Horrible Live Streaming

C188 one false alarm

F * ck, you still want to play tricks like this with laozi even at this time?!

At this moment, I rapidly bit the tip of my tongue, enduring the pain as I spat all of my blood onto the pair of eyeballs.

I heard the squeaking sound of someone screaming. Then, the metal box automatically closed up.

After which, I saw clearly that the dagger that was stabbed into the crevice of the rock was actually a dagger that was still trembling. I remembered that this dagger should belong to the knife.

This guy is really an expert with a saber. He actually gave me a god-like assistance when I was only seven or eight meters away from him in the nick of time.

If the two of us had been the slightest bit off, we would all be stinking corpses now.

This thing must have possessed some kind of hallucinating ability. Before this, the box fell once, so we took advantage of this opportunity to use our power to escape. Unknowingly, we were able to smell a unique scent, and we fell into an illusion.

Those black bugs were naturally produced from illusions and the reason for this black snake was so that it could smoothly free itself from its imprisonment.

At this moment, the others quickly ran over and helped me up. However, I tightly held onto the metal box and refused to let go no matter what.

"We were almost finished just now, do you understand?"

I think these guys have already figured out the whole story in this period of time. Although the bearded man still had a bewildered expression on his face, he didn't say anything else and urged me to return the box.

"What happened just now? Why did you guys circle around your car so many times and almost throw things at me?"

Since the bearded man was quite close to me, I could hear Zhou Xue's voice in her earphones.

It was just as I expected.

At this moment, the knife cried out in surprise.

"Damn, isn't this our car and equipment?"

Five minutes later, we were all packed and ready and in the car.

After replenishing some water and food, I felt a lot more comfortable. However, the rescue earlier was done as I was forced to lie flat on the ground. The sharp stones were still hurting so much that I had to grit my teeth.

After explaining the situation to Zhou Xue, the other party finally reluctantly agreed and placed the box in my hands for the time being.

Actually, this is also to take responsibility for the mission this time. After all, the power of that thing is too great. Even if it is sealed inside a box, it can still create hallucinations for us.

Only by staying by my side can I feel at ease.

Knife still found it hard to believe everything that had just happened. He would look at me with a terrified expression from time to time, or at the metal box beside my hand.

After leaving the names of the two mercenaries and the fact that we had all been walking back and forth from the gates of hell several times, I was even more determined to get rid of this thought of Zhou Xue's. If I were to fall completely under her control in the future, I would probably die a miserable death.

"You were very fast just now. I think you're not one bit inferior to those wild wolves."

Tang Rou reached out her hands and pounced forward. The female yaksha also turned her head to look at me, a bit wary.

"The situation just now, I also have adrenaline soaring, okay?" "If I had been even a second slower, we would have all been finished. Of course, we would have to thank our comrade Dao Ren for his cooperation. That slash was truly marvelous."

After saying that, I suddenly noticed that Yaksha had a strange expression on her face.

Then Knife turned to him and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, Big Sis was the one who threw that knife just now. I wanted to throw it as well, but I was too slow. The knife in my hand had already been snatched away."

So it was like this.

I quickly thanked the yaksha, who merely gave a cold snort before turning her face to look out the window.

"According to our current speed, we should be able to reach the exit before nightfall. There will be a helicopter to pick them up. If you are tired, you can rest."

The bearded man turned his head to look at me, but I didn't dare to relax. After all, I was still holding the metal box.

The thing inside could suddenly go bad and kill us all at any moment.

I tried my best to keep my spirits up and smoke one cigarette after another. At this moment, the woman Yaksha didn't have any objections, but Tang Rou, who seemed to be too tired, directly tilted her head on my shoulder and fell into a deep sleep. As I slept, she rubbed her face against my arm, until she was lying on my thigh like a docile kitten.

I felt a bit embarrassed, but I didn't have the heart to wake up Tang Rou. I could only maintain a stiff posture and try my best not to touch the girl.

"How much will you guys get for completing this mission?"

I really can't take it anymore, so I can only find something to say.

"What, you're interested in joining us too? "I can tell that even though you don't have much experience, you can still be of some use at critical moments. If you are willing …"

Before Knife could finish, the bearded man coughed twice, and then laughed dryly and stopped talking.

I knew Zhou Xue was probably following me. The man with a full beard told me something, but there were some things that she didn't want to say to me, so she didn't insist.

"It's just a pity. Six and Hei Zi, we've worked together for so many years, we've never suffered such a huge loss."

The bearded man let out a long sigh, and there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

It was hard to imagine that these people who licked their blood on the tip of their blades could be so sentimental.

"Boss, I'll give them my share later. Neither of them are alone."

Yaksha's words surprised me, but then Knife made his own decision.

"My portion can be counted in as well. I'll just treat this trip as a waste of time."

Somehow, I felt a lump in my throat. Even though this kind of desperate person possessed such deep brotherly friendship, I didn't know if I was worthy of having such feelings and friends.

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