Homo sapiens

Chapter 378 Opening and Reclamation

April 1st.

The other side of the earth.

On the east side of the Suez Canal in the Suez area, a canal parallel to the Suez Canal has been doubled and widened at this time.

Its length is slightly longer than the Suez Canal, with a single line width of 550 meters and a depth of 25 to 45 meters, which is enough to accommodate a 300,000-ton ship.

The opening of this canal immediately ushered in a large number of large transport ships.

Although the Europa Commonwealth and the Gulf countries are very wary of Homo sapiens companies, the Second Suez Canal is really great. Not only is its navigation capacity very good, but its navigation costs are also lower than that of the Suez Canal.

Although the Europa Commonwealth has reached an agreement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Judah to build a new oil pipeline.

But at the speed of their infrastructure construction, even if they bite the bullet, it will still take three to five years to complete. Not to mention that the Europa Consortium, the Kingdom of Judah, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia all have their own agendas. It would be crazy if the project can be implemented quickly.

As for America's construction of the Dead Sea Canal in Judah, it will also take at least four to five years, or even more than ten years.

Now the two Suez Canals are the lifeline of maritime traffic in West Asia and Europe.

However, for Homo sapiens, the importance of the Second Suez Canal is actually not as important as the Northern Canal and Southern Canal in the Suez area.

After all, the Homo sapiens company has relatively little trade with the Europa Consortium.

If one day the Europa Consortium dares to compete, the Homo sapiens company may even dare to directly cut off the Suez Canal.

This is why the Europa Consortium is gritting its teeth and building an overland oil pipeline. Because Homo sapiens does not have much trade with the Europa consortium, closing the Suez Canal will not cause any loss to Homo sapiens.

After the full entry of Homo sapiens companies in the Suez region, canal toll collection is no longer a pillar industry.

The main industries of the Suez region now are agriculture and minerals, textiles, breeding and the trade center of northeast Africa.

Three new giant rhinoceros canal vessels have arrived in the Suez area. Except for two vessels that are responsible for digging the Second Suez Canal and one vessel that is digging the Southern Canal, the remaining two vessels are digging seawater channels in the coastal plains of the Red Sea province.

At present, the area of ​​seawater rice fields in the Red Sea Province has reached 420,000 hectares, a quarter of which has been transplanted.

Around Hongku Port.

Xu Yingcheng is leading the working group of the Demand Division to the first reclamation point.

Along the seawater channel with a width of about 130 meters, the passenger ship sailed slowly towards the first reclamation point.

Kadir, the leader of the investigation team, looked at the endless rice fields on both sides of the strait with a telescope. It was hard to imagine that four months ago, this place was still thousands of miles of yellow sand.

Kadir turned his head and asked with a smile: "Manager Xu, there should be birds coming here to eat the rice! Will it cause ecological problems?"

Xu Yingcheng, who was leaning on the railing and chewing gum, shook his head: "Don't worry, we have set up pheromone expulsion devices around the area. Those birds will automatically stay away from here when they feel the stimulation of special pheromones."

"I see."

After finishing speaking, Kadir continued to browse the surrounding scenery with his telescope.

Not far away, hundreds of large rice transplanters, similar to hovercrafts, were working in the muddy seawater rice fields.

In order to replenish the soil organic matter here, a large amount of organic fertilizer is added as base fertilizer during the leveling process of the rice fields.

After each harvest, the cut straw will be sent to the organic fertilizer fermentation plant for fermentation, and then returned to the fields to ensure that the organic matter content of the soil is maintained at a certain level.

As long as they enter the planting stage, the organic matter in these rice fields will soon accumulate, and they will enter a virtuous cycle.

About two and a half hours later.

The passenger ship arrived at the small dock at the first reclamation point.

This is actually one of the affiliated towns of Hongku Port.

Coming down from the pier, Kadir saw neat houses and streets, as well as busy employees. This was a typical agricultural city.

The surrounding 80,000 hectares of rice fields and 2,000 hectares of seafood farms are all operated by this small city.

The entire city has a small population. It is just a small town with a population of about 8,000. Most of them are employees of Haitian Agriculture.

Kadir turned his head and said, "Manager Xu, thank you for your guidance. We will get busy first."

"You're welcome, just passing by."

After Xu Yingcheng said goodbye to Kadir, he continued to take the passenger ship heading north. His destination at this time was the second reclamation point.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the next arrangements.

It is not enough to have canals. Canals can transport goods, but passenger transport is too slow, which is not conducive to the company's strategy.

He looked at the rice fields with dense river networks, and the construction of surface highways and railways was not in line with the situation here.

After all, we can't build a fifty-meter-high overhead bridge every time we cross a seawater channel!

So the subway becomes the best choice.

This kind of large agricultural area will definitely be sparsely populated in the future, and the distance between each small town and the main city has become an issue that must be considered.

Why should we consider this issue?

The reason is very simple. Homo sapiens companies do not want township branches to appear.

To a certain extent, towns are naturally closed, clan-based, exclusive, conservative and corrupt.

If the transportation in various small towns and major cities is not solved, no matter how good the employee mobility of Homo sapiens company is, it will be difficult to curb the deterioration of township branches.

Therefore, the problem must be solved fundamentally, which is to destroy the island characteristics of the township and integrate it with the main city and become a block of the main city.

Homo sapiens is fully engaged in urbanization in the locations of its branches in order to kill the isolated villages and towns and avoid the formation of the concept of "locals" due to long-term isolated island living.

Xu Yingcheng understands the concerns of the head office very well. It is human nature to stay together for warmth. He is from the Xu family in Luzon.

The existence of a large family has its pros and cons.

When encountering a harsh living environment, there is no doubt that large families are more resistant to various disasters than ordinary people.

However, the routine within a large family sometimes leads to various problems, and even resists the company's management for the sake of family interests.

Each of the new cities currently being planned will not have towns, only attached neighborhoods, in order to reduce the growth soil for big families and conservative forces.

More than two hours later, Xu Yingcheng's passenger ship finally arrived at the second reclamation point.

This is a small town under construction, 103 kilometers away from Hongku Port, just within a half-hour traffic circle.

The half-hour traffic circle set internally by Homo sapiens is an area that can be reached by high-speed subway within half an hour.

At present, the average operating speed of Homo sapiens' high-speed subway is 241 kilometers per hour, which is 120.5 kilometers in half an hour.

In other words, after the subway is built in the future, it must be guaranteed that the time between these reclamation points and Hongku Port can be reached in about half an hour.

If it exceeds the half-hour traffic circle, it will not be included in the scope of Hongku Port Branch, but will be handed over to branches in other cities, or new branches will be established.

Isolated island towns that exist alone are not allowed to appear unless they are special secret bases.

Xu Yingcheng walked around the second reclamation site and did not find many problems. The main problems were communication problems between some migrant workers who had just arrived from the Nile Delta region and the Southeast Asian employees.

For other construction, supporting facilities, daily management, etc., Homo Sapiens has already formed a complete set of processes within the company. Even if the management ability is poor, as long as the execution is carried out according to the script, there will be no major problems.

After inspecting the place, he quickly went back to make a report and asked the headquarters to approve the construction of a high-speed subway by the Hongku Port Branch.

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