History's Strongest Manager

[277] What the Reaver Plunders (1)

“ ……. ”

In the middle of a mountain of dead monsters, Seo-yeon looks down at the landscape below the hill with Ethel Sword around her waist. The rest of the crew takes a breather at the end of the battle.

The black paw of Yoo Sulan was caught in the wind. It was a red dusk target. After the battle, you dodged it and delivered the status quo. In a few special anomalies, River's team did not hurt anyone, as they always did.

“What's wrong with your face? ”

Park Seo-yeon answered Dojin Hee's question with a firm expression.

“I was wondering if I could do this. ”


Park Seo-yeon said as she watched a pile of dead monsters.

“At some point, I felt it. ”

There was no joy, anger, or rage in his fights.

“Are we monsters, in fact? ”

The fact that an ordinary person is not harmed in the face of thousands of monsters who will tear thousands of people apart makes him feel inhuman. Park Seo-yeon looked around and came down the mountain.

Dojin Hee smiled bitterly at Park Seo-yeon. It's not that she didn't think so, either.

Among many hunters, they have now joined the top ranking team, which serves a different level than traditional knights, mutants and Awakenings.

If you see yourself slaughtering like that, no matter how monstrous you are, you have to think like Seo-yeon Park.

Everyone on the River team was holding on to their worries, not their worries.

“You said it yourself. ”

“ ……. ”

“Just thinking about it, you're still a person. ”

“Am I right?"

Park Seo-yeon stared at Dojin Hee as if she really wanted to believe that. Ko Hyun-woo took off his glasses and put them on and checked the status of the people. Everything was fine.

“Good work.”

Go Hyun-woo is the leader of the River team. He was a good commander of his team, but he was also a fierce follower of Choi Jun.

It was Jung Joon who revitalized his useless life again. Therefore, Ko Hyun-woo obeyed the words of Kang Jun, almost like a major relationship. Team H-1 thinks of Kang Joon as a parent or family.

But the River team is a little different.

For River Team, Choi Jun is like God.

He was a useless templar, a talented crystal-clearing team, and a useless Awakening Team at the time.

I hooked them up and pulled them to the top. They clearly became a world-class hunter team, and it was a product of their efforts, but it was impossible without the highest standards.

If I exaggerated it a little more, it was like a knight loyal to his master.

Among other things, there was an extreme decrease in any new emotion expression, along with the great sense of responsibility that Ko Hyunwoo is a team leader. Of course, Choi didn't ask me to do that.

Hyun-woo, is something wrong? You're always so grumpy these days. ’

‘Things are getting dull these days. ’


‘Well... I don't want to see myself laughing and talking. ’

That's how Ko Hyun-woo answered Kang Jun's concerns.

‘Maybe it's because he's in charge of killing. ’

Ko Hyun-woo became stingy with emotion expressions as if he were slipping deeper and deeper. Not to hinder teamwork, but the knights also liked Ko Hyun-woo. It was because all the other team members understood how Ko Hyun-woo felt.

The H-1 and River teams are world-class hunters raised by Kangjun.

But the two teams were never the same.

However, they are both the same as the absolute allies of Choi Jun.

“Come back. According to the Vice President, there should be a direct order. ”

Everyone nodded at Ko Hyun-woo's office instructions. To the next battlefield, and to the next battle, there will be something that Choi Jun Choi wants after this fight and slaughter. Until now, I've only accepted it. Stronger through training, training and special skills.

If we can now do something for Kang Joon, the River team can also enter the devil's jaws.

The River team, known to temples as the Phantom, has become increasingly legendary in such clerical slaughter.

But it didn't really matter to them.

Arslan nods with a firm look as he listens to the Operations Report at Templar headquarters.


And I didn't conceal my admiration. During that short period of time, River's team was deployed for a total of seven Special Adverse Events and High Grade Anomalies. However, no power was lost at all.

Rather, templers who were in a safe place died or were injured. Trying to get River's team into trouble, but they didn't realize they were getting tired, and instead, they were getting more and more template-like. The media was already paying attention to the River team, and praise for their level of force was spreading everywhere.

There is no problem with Arslan's methods. The River team makes the template great again and then it oxidizes vigorously. It was a situation where Arslan was unable to do any harm.

But the River team is too powerful. Of course, you couldn't predict that a team without an SS-rank would be this powerful.

“What would you like to do? ”

But Arslan was also a man who could not keep his eyes open as things began to shrink. If I was going to quit on the way, I wouldn't even start.

“There are currently five numbers available for the River team. There are about three things you can do in time. ”

“No, Operation Input is temporarily suspended. ”

Arslan grins.

To take down the River team, you need to know why the River team is strong. Rivers' overwhelming strength comes from teamwork, not individual strength. If so, the team will collapse if we disrupt that teamwork.

“Let's get him back to headquarters. ”


“If your efforts have not been rewarded accordingly, it is not a courtesy to your alliance. ”

Arslan has ordered one more.

“Be prepared to award a GM designation letter to all River teams. ”

In that order, the deputy indicated an obstacle.

