Homo sapiens

Chapter 693 Cage

The Dianjin Group, which discovered the omnics at this time, immediately reported this information to the Human Federation headquarters.

At the same time, dozens of surrounding brother groups were quickly notified.

Immediately, the branches of human civilization in the area did not hesitate, and began to mobilize their troops while holding meetings through the synchronous virtual network.

Human civilization knows a lot about omnic civilization. Although we don’t know how long the other party has been developing in this arm star field, we would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

With the 73 nearby branches of human civilization and the suggestions from the Human Federation headquarters, they quickly formulated various war plans against the omnic civilization.

After all, omnics have a bad record in another star system.

Although human civilization is overbearing, it will not exterminate zero-level civilization and primitive life planets.

The omnic civilization is different. They are full of malice towards all living things. As long as the galaxy controlled by them has no room for other living things.

In the process of expansion of human civilization, 927 information storage metal cuboids of omnic civilization were also discovered in the Orion cantilever.

It can be seen that the "civilization fire" of omnic civilization is densely spread throughout the galaxy.

But the Milky Way is not simple.

After all, there is human civilization in Orion, one-eyed civilization in Centaur, and there is a high probability that there may be relatively powerful first-level civilizations in the Galactic Center and the other three cantilevers.

Orion at this time - on the arm of Aquarius.

The omnic civilization that successfully resurrected the corpse 110,000 years ago has noticed that the planetary system between the arm and the main cantilever is occupied by a force.

Due to the experiences and lessons learned back then, although the omnics successfully resurrected themselves in 110,000 years, they still did not dare to expand aggressively. Instead, they carefully observed the entire galaxy.

Although they did not dare to expand aggressively, the omnics still controlled about 46% of the planetary system in this arm in 110,000 years, and eliminated two relatively weak first-level civilizations.

At this time, they finally met the "main force" of the galaxy, which made the master of the omnics suddenly become vigilant.

The special life mode of omnics means that they do not need synchronous communication or quantum communication, thus solving the management problem after large-scale expansion.

Inside a planetary system near the junction zone.

The omnic master hidden in it (equivalent to a subroutine) is currently mobilizing huge computing power and various auxiliary equipment to conduct comprehensive monitoring and analysis of this unknown civilization that has recently appeared in the nearby star field.

In fact, the two sides have only become so close in recent decades.

For example, the Denjin Group only colonized that planetary system for 17 years.

Although the scientific and technological progress of human civilization has slowed down, it cannot maintain a strong foundation. Various technologies have changed quantitatively if not qualitatively.

Take neutron materials for example. Human civilization relies on the observation of black holes and neutron stars, coupled with the investment of a lot of manpower and material resources, to produce ten-neutron and twelve-neutron materials.

This is also the fundamental reason why the current human civilization’s spacecraft has a maximum speed of 22% of the speed of light.

At this time, the system of the omnic master No. 657 was emitting violent and unstable fluctuations.

[The spaceship of this unknown civilization is so fast? 】

At this moment, Omnic Master No. 657 once again recalled that ancient memory.

【no! This civilization is too dangerous, and we must inform other clones as soon as possible to prepare. 】The core body temperature of Omnic Dominator No. 657 soared rapidly, which was a reflection of its thinking at full capacity.

At the same time, early warning electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, and neutrinos spread toward the omnic civilization behind.

Although the omnic civilization has been recuperating and secretly developing for about 110,000 years, it is slightly stronger than its peak. Unfortunately, their technological progress is too slow.

This is the price of individual immortality.

The rules of the universe fundamentally exclude the emergence of individual immortality.

Whether it is the "system update" of omnics or the immortality of human clones, there will be a fatal problem, that is, "technological development stagnation."

If the Homo sapiens company had not set things right, the consequence would have been to remain steadfast and completely lose the possibility of promotion to the second level civilization.

Why are those "immortal civilizations" always becoming more rubbish with each generation? Even if he becomes immortal in the end, there is still no way to transcend the universe?

Because the existence of immortals will inevitably lead to the solidification of the world. When a world is completely solidified, this pool of stagnant water can only die with the world. There is no way to reverse the increase in entropy of the universe.

Only by transcending the universe can we get rid of the entropy increase of this universe.

The reason why the omnic civilization has been developing for hundreds of millions of years and is still playing tricks on the first-level civilization is very simple. Even through constant system updates, it still has no way to change the "it" it was originally.

From beginning to end, omnic civilization is the original artificial intelligence that gave birth to souls.

As a result, it has no way to break through its own "existence" and has been restricted to the "cage" it has set for itself.

Memory inheritance is a double-edged sword.

This is no joke.

The omnic civilization is unwilling to "die". It must retain its "memory information" as much as possible, and the consequences of doing so will further increase the strength of the "cage".

Therefore, the omnic civilization has stood still for hundreds of millions of years, and its later technological progress was obtained by invading other civilizations.

This is also the fundamental reason why omnic civilization has become aggressive.

Unless the omnic civilization wakes up one day and is willing to give up its own existence and allow new individuals to be born, it will only stagnate forever.

After the omnic master No. 657 learned about the existence of human civilization, the nearby omnics also responded one after another.

Both sides are preparing, and war is imminent.

The omnic masters who are eager to devour other civilizations are not afraid, but are ready to move.

This is not because they are arrogant, but because they have not been working hard in the past hundreds of thousands of years. Instead, they have secretly launched metal cuboids to other star systems, and have also secretly arranged for the vast interstellar space between stars. There are many hidden bases.

Even if the Orion-Aquarius arm is smashed, these omnic masters will not feel any pain at all.

Their purpose from beginning to end is to plunder the scientific and technological knowledge and cultural materials of other civilizations, and other resources are secondary.

Therefore, even if the technology of human civilization is stronger than that of omnic civilization, these omnic masters will still have to fight humans.

More than ten years passed unknowingly.

Omnic Master No. 657, which was still frantically detonating troops, received intelligence that human civilization had sent hundreds of thousands of space battleships.

Facing a human fleet that was almost three times faster than its own, Omnic Master No. 657 did not panic. Instead, it felt that everything was within its plan.

It also quickly dispatched a fleet of omnic civilization.

Both sides are acting according to their own plans.

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