Homo sapiens

Chapter 609 Reorganization and Games

The undercurrent within the Six Claws Civilization is surging.

For the solar system 3 light years away, there is no substantial impact.

But Li Qingye did not take it lightly. He organized a secret seminar on this in Galaxy 4 to study how to deal with the possible threats posed by the Six-Clawed Civilization.

In June this year, at the founding celebration of Homo sapiens company.

Li Qingye took this opportunity to hold a high-level meeting at the Galaxy Hotel in Thonburi.

Many company executives already knew about the existence of the Six-Claw Civilization.

Li Qingye didn't say any nonsense and went straight to the point: "Let's share our opinions. Jianxiong, you come first."

"I suggest reorganizing the Space Division." As soon as Chen Jianxiong opened his mouth, he slashed at the Space Division with his knife.

Others thought about it and did not rush to object. Even Mikoyan, the head of the space department, did not speak out.

Chen Jianxiong reminded: "I am not doing this because of personal grudges, but because today's space division has not adapted to the development of the times. Since there are problems, we must improve."

"What restructuring plan do you have?" Maung Gu, the head of the external security division, also spoke at this time.

Chen Jianxiong suggested: “First of all, we must integrate the institutions for space detection and form a dedicated space reconnaissance department, instead of doing things their own way as before.”

"That's fine."

"Yeah, I agree."

Obviously, Chen Jianxiong did not do this for the Field Service Division, because the establishment of the Space Reconnaissance Department will inevitably take part of the cake from the Field Service Division's basic plate.

Dr. Mikoyan also nodded: "I have no objection."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Qingye set the tone: "Then the Space Reconnaissance Department will be established. Hill will serve as the director temporarily for a period of three years. After that, adjustments will be made based on the situation."

Then Chen Jianxiong continued: "In addition, the functions of the Space Division are biased towards industrial layout, engineering construction, and scientific research, and are relatively less involved in war response. In order to avoid the organization becoming too bloated, we need to establish a separate Space Defense Department. In addition, It is recommended that the security forces within the Earth be reorganized into the Earth Defense Department.”

Maung Gu struggled for a while and knew that this was the general trend. The company would never allow one department to control all the security forces. He nodded:

"I agree."

Mikoyan also had no objection. His personal work style was biased toward scientific researchers. He was obviously not very good at the security work of killing and killing, and he didn't have that much energy.

After more than three hours of discussion.

Finally, the Space Division was divided into four and reorganized into: Space Division, Space Reconnaissance Department, Space Defense Department, and Space Collaboration Department.

The last of them, the Space Collaboration Department, was mainly established to manage Venus.

Because the floating platform area of ​​the Venus Cloud Palace Base has expanded to 13,000 square kilometers, there are currently 867 new humans stationed on it, and 8,700 synchronous robots are working at the Cloud Palace Base.

As the second earth planned by the Homo Sapiens Company, the status of Venus must be improved before it can be easily managed and developed.

Otherwise, it would always be attached to the Space Division, and the Space Division would have a lot of things to do, which would be too troublesome to manage.

Setting up a separate space colonization department for Venus is also in line with the development of the times.

The other is the Earth Defense Department, which was reorganized from the External Security Division. This department is no longer limited to the interior of the earth, but includes the Earth and Moon systems within the scope of the Earth Defense Department.

After all, the newly established Space Defense Department has already planned to build six space fleets, which will cause the strength of the Space Defense Department to expand rapidly.

Although Homo sapiens is very united within the company, some balancing measures are still necessary.

After having dinner.

Li Qingye met separately with the heads of each department to listen to the work reports of each department, and he would also issue some instructions.

At 8:30 in the evening, after Liu Zhifan left, Qiu Yingle came in shortly after.

"sit down!"

"How is your health?" Qiu Yingle asked with concern.

Sanji Badalayar said expressionlessly while pouring tea: "Sir, you are in very good health."

"That's good." Qiu Yingle didn't care much about Sanji Badalayar's attitude. After all, he had an indifferent attitude toward other women.

Li Qingye put down the tablet in his hand: "Lyal, go get some desserts, something lighter."

"Okay, sir." Sanji Badaliyar's face immediately showed a gentle smile.

Li Qingye turned to look at the radiant Qiu Yingle: "Ms. Yingle, how is the entertainment department doing recently?"

"We have recently discovered some bad content in some video content from Europe and the United States. The think tank and I concluded that further strict control and screening are needed."

Li Qingye was not surprised.

Some of the vampires that were parasitic on America found that the mother body of America could no longer provide nutrients, so they found ways to leave and tried to infiltrate the Homo sapiens company.

They packaged themselves as philanthropists and hired many literati to gild themselves.

It's a pity that Homo sapiens company knows their way too well.

The entertainment division and back-office division of Homo sapiens not only blocked the soft knives of Europe and the United States, but also attacked each other's industry and culture in the continuous confrontation, fundamentally destroying the foundation of this free world.

After Qiu Yingle reported these things, she suddenly mentioned another thing:

"Chairman, I have some ideas about the six-claw civilization."

"Oh?" Li Qingye was a little surprised, but still motioned for her to continue.

Qiu Yingle cautiously suggested: "I think we must let all employees know the existence of Six-Claw Civilization. Excessive secrecy may cause grassroots employees to misunderstand management."

Li Qingye was also thinking about Qiu Yingle's proposal.

Her concerns do have some validity.

After all, the Homo sapiens company is now significantly expanding its armaments and increasing its investment in the universe. Although the grassroots employees do not know the specific situation, they can see the adjustment of the industry and the surge in production capacity.

But after thinking for a while, Li Qingye still shook his head: "It's not possible now, it's a little too early."

"I have an idea. It is better to use movies and holographic games to initially expose company employees to information about the Six-Claw Civilization, and then choose the right time to disclose the existence of the Six-Claw Civilization."

Li Qingye's eyes lit up: "This plan can be implemented, you can arrange it!"

Qiu Yingle nodded: "No problem."

In fact, she already had relevant drafts.

The hundreds of thousands of years of civilization history of the Six-Claw Civilization are all stored in genes.

As long as a part is extracted and subjected to secondary processing, a large number of movies can be made.

In terms of holographic games, it is natural to use the invasion of the six-claw civilization into the solar system as the starting point, and at the same time simulate all the technology of the six-claw civilization, and then use the technology of the Homo sapiens company as the template for human civilization. The two sides will start a long journey between the solar system and the six-claw giant. interstellar war.

Through this kind of game, employees can not only understand the details of Six-Claw Civilization, but also analyze some suitable tactics by collecting employees' game records.

After all, the existence of the Six-Claw Civilization is a time bomb in itself. No one can guarantee that the other party will not come to the solar system.

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