“Ah, arc templar…. The GM Appointment Certificate is the highest honor given to templates. Even if they are from Templar, they are clearly outsiders…. Why…."

Though the River team had massively piled up their work on short birds, it was impossible to award the rank of GM (Grand Master). The GM rank immediately meant the entry into GAT, the best team within the template, or it was awarded to those who sat in important positions, including the Chief of Staff.

It may be an honorary class, but there are some things that should be given or not. The deputy minister had no idea why Arslan, who had been trying to take down the River team, would give the River team a GM rating.

“If they're strong together, we'll tear them apart. ”

Arslan said that the deputy could hear everything.

Templates in GM rank do not work as a team unless they are a GAT team. He leads the MT team as a sub team, or even serves as a sub team leader with more sub teams.

Grant GM status to all River teams, divide and activate them. The River team's overwhelming strength is teamwork. Dismantle that teamwork and turn it into an individual, and the rest is just A rank knights.

The deputy walks out, and Arslan smiles strangely, wondering how the torn River team will fight.

The hierarchy of templates is simple and intuitive. Rookie, Expert, Officer, High, Crusader, Master, and Grand Master.

With a nine-step hierarchy, templates around the world are grouped and bundled. Of course, the subordinates are directed to the parent class. The Grandmaster-class template team was the only GAT team under the arc template.

Soon, there was no team of Grandmaster-class members that moved independently in the history of temples without the direction of the arc temples.

Of course, what is happening now has never happened in the history of temples.

“…… and for that I acknowledged the hard work of the River team for which I worked for my alliance and temples. Award them an honorary Grandmaster rank. ”

- Oh, my God.

With the Declaration of Arslan, the museum of temples gathered in the hall resounded. A press shutter will burst, and River's team will be awarded an appointment in its rightful conquest.

Those who felt bad about River's team did not hide the awkward and uncomfortable look of the situation. Numerous templates leap from the sides aiming at the Grandmaster. Or stuck in crystalizing capsules all day.

However, the alliance has been established for some time, and the GM status they did not expect will be awarded to deserters who are public but only recently experienced.

Those who had a crush on the River team had no choice but to protest.

Arslan knew that, too. There would be disbelief in themselves, but now was the time to contain the River team, and there was also the desire to exploit revolt and jealousy against them. The award was briefly completed and was concluded by the River team saluting.

After all, it was as clear as the River team's overwhelming performance. So even if everyone had some complaint, no one could only say it.

The fact that the South Korean River team was awarded the Grandmaster class was, of course, a breaking story in the Korean media.

[Rivers from Alpha-Shad have been awarded the honorary Grandmaster rank at the UN headquarters today in recognition of their continued collaboration with Templar. Within templates, the Grand Master rank is known to be the highest rank, with the exception of arc templates, with fewer than four hundred people in total. The award of the rank of this template was a radical decision. The River team has a high record of defending against major anomalies in a short period of time, and it seems to be an opportunity to inform the world that the level of the Korean Hunter team is world class.]

Kang Jun, who was not able to attend the ceremony due to his busy schedule, was watching the news in the office. Granted to the River team, the Grandmaster class will have no choice but to bring in the noise. He knew that Arslando and the River team would all have reputational consequences.

However, the arc templates are essential for the templates and the presence of the River team is secondary.

He was willing to raise jealousy and inferiority by giving the River team more credit than just flesh and bone.

“I'm using my head... ”

Arslan notices that the River Team will not collapse just by sitting idly and lowering the mission. So I squeezed another one. In the news, Kang Jun burst into laughter as he continued to brag about the delight of the Korean hunter industry.

“That's why it's the pleasure of Korean hunting. My pleasure.”

“…… It looks like you're saying that, Vice President. ”

“You're not wrong, are you? ”

Kang Jun laughed at Jinwoo-seok's point.

“But are you sure about this? If River Team doesn't have synergy…. ”

Jinwoo-seok was genuinely concerned about River's team. Jinwoo-seok also spent quite a long time with the Hero Management Hunters. Jinwoo-seok was also humanely worried about them and liked them as much as he remained by Kangjun's side after his punitive military service.

“Well…. I don't know what this situation is... ”

Kang Jun smiled.

“I think this is a critical error of the arc template. ”

The arc templar is still arrogant. Maybe he'll have a whiskey tonight admiring his operation.

As Kangjun hoped, Arslan stepped out one more time. There was no reason to be embarrassed because it was just that.

[VR animation, Magic Girl Acacia - The Lightning Blitz, simultaneously broadcasting in Korea and Japan, has broken through 500 million simultaneously. It's a lot of playbacks, considering it's only a dedicated device, but it's also an irregular show. It is expected to be quite popular throughout the pentagonal alliance area as well as in one day. The total revenue from VR animation has already surpassed 100 billion, and industry officials have projected to generate at least 500 billion when considering derivatives.]

“ ……. ”

As we already knew, Kang Jun was a little shaken up as it was aired on the news. It was the same for Jinwoo-seok.

“I…. Gina, you're not quitting Hunter, are you? ”

“Well, maybe.... I don't know.”

It was a strange feeling to see a magical girl in the 2nd subway station going into chaos.

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