Homo sapiens

Chapter 608 The Last Hope

It is 3 light years away from the solar system.

In the dark void.

A dim gaseous planet is carrying dozens of natural satellites and drifting towards Vega.

This gaseous planet is called "Kaiser's Star". If translated directly, it means a huge planet, so it can also be called a "giant star".

The 17th satellite of the giant star, which is ranked according to the radius of the satellite.

This satellite was the kingdom that had been jointly annihilated by 45 kingdoms. At this time, the satellite was divided into 7 parts, occupied by 7 kingdoms respectively.

After more than 50,000 years of reproduction, even though each kingdom tried their best to suppress population growth, the population size of the royal family and administrators still increased by about 28 times.

Originally, the royal family and administrators had more resources.

Although researchers take up a lot of resources, their proportion of the total population is very small, only about 2 to 3%.

Therefore, the royal family and administrators occupy more and more resources, which results in fewer and fewer resources for waiters and producers. The population of waiters and producers has also increased by about 3.5 times in 50,000 years.

This caused some waiters and production workers to be very dissatisfied.

However, administrators are not just administrators. Soldiers are also part of the administrators in the society of the Six Claws.

The waiters and production workers who dared to cause trouble have long been eliminated by the royal family.

The long-term internal solidification has made some waiters and production workers numb, and also made some waiters and production workers hide terrible hatred.

If the royal family didn't control the force and technology, they would have been overthrown long ago.

Over the past 50,000 years, uprisings have occurred one after another, on average, once every 7.5 years.

The largest uprising once occupied 40% of a large satellite and had tens of millions of members.

However, they failed in the end. The Supreme Court, composed of 45 kingdoms, quickly organized a coalition and used nuclear bombs to cleanse the land, completely destroying the areas controlled by the rebels and killing hundreds of millions of Six Claws.

Of course, the rebel army was not completely defeated.

Some of them fled to the outer asteroid belt, where they established Haywick, also known as the "Wandering Home".

The so-called outer asteroid belt is similar to the Kuiper belt in the solar system. The giant star has a total of three asteroid belts, namely the inner ring, the middle ring and the outer ring.

Among them, the outer asteroid belt is 800 million to 1.1 billion kilometers away from the giant star. When the Six-Clawed Man first entered the space age, the resources in the outer asteroid belt were completely mined, leaving only some water ice that was not enough to fuel the round trip. , dry ice and macroelements such as silicates.

In addition, the outer asteroid belt is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you can get lost and fly into interstellar space with no return, or be attacked by asteroids from interstellar space.

Therefore, after losing rare resources, the outer asteroid belt turned into a barbaric land. It is also the base camp of many Six-claw rebel forces or space pirate groups.

Although the Supreme Court knew that the Wandering House was hidden in the outer asteroid belt, and had dispatched fleets to encircle and suppress it several times, the effect of the encirclement and suppression was very poor, and the Supreme Court finally gave up.

This is also due to the lack of resources in the outer asteroid belt. The Supreme Court believes that those rebel forces are impossible to develop and can only survive at best.

In an airport on Star 17.

A trade ship docked slowly at the berth of the port.

The captain is a thorn-six-clawed man, and he has these fleshy thorns on his body. This is because he and his ancestors have lived on Planet 6 for a long time, and the environment of that planet has changed the genes of the six-clawed man.

After shutting down the engine and communication equipment, it ordered the two co-pilots through pheromones: "You stay behind and unload the cargo, while I go to Baya Port."

"No problem, leave it to us!"

"Okay, Captain Luyi."

Captain Lu Yi put on special life-support equipment and took two crew members off the spacecraft.

It senses the prosperous Baya Port, and there is no joy at all, because this so-called prosperity is based on the pain of all waiters and production workers. This is dirty prosperity.

The gravity of the 17th star is not great, about two-thirds of that of the moon. The auxiliary equipment on the six-clawed people allows them to rely on jet thrust to float.

The three of Lu Yi entered Baya Port and then floated towards the underground city. The underground city of this port is an abandoned ancient city and is also the area controlled by the city's underground forces.

It is only in this kind of trading port that underground forces can exist. In other normal cities, the power of the Supreme Court is very strong, and there is no underground force at all that can continue to exist under the attack of the Supreme Court.

The reason why underground forces exist in trading ports is because there are so many outsiders in such places.

In addition, some managers and descendants of the royal family do not like some of the regulations of the Supreme Court. In the free trade port, they can do whatever they want if they have money.

Behind a large part of the underground forces, people from the royal family are actually controlling them.

Captain Lu Yi came to a bathing place.

It ordered a female six-clawed man, and then said to the two crew members: "Order the one you like, and this time I will treat you."

"Thank you, Captain." One of the thin six-clawed men filed his tentacles, then sensed it with pheromones, and clicked on one of the rows of female six-clawed men:

"That's it."

Enter the special bath room.

The thin six-clawed man changed his expression from just now and lay calmly in the warm pool.

The female six-clawed man used her special sensing ability to carefully check the walls and ceiling in the bath room.

"No problem, let's hand over immediately!"

"Okay." The skinny six-clawed man stretched out his tentacles, and their tentacles came into contact, and then the neurons connected.

The male and female six-clawed people send a piece of information to each other.

The two communicated in the spiritual space.

[This is the electromagnetic wave invisibility technology developed by the ancestors of Researcher Shami, and it plans to hand this technology over to you. ]

[Electromagnetic wave stealth technology? Is it the technology that was banned by the Shaktu Kingdom before Ring 3887? ]

[Yes, it hopes that you can use this technology to completely end the rule of the Supreme Court. Please send this information back to the Wandering Home. ]

[I see……]

The skinny six-clawed man paused: [An, do you want to leave with me? ]

The pheromones on the female six-clawed man's body changed instantly, and then she became quiet again: [Du Qi... don't let our hopes be dashed for the sake of feelings, I'm ready. ]

[...] Du Qi looked at each other speechlessly, but his body was trembling slightly.

There was silence for a long time.

[Time is up……]

[Take care and wait for me to come back! install. ]

[OK. ]

The two left the bath room and immediately separated.

Du Qi and Captain Lu Yi met up, then bought some things in the commercial area, and then hurried back to the spacecraft.

Then the trade ship quickly left the 17th star and led a space city near the central asteroid.

Du Qi and two subordinates secretly left the trade ship, and then three six-clawed men who replaced Du Qi and others boarded the ship.

Du Qi, who left secretly, is preparing to leave this space city and return to the headquarters in the outer asteroid belt to send back the technical data in his mind. This is the last hope of the Wandering Home.

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