Horrible Live Streaming

C187 The Terrible

At this moment, even the usually calm Yaksha panicked a little. The current situation is rather dangerous, and at this moment, we are only temporarily avoiding the pursuit of the wolves.

The worst thing is, we're at least a hundred kilometers away from a supply point. If we walk, it'll take a few days.

Even our communication equipment has lost its effect. In such a situation, there seems to be only one way left, and that is to be trapped here to die.

These mercenaries who were constantly searching everywhere, my heart gradually calmed down because I felt that the situation before my eyes was really too abnormal.

Even if the sandstorm here was very strong and could completely cover up the tracks, it shouldn't be. Even the mercenaries couldn't find any clues.

When the bearded man walked past me, I could faintly hear a unique scent. I couldn't tell if it was a fragrance or a fishy stench. I absentmindedly remembered this smell, but I couldn't remember just where I had touched it before.

And I don't think it has anything to do with our situation.

If I were to look for those weird things, I might be able to help, but now that I'm in a car and the important stuff is gone, I can't be of any use at all.

But I don't know why, but I have an uneasy feeling that the loss of the car doesn't seem like such a simple thing.

However, there was no way to find out what was really suspicious about it.

Very quickly, I smelled that strange smell again, so I asked Tang Rou.

"Did you smell anything wrong?"

Tang Rou immediately nodded her head and told me more or less the same thing.

Looking at me as if I were about to find some important connection, I suddenly heard the knife and shouted.

"Boss, what did you pack?"

This voice was very sudden and immediately attracted Tang Rou and I's attention.

When I looked over, the bearded man had already removed the backpack that he was carrying on his back.

At this moment, a large cluster of black objects was densely packed onto the backpack.

It was actually those ghost worms. They were pitch black in color and simply like glue that couldn't be blown away.

Why would these things appear here? Could it be that they were secretly snuck into the bearded man's backpack and were then brought here by us?

No, that's not right. This thing had a very heavy aura of grievance. Under the strong rays of the sun, it was impossible for it to survive for long.

At the same time, the unique scent that I smelt between my nostrils became clearer and stronger.

The bearded man and the others obviously knew how powerful that thing was. Thus, they had already picked up the backpack and prepared to throw it into the distance.

Although there was something very important inside the backpack, but at this moment, it was obvious that preserving one's life was more important. This was the most direct and instinctual reaction of a person.

At this moment, a thought flashed through his mind. It was as if he had finally figured out what was so strange about this place.

But by the time I tried to stop it, it was too late.

The backpack had already been thrown up by the bearded man, along with the large group of black bugs.

"We've been tricked, all of this is just an illusion, that black snake is the culprit."

I was originally only two to three meters away from the bearded man. Furthermore, with how strong this fellow was, the backpack was already far away. I believed that it would fall to the ground in a few seconds.

That was the result of the spider's actions.

I wasn't in the mood to pay attention to the gazes the others would use on me. Instead, I tried my best to run towards the location of the backpack.

At that moment, I noticed that everything around me seemed to have slowed down a lot. I knew that this was probably an illusion caused by my speed.

In short, just as the black bag was about to fall to the ground, I caught up.

The closer I got to the backpack, the more I felt the heat in my chest.

Indeed, just as the backpack was about to land in my hands, I saw the black bugs that were originally covering the bag disappear without a trace. Instead, there was a ball of evil energy leaking out continuously.

No mistake, it was that thing that was playing tricks on him.

Finally, my hand caught the backpack, even though I fell heavily to the ground.

It was a pity that it wasn't there yet. Just when I was about to heave a sigh of relief, the backpack that was tightly wrapped up suddenly popped out, revealing a metallic light.

The metal box had already opened a crack, and under the pull of some kind of force, it actually bounced and fell onto the floor.

I threw myself forward again, but the metal box was about to fall against a nearby rock.

I knew that the black snake was about to break free, and I was about to be the first victim.

At this moment, life and death had already been thrown to the side. Even if I wanted to dodge, it would be too late.

In vain, I reached out to grab the metal box, but it was still at least half a meter away from me.

However, just as everything was about to turn to the worst, a white light suddenly shot out from my head and cut into the bottom of the metal box with a clang.

That metal box was like a miracle. After being bounced up by the power, it flew up another foot or so. At the same time, the light was also inserted into the cracks in the nearby rocks.

I didn't even see what it was, just took advantage of this rare opportunity to leap forward again, feeling as if I had suddenly become a four-legged animal.

Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that he had become a wild wolf.

When I jumped out, I quickly reached out my hand and caught the metal box just as it was about to fall again.

I saw that a crack had appeared on that metal box. A pair of small eyes that flickered with a ghostly light were peering at me like rice grains.

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