Homo sapiens

Chapter 607 Countermeasures

The intelligence analysis team includes not only sociologists and biologists, but also many professional analysts of the intelligence system.

In the case of Six Claw Civilization.

As the genetic information of several other Six-clawed people has been analyzed one after another, the intelligence analysis team has been able to initially establish a relatively complete impression of the Six-clawed civilization.

At the same time, a part of the picture was also parsed.

Yes, there are pictures in the memory of the six-clawed people, but this picture is different from the picture seen by human eyes, but a special picture formed by the combined action of pheromones and sound waves.

Don't be surprised, because for a planet with no sky, it is not qualified to use reflected light waves to "see" the color and outline of objects.

Therefore, the pictures "seen" by the six-clawed people are actually a kind of habitual "brain supplement".

Their mouthparts can emit ultrasonic waves, and their hearing is extremely sensitive. According to the analyzed information, the hearing of the six-clawed people is almost 73 to 78 times that of humans, and the ultrasonic waves they actively emit can have the same effect as sonar.

In terms of pheromone sensing, the six-clawed people have evolved the ability to identify "flavor pheromone", and this ability has reached an extremely powerful level.

Judging from the information on the sample genes, the six-clawed people can smell the ingredients of items, and the accuracy can even reach a very fine level. Even if it is a few nanograms of ingredients, they can identify special flavor elements.

Therefore, the picture in the mind of the six-clawed man is actually the outline of the ultrasonic feedback, plus the taste hormone sensed by the pheromones, which together form the basic external condition of an object.

Even though the six-clawed civilization later invented lighting tools, they did not evolve eyes to receive light waves.

This is actually a kind of path dependence.

The Six-Clawed Man's ultrasonic detection and pheromone recognition capabilities are too strong, and coupled with millions of years of living in a lightless environment, it is naturally difficult for them to change their physiological characteristics.

Of course, light waves are a common information carrier in the universe, and the Six-Claw Civilization also has related technologies.

For example, in astronomical observation and space exploration, the six-clawed people saw the need to use optical equipment.

It's just that the optical equipment of the Six-Clawed Man does not have a display, but is directly connected to the brain through a device called a "light image data converter", and then the light image will be displayed on the Six-Clawed Man. in mind.

This is a difference in technical routes caused by different environments and different physiological characteristics.

Humans use their eyes to see, but that doesn't mean aliens do the same.

The Six-Clawed Man is an example.

Although the six-clawed people know that light has color, they have no way of seeing it.

Human beings know that everything has a taste, but humans can only roughly sense a small part of the taste. This is the same principle.

Six-clawed people even know the taste of each element, and can identify the elemental components and compound components of items through flavor.

At the beginning, when analyzing the genes of the six-clawed people, Dr. Root and others were not sure what these flavor elements corresponded to. It was not until they compared some of the flavor elements with the olfactory genes of earth creatures that they discovered that this was a further taste. Sensing system.

The pictures in front of me are actually the supercomputer simulating the six-clawed man's flavor memory and ultrasonic detection memory, and then secondary transformation and integration.

Especially after referring to the situation inside the alien spacecraft, based on the activity memory of these six-clawed people in the alien spacecraft, we can deduce the situation of MSG and ultrasonic detection.

It is through these pictures that the intelligence analysis team discovered a large amount of intelligence.

The social model of the Six Claws, as well as their technological level, are what the intelligence analysis team focuses on.

Because the Homo sapiens company needs to assess the threat of six-claw civilization to human beings.

Although judging from the current situation, when the "Hope Spaceship" left its home star 54,279 years ago, the scientific and technological development of the entire six-claw civilization had come to a standstill, this was after all more than 50,000 years ago. thing.

Intelligence analysts are very afraid of the six-claw civilization.

Because if this civilization had been closer to the solar system, maybe the Hope spacecraft would have successfully reached the solar system 10,000 years ago.

As for the six-clawed people's model of relying on genetic inheritance, if they had not abandoned their martial arts and the lack of resources on their home planet, their development potential would be very scary.

If you look at the current Homo sapiens companies, you will know that new humans with biochips can basically defeat natural humans.

And the six-clawed people are not far behind compared to the new humans.

It's just that the Six-Clawed People are unlucky. Their home planet has too few resources, and the nearest planetary system, the Solar System, is 3 light-years away.

For their own benefit, the royal family of the Six Claws ensured that their status would not be shaken, and adopted the strategy of career consolidation. At the same time, they also continued to attack some disobedient Six Claws.

For example, the Kingdom of Okaiga, the force that built the Hope spaceship, secretly built large generation spaceships and tried to eliminate fixed career choices for everyone.

However, their behavior is undoubtedly challenging other kingdoms of the Six Claw Civilization.

After all, other kingdoms did not know the purpose of the Kingdom of Arcega to develop the generation spaceship, and they saw it destroying the previously signed peace agreement and providing a large amount of forbidden knowledge to ordinary waiters and producers.

Obviously, this behavior touched the core interests of other kingdoms and broke the previous tacit understanding.

After two horrific resource wars, the Six-Claw Civilization was very afraid of war and even had a slight stress reaction.

Some royal families and administrators suspect that the Kingdom of Urkega may start a third resource war.

In order to nip the danger in the bud, 45 kingdoms other than the Kingdom of Urkaja secretly contacted each other, and then suddenly launched an attack, directly destroying the Kingdom of Urkaja.

In the end, only one Hope escaped, entered the vast void, and flew towards the solar system.

If it had not been an unprepared hasty escape, and if there was only one spacecraft left to fight alone, it would still be possible for the Hope to arrive in the solar system with thousands of Six Claws.

In the more than 50,000 years since the departure of the Hope, the Homo sapiens company now knows nothing about whether there have been any changes in the Six Claws Civilization itself.

If the Six-Clawed Civilization suddenly descends from the sky and breaks the self-castration of the 45 royal families during this period, the Six-Clawed Civilization will be a formidable enemy.

Although the parent star of Six-Claw Civilization is moving away from the solar system little by little, the solar system is still the closest planetary system to Six-Claw Civilization.

If the Six-Claw Civilization can make up its mind, risk death and survive, concentrate all resources, then sacrifice most of the population, and finally use a generation spaceship to head towards the solar system at full speed, it is possible to change its fate against the odds.

Since it is impossible to determine the situation of Six-Claw Civilization at this time, Homo Sapiens Company has prepared to deploy a batch of the latest cosmic astronomical observation equipment in the void closer to the homeland of Six-Claw Civilization, hoping to monitor some conditions of Six-Claw Civilization homeland. .

At the same time, the Homo sapiens company is also secretly preparing for war. The research and development of various space weapons has also changed from the previous slow work and meticulous work mode to an all-out state.

Whether it is space battleships, space missiles, space torpedoes, death ray cannons, hydrogen bombs, etc., Homo sapiens is adjusting production capacity and plans to increase production capacity by about three times in the next year.

This is all in response to unknown threats.

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