and it felt like the color of the air had changed.

Seo-young took care of Emily, listened to her story, sent her to school, and brought her here. Gangjun returned to Korea after receiving body data from Emilia's forebrain in Sakhalin's research complex. In many ways, it has been the reality of Kangjun.

It is not simple to say that Emilia was completely at the hands of Gangjun.

Literally, all the information on the Internet was in my hands. Emilia will act as a full-speed operator of Kangjun. After confirming the disappearance of the Dejsminator on the web, Emilia was once again in possession of virtual space.

“This, I think, has been taken away from me. ”

Jinwoo-seok laughed at Kang Jun, who was carrying his secretary around with him.

“Don't worry. Since the roles are different, there will be no work for Mr. Wooseok to rest. ”

“… sigh… “

The evil boss had no intention of resting his secretary. The smallest supercomputer in the world is equipped with the best software called Emilia and assists in the bullying. Emilia can now use bone conduction, not letters, to communicate voices to Kang Jun.

Emelia in the forebrain was quite favorable to Kangjun, just by taking care of her. Gangjun felt that Emilia of the forebrain and Emilia of the reality were nothing alike. Immediately, Emily was strangely unfamiliar and small, but she had a strong forebrain.

‘Is it the same essence to become someone else based on experience...? ’

The two are completely different. The forebrain is strange to be human. Gangjun thought so.

[I need a new name.]

“New name? ”

[Emily's Emily, and I'm me.]

“Hmm…. Yeah, I keep calling her Emily. ”

Of course, Emilia has a self in her forebrain. Apart from respecting the lives of the body, Emilia of the forebrain wants to gain her independence. And it is, of course, a name that is represented by its independence.

At first glance, Kang Jun was a person who was muttering to himself. The sound of bone conduction was only heard by Kangjun and not by others.

“A new name.... What about the Elves?”


Kang Jun recalled Emily blogging under the nickname DR.ELF. Kang Jun did not feel bad about the feeling that the fishing words gave him. But Emilia's reaction trembles.

[Don't you think you're very unfaithful?]

“I'm talking about what comes to mind right now. ”

Emily and reality have the same personality.

[Now that I think about it, that's a strange name.]


[It's used for me all my life, but someone made it up for me.]

It's not that no one makes a name for themselves, but a name is usually given to a parent.

There are no parents who have named her now. And Emily creates a name to gain a new identity. And she considers herself a person.

[So I'll accept the name you gave me, but no names.]

“I feel guilty to say it so seriously.... ”

Seeing that Emilia was giving great meaning, Kang Jun wanted to recount what he said about being an Elf. It would be a precious part for Emilia, who doesn't exist.

[I'm an Elf now.]

Kang Jun smiled as he listened to the words that seemed to be self-conscious.

“Yes... Well, it's fairy-like. ”

Forebrain Emilia, the Elves will now gain a new name and join Kangjun in a new situation. Of course, even though a lot of data has been blown away and you may not be as powerful as you used to be, the Elves will be a powerful long story.

“Then let's give the first instructions. ”

It's time to get serious.

“Create an improved recipe for pumping balms. ”


Supercomputers are not supercomputers for nothing. This small bracelet contains some simulating techniques for terraframes. So soon, the Elves will be able to apply this supercomputer and perform simulation tasks inside.

It became May.

“Dungeon brake burst again. The template looks like you're about to send in a River team. ”

Kang Jun, who was manipulating the VR computer, looked up to the report of Jinwoo-seok. Since Kang Jun's expression was unusual, Jinwoo-seok was slightly nervous.

“Do you want to refuse the input? It may seem that River's team is deployed too frequently in a special anomaly…. ”

“No, it doesn't matter. I think the River team would be good at it…. ”

Kang Jun asked if he had an ominous feeling.

“Where did the dungeon brake go off this time? ”

“Nevada. ”

At that point, Kang Jun's expression became more and more rigid.

“…… America again. Elf, bring up the American map. ”

At the command of Kang Jun, the Elves immediately showed us the U.S. satellite map in front of Kang Jun's eyes. Although it was invisible to the snow of Jinwoo-seok, Kangjun could now see a giant map of the United States in front of his eyes.

The last dungeon brake occurred near Salt Lake City, Utah. But this time it was Nevada. Nevada is situated right next to Utah.

“Another dungeon brake just outside Utah…. ”

“Any guesses? ”

Kang Jun shakes his head at the question of Jinwoo-seok.

“I'm not sure. But dungeon brakes are not very common. Among the special abnormalities.... Rare.”

[Dungeon braking has been spotted. I'll show you.]

The Elves soon mark the spot where the dungeon brakes occurred on the map, knowing when they found the information. It was near the border between Utah and Nevada.

“... I wish I could lean. ”

Kang Jun said with a firm expression because he could not smile even in this situation.

“This could be a precursor to GR. ”

“That's... What…."

“In Greenland in the past, there has been an ongoing series of extraordinary anomalies that have been difficult to respond to. It's a tough place to manage monsters in Greenland…. A lot of people don't know... “

Jin Woo-seok thought that Kang Jun seemed nervous.

Or maybe he's scared.

“When I arrived in Greenland to deal with GR, there were frequent anomalies like that. So soon... This kind of anomaly happens repeatedly... To put it this way... ”

My complexion was white and dull, too.

“This could be a precursor to Secondary GR. ”

The crackdown came. I could not rule out that Gangjundo GR had consistent characteristics. But in the past, it was. Greenland was on the verge of being abandoned, and it was unclear whether any unusual anomalies had occurred in Greenland before the GR.

“What about the River team? Do you reject inputs?”

“No, this dungeon brake will end with a dungeon brake only. Let's put it in.”

Jinwoo-seok went out, and Kangjun was still thinking.

When will GR explode? Tomorrow. Next owner. Or a month from now. Or a few years from now.

We can't rush it.

But it doesn't change that we need to accelerate our preparation.

‘Arslan…. I need you to move a little harder. ’

The River team has already defeated the special anomaly, and Kang Jun is using recorded combat footage as a highlight. The sub-templates shuffle by watching the video. And I look at the strongest Jun who raised them with even more respect.

The rougher Arslan gets, the harder the crisis gets, the more templates are overwhelmed by the power of the River team and the growing distrust of the immovable Arslan and GAT teams.

I'm not sure when the tug-of-war will end. However, as far as Kangjun was concerned, he wanted Arslan to swing the River team a little harder.

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