Homo sapiens

Chapter 623 Fighting

Galaxy Year 7, March 12th.

On the eve of the start of Saturn War (internal beta version).

The two warring parties are: Homo Sapien Company Civilization Fire No. 000001 and its affiliated bases; Homo Sapien Company - Space Defense Department - Saturn Fleet.

The simulated plot of both parties is that the Homo sapiens company secretly launched the spark of civilization to a planetary system. The spark of civilization was not discovered by the alien civilization of the planetary system in the early stage, so it quickly took root on the outer planets of the planetary system.

After more than a year of development, the alien civilization had to launch new artificial satellites and detectors and re-observe the giant planet because multiple detectors and artificial satellites were destroyed by asteroid debris.

During this re-observation, alien civilization discovered that many asteroids affiliated with the giant planet had very weird trajectories. Especially after the new detector approached, there were many collisions.

This situation immediately attracted great attention from alien civilizations. After studying it, the aliens believed that there may be unknown dangers in the giant planet system.

In order to figure out the unknown threats in the giant planet system, the alien civilization mobilized space battleships stationed on another nearby giant planet to form a task force to deal with the unknown threats.

And the actor of that task force is the Saturn Fleet.

The 17 warships first flew in the direction of Jupiter for 5 days, and then returned to Saturn.

Both sides of the exercise use synchronized robots, so they won't show mercy.

As the Saturn fleet begins to return to Saturn, it means that this internal beta interstellar war has officially begun.

In order to prepare for this internal interstellar war, the Department of Space Defense and the Department of Space Colonization had formulated relevant plans seven months ago, but not many people knew about this plan.

And in order to ensure that neither side understands the other, the crew and commanders of the Saturn fleet have been trained in a closed manner for more than half a year, and they have no idea about the specific development of the fire of civilization on Saturn.

Similarly, in the Fire Base of Civilization Fire, those "new humans" who control the synchronous robots are actually drawn from the previous game players, and then adopted closed management for more than half a year. Control the fire base to expand and build various things.

The Space Development Department, which came forward on behalf of the company to organize players to participate in the test, did not interfere with any of the players' decisions and behaviors, allowing these players to develop on their own.

until today.

Deep in the Sahara Desert of the earth, in a node city, the thousands of players were still kept in the dark. They thought it was a simple test job.

This morning it was Santos' turn to lead the team on duty. He subconsciously checked the expansion of the Fire Base in the virtual world.

The sudden fire base arranged a cosmic monitoring station in the outer layer of Saturn to send an alarm to the fire base on Rhea.

[A large number of groundhog alien space battleships have been detected and are rapidly entering the outer layer of the sixth planet...]

"What?" A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on the bionic face of the Santos synchronized robot. Then he reacted and immediately shouted:

"Maung Lin!"

"Here, Commander Santos, please give me your orders!" Adjutant Mao Lin floated over.

"Initiate level one alert immediately."


Immediately, Santos felt that something was very wrong, and quickly asked someone to notify the other three rotation commanders who were resting or on vacation to come over for a meeting.

As for their immediate superior, the Department of Space Development, Santos has figured out the above ideas for more than half a year.

Now it would be useless for him to go to the Space Development Department.

They had previously reported relevant issues to the Space Development Department regarding the development of the Fire Base. Wu Feng, the head of the Space Development Department, could just let them handle it themselves without having to report back every three days.

Once during a performance test, a detector from an alien civilization appeared. Regarding how to deal with it, the Department of Space Collaboration still let them make their own decision.

Minister Wu Feng even directly sent a letter asking the "Tinder Game Test Team" to manage the Tinder base in the virtual world by themselves, and there is no need to report to the Department of Space Development in the future.

Santos felt baffled at the time, and what was the meaning of this virtual game? Is it to test how to deal with alien civilizations in the future?

Now it seems that the Department of Space Development really wants them to independently deal with alien civilizations in the virtual world.

But they don't know.

The "game" he participated in already existed in the real world, and his opponent was the newly formed Saturn fleet.

Qin Yingkai and Vilas, who were hurriedly online, looked confused after hearing Santos' explanation.

"The Space Fleet of the Groundhog Stars? Wasn't their fleet just established recently?" Vilas frowned.

Qin Yingkai fell into deep thought, something was wrong! Something is very wrong! What went wrong?

As the authorities, they obviously didn't know where they had exposed their flaws, and the Department of Space Development deliberately did not remind them of this.

In order to ensure that no secrets were leaked, Santos and others' idea was to use "accidents" to render the detectors and artificial satellites of alien civilization useless.

However, the way they do things is still too crude.

If the time is extended and the asteroid trajectory is made more natural, the probability of discovery will be greatly reduced.

However, there is not much time left now.

The Saturnian fleet is rapidly approaching Phoebe.

Qin Yingkai thought for a while and couldn't figure out where the flaw was. He put the problem aside and asked Vilas, who was in charge of weapons and equipment:

"Vilas, how much weapons and equipment do we have?"

"There are 271 death ray cannons, 122 hydrogen bombs, 706 missiles, as well as close combat weapons and combat robots..."

Santos also looked helpless after hearing this.

There are too few weapons and equipment.

"Damn! The time is too short. If we are given another two years, we can definitely completely eliminate the other party." Qin Yingkai was very helpless.

Santos rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea: "Wait a minute!" He immediately checked the data detected by the monitoring station:

"The groundhog aliens' space fleet went straight to the main base. They may not have discovered our sub-bases on other satellites."

Villas looked at the monitoring data: "Huh? It seems to be true..." He turned his head and asked: "Santos, what are your plans?"

"Now that the main base is exposed, let's simply attract the enemy in and test the opponent's strength first. The other bases will concentrate their nuclear bombs here..." Santos pointed to the rings of Saturn.

Qin Yingkai and Vilas looked at each other and immediately agreed with Santos' plan.

In order to prevent the main base from being directly captured by alien civilization, Vilas began to launch missiles and guide asteroids to attack the Saturn fleet.

On the third day, the distance between the two sides was only about 5 million kilometers.

Under the control of Vilas and a group of temporary combatants, a large number of surrounding asteroids were controlled by the Fire Base and launched an intensive impact on the Saturn fleet.

Although this kind of impact could not seriously damage the heavily armored Saturn fleet, due to the ultra-fast relative speed, the Saturn fleet had to slow down and use death ray cannons and electromagnetic rail guns to clean up these asteroids.

As time goes by, the two sides get closer and closer.

Although they are surprised that alien civilization possesses death ray cannons, the Fire Base has no choice but to bite the bullet and resist.

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