Homo sapiens

Chapter 624 Arrogance

The seventh day after the war broke out.

Although the two sides fought on Titan, and even fired several neutron bombs and nuclear electromagnetic interference bombs from the Fire Base in order to interfere with alien communications.

However, the Fire Base was soon dumbfounded, because the Saturn fleet was not seriously interfered with, but instead discovered the nuclear warheads hidden in several asteroids in the Fire Base.

The distance between the two sides is only about 130,000 kilometers.

At this time, inside Rhea's fire base.

Santos and Qin Yingkai looked very ugly.

"Why are these aliens immune to nuclear electromagnetic interference bombs?" Santos stared at the holographic projection star map.

Although the death ray cannon was used to destroy some of the incoming missiles, the distance between the two sides continued to approach.

Especially last night, a Marmot assault ship, under the cover of other alien warships, had entered Rhea and tested the weak points of the Fire Base's defense on Rhea.

Qin Yingkai made a decisive decision: "Start the mouse-catching plan immediately!"

However, Santos had an ominous premonition in his heart.

But at this point they were at the end of their rope and had no other choice.

The decisive battle breaks out.

Although three battleships were defeated with the help of thick rock formations, Rhea was obviously unable to hold on.

However, the Fire Base sprayed some biological weapons in all directions, and then took several small spacecrafts to escape quickly towards the rings of Saturn under the acceleration of the nuclear explosion.

The Saturn fleet saw this scene and quickly pursued them.

Two days later.

Both sides flew into the rings of Saturn.

Saturn's rings are actually composed of various ice crystals, dry ice and silicate particles. There are also some asteroids with a radius of several meters or more than ten meters.

The back-up plan deployed by the Fire Base here was to set up minefields formed by high-energy bombs, electromagnetic interference bombs, and neutron bombs.

The Saturn fleet that was introduced also discovered the hidden things at this time, but it was too late.

Because in order to avoid the minefield being discovered, the minefield layout plan adopted by the Fire Base is a "C" type plan. It does not rely on direct explosions to kill, but relies on the fragments of the explosion to paralyze the opponent's fleet.

Fierce explosions exploded in Saturn's rings.

These explosions surround the Saturn fleet, and are thousands of kilometers away from the Saturn fleet, or even tens of thousands of kilometers away.

But there are too many dense fragments. If they are covered instantly, the battleship's armor and magnetic field shield will not be able to withstand it, and the death ray cannon will be overwhelmed.

The commander of the Saturn fleet made a prompt decision and quickly moved the fleet upwards. There were at least fragments in this direction.

But the Fire Base worked hard to attract the Saturn fleet into a trap, so how could it let go of this opportunity.

At this time, the sub-bases hidden among the satellites such as Mimas and Enceladus devoted all their final strength.

The Saturn fleet, which was moving upward, detected interstellar missiles being launched from several surrounding satellites.

"Damn it! I've been fooled!" The fleet commander's face was gloomy. Only then did he notice that this star ring was surrounded by several natural satellites.

The interstellar missile accelerated with nuclear explosion propulsion, quickly increasing its speed to more than 300 kilometers per second.

Fierce fighting broke out again.

The Saturn fleet tried its best, but in the end 7 battleships were blown up, plus 1 ship was paralyzed by asteroid fragments, and 5 ships were lost in the battle of Phoebe. They had lost 13 warships, and now only The last 4 battleships.

To make things even more troublesome, the Saturn fleet's propulsion nuclear bombs and ammunition consumed a lot.

Worried about being unable to defeat the remaining enemies, the Saturn fleet had to retreat to the previously captured Phoebe with its last four battleships.

The headquarters of Homo sapiens Corporation.

Li Qingye, Chen Jianxiong, Maang Gu, Wu Feng, Shah Rukh and Hill watched the actual test in silence.

As the head of the Space Defense Department, Shah Rukh, even a Tianzhu native who is naturally optimistic, was embarrassed and speechless at this time.

"It's just relying on the defense." Li Qingye snarled unceremoniously: "Is this the level of the new human elite? I only see arrogance and recklessness."

Chen Jianxiong, who saw Li Qingye so angry for the first time, quickly came out to smooth things over: "The chairman is right. Many problems were indeed exposed during this test."

Although in this test, both sides seemed to be inseparable.

However, everyone present was from God's perspective, so they could naturally see the big problem at a glance.

This is also the reason why Li Qingye angrily criticized the arrogance of the new humans who participated in the test.

The first is the new humans in the Fire Base. They were not cautious enough in the development process and allowed the prairie dog civilization to discover clues too early. This is one of their arrogance.

Then, in the early stages of their development, they paid too much attention to the improvement of living facilities, resulting in insufficient reserves of weapons and equipment. This is the second arrogance.

After being discovered by the prairie dog civilization, they underestimated the prairie dog civilization too much and believed that neutron bombs and nuclear electromagnetic interference bombs could paralyze the opponent's communications and electronic equipment. This is the third arrogance.

Likewise, the Saturn fleet, which plays the role of a prairie dog civilization, is extremely arrogant.

As soon as they received the order, they rushed over and did not conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance at all, thinking that the enemy was only on Phoebe.

During the pursuit, he was even more reckless and arrogant to the extreme. He did not detect the natural satellites and asteroids along the way at all, as if the magnetic field detector on the battleship was just a decoration.

In this actual war test, both sides could have done a more perfect job, but it was because of their mentality that things that could have been avoided happened dramatically.

No wonder Li Qingye angrily complained that they were relying on their defense.

Although he calmed down his anger a little, he didn't look good: "The company must conduct a comprehensive assessment of employees' mentality, and at the same time, the actual measurement situation should be announced directly internally so that some people can wake up."

Wu Feng hesitated for a moment: "Chairman, the affairs of Six Claw Civilization should also be made public, right?"

Li Qingye nodded: "It must be announced immediately. The peaceful life of singing and dancing in the past few years has made everyone slack and comfortable. If this continues, the company and human civilization will take jujube pills."

"Yes." Everyone also realized the seriousness of the matter.

In recent years, with the decline of the free world, the Homo sapiens company has been involved in human involution and won without a fight, becoming the only overlord of the earth and a new beacon of human civilization.

This makes many employees feel slack, thinking that the Homo sapiens company is invincible and they can sit back and relax in the future.

But the company's management is very clear that the entire galaxy is not as quiet as it appears, but is in a state of undercurrent.

Unknown threats may appear at any time, and human civilization is always on the verge of extinction.

If the existence of Six-Claw Civilization is not announced now, the situation may become more serious in a few years.

Li Qingye and the other management members knew very well that they must find a rival and threat to Homo sapiens company, otherwise there would be no way for Homo sapiens company to avoid internal self-degradation.

This is also one of the topics studied by the Institute of Cosmological Sociology.

Native civilization without external pressure is limited by the speed of light bottleneck, which will lead to internal self-destruction or self-castration.

Many people preparing for first-level civilization and first-level civilization failed to advance successfully for this reason. They either stagnated in the first-level civilization for a long time, or declined and regressed, or even self-destructed.

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