Homo sapiens

Chapter 692 Encounter

Galaxy 8530.

After thousands of years of development of human civilization, in the post-Li Qingye era, the speed of technological research and development has dropped significantly.

So far, human civilization has controlled about one-fifth of the Orion cantilever area.

However, human civilization is not a unified civilization, but a loose federal civilization, with a total of 27,000 sub-civilizations.

These sub-civilizations are either entrenched in planetary systems or wandering in interstellar space.

Moreover, among human civilization, colonial subsidiaries near border areas continue to launch pioneering fleets to the wild star fields, or secretly launch the sparks of civilization.

This great expedition, which lasted for more than 8,000 years, greatly opened up the living space of human civilization, and also allowed human civilization to encounter a large number of alien civilizations and alien creatures.

However, the number of first-level civilizations is very small, and only 16 first-level civilizations have been encountered so far.

As expected, the technological level of many first-level civilizations is similar to that of the six-clawed people. Only one first-level civilization that can reach the level of omnics or humans has been encountered so far.

Even a first-level civilization that can compete with human civilization, called the One-Eyed Civilization, is a carbon-based intelligent creature that controls the Centaur Cantilever next to the Orion Cantilever.

The other party encountered human civilization because a spacecraft carrying the fire of civilization arrived at the edge of the Centaur cantilever and was discovered by the one-eyed civilization.

Then the two sides fought there for decades. After human civilization found that there was no way to defeat the one-eyed civilization, it voluntarily abandoned that outpost.

As for whether the one-eyed man will fly across the void and cantilever over from Centaur to cause trouble for human civilization, as long as the opponent's brain is not flooded, there is a high probability that he will not come over to die.

After all, the technological level of both sides is almost the same, and the local defense side has obvious advantages.

If super particle cannons are used to attack human civilization, then human civilization will also use super particle cannons to fight back. Both sides know that the other party has particle cannon technology.

Therefore, in the direction of the Centaur cantilever, human civilization temporarily chooses to focus on defense and continue to expand in other directions.

However, there are huge differences within human civilization on how to expand.

For example, the Galactic Center Expansionist, the Orion Cantilever Outer Expansionist, the Andromeda Cantilever Controller, and the Cantilever Branch Expansionist.

Among them, the Silver Center faction was the first to be eliminated.

As the core area of ​​the Milky Way, the galactic center area is also the area with the richest resources. At the same time, it is also a troublesome place. After all, in the place of the Fourth War, if there is no strong strength, it will just deliver food in the past.

Therefore, the general idea of ​​​​all branches of human civilization is to develop in the cantilever area for a while, and there is no need to go to the galactic center area to join in the fun.

For the other three directions, each sub-civilization can choose according to its own position.

For example, the Dianjin Group at this time, this sub-civilization is close to a small arm of the Orion cantilever, and they launch the fire spacecraft towards the arm.

However, less than thirty years after the Spark spacecraft entered the arm, the spacecraft encountered a roadblock.

A fleet hidden in the void captured the Fire spaceship in an instant.

The Spark ship immediately activated its self-destruction program.

And feed back part of the enemy's information to the headquarters.

Alien civilizations that did not know the existence of magnetic monopole communicators thought they had successfully blocked the invasion. Although the fire spacecraft eventually self-destructed, they were unable to obtain much information, but these aliens knew very well that the two sides The distance is certainly not far.

In fact, the distance between the two sides at this time is indeed not too far, only about 6.3 light years.

Upon detecting this situation, the Dianjin Group immediately became vigilant.

After all, 6.3 light years is too close.

At this time, the heads of the defense and investigation departments of Denkin Group were holding an emergency meeting.

A purple-haired woman squinted her eyes and said: "The information fed back by the Fire Spaceship is very worthy of our attention."

"Lisa, don't sell it, what information?" Hook, the head of the Defense Department, asked immediately.

Lisa listed the information on the holographic projection: "A piece of clear electromagnetic wave communication, the translated content is: activate the communication shielding system and capture the spacecraft as soon as possible."

"Is this normal!? Wait..." Hook suddenly reacted: "How did you translate it?"

Under normal circumstances, even if it is a clear electromagnetic wave signal, it is impossible for two civilizations that have never been in contact to decipher each other's clear electromagnetic wave signal.

After all, the other party's culture, habits, and coding technology are definitely different from human civilization. No matter how powerful the code interpretation expert is, there is no way to decipher a dead text with no beginning and no tail.

"It seems you have guessed it." Lisa called up the database: "During the analysis process, the supercomputer found that this is one of the eight plain codes commonly used by omnics."

Hook's eyes narrowed: "Are there any remnants of omnics nearby?"

"Nine times out of ten, even if it's not that bunch of scrap metal, it's very likely that he's the unlucky guy who got their inheritance."

Hearing this, Hook felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. Although he was not the first generation of new humans, the inheritance of genetic memory from generation to generation still deeply affected every new human.

This kind of genetic memory is carefully selected by the previous generation and the experience passed down from generation to generation.

In order to avoid situations such as "seizing the home".

In the year 844 of the human civilization, the function of the human mother's body in nurturing offspring was completely eliminated, and the Department of Human Reproduction and Inheritance was unified in charge.

This is also to prevent too many or too few children, as well as parents deliberately tampering with the embryonic state of their children.

If genetic memory is deliberately activated in advance during the fetal and infancy stages when the child's outlook on life has not yet been formed, the consequence will be that the child will become "in the shape of its parents."

This is absolutely not allowed and intolerable.

Therefore, the company directly deprived all employees of the right to directly cultivate offspring, adopted unified artificial cultivation, and set up gene locks and anti-memory transmission mechanisms in the children's genes and brain cells.

At present, in order to cultivate employees to have more independent personalities, the company requires that people under the age of 50 cannot release the genetic lock without special circumstances.

Even after reaching the age, the release is done step by step, and the successor is required to choose carefully and only select some useful memories. Do not inherit the complete memory of an ancestor, so as not to affect your independent personality.

In addition, the company also mandates that every inheritor who wants to activate genetic memory must inject the "Compendium of Core Thoughts of Homo sapiens", which is equivalent to a mandatory ideological stamp.

This outline of the core thoughts of Homo sapiens allows the Homo sapiens company and human civilization founded by Li Qingye to always have a common core idea.

At the same time, through the blessing of ideological stamps from generation to generation, today's new human beings are not afraid of death, but can face death calmly.

Those first-generation and second- and third-generation new humans who hope to live forever through human cloning are actually the ideological remnants of the ancient Earth era.

With the decline of previous generations of new humans, there are fewer and fewer new humans who hold the idea of ​​immortality.

Today's new humanity only pursues immortality, but does not seek eternity.

After all, the transformation of the ideological stamp, coupled with the dilution of dozens of generations, and the constant artificial adjustment of the nature of the race.

At this time, even if Li Qingye comes back from the dead, there is no way to change the new humanity back to the state of the first generation.

Thank you for your support (ω). It will be completed by the end of the month.

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