The purpose of Explorer 7 driving "Lu" to find Isis was simply to take a look at it out of boredom. After all, after intensive work, several robots near the Qom Crater were wearing out very quickly. Instead of waiting and being unable to move, they became Trash is worse than just lying around.

In fact, the space agency is also very interested in the rover manufactured by NACA, so this operation is not a temporary move.

The behavior of the Isis-1 probe was limited to accompanying surveillance, and a large number of precious images of the Aramco lunar probe's run were taken.

Unfortunately, the JPL staff almost thought it was an alien invasion and were in a hurry for a while.

This meeting took place 380,000 kilometers away from the earth. Neither party disclosed any information to the outside world. Only a few people knew that such an interesting thing had happened.

Of course, it's not fun for some people.

"We need to build an insurmountable wall to stop illegal immigration. That's right, it's Mexico. The entire border must be thousands of kilometers long..."

John has formally written the border wall he announced before taking office into a formal bill and submitted it to Congress, which will obviously cause quite a stir, but this does not matter to a series of other arrangements he made.

The big mess now is that he is trying to apply for developing country status from the United Nations and requires allies to provide funds for Aramco’s overseas spending, otherwise the alliance will be terminated...

Pio doesn't have to be a true sycophant to see the impact of these moves, and is under pressure from all sides on a daily basis.

On the contrary, John is generally continuing the previous plan in terms of aerospace. Although he has been talking a lot, he has never dared to officially launch the Ares project, which is relatively cautious.

But the teasing about Isis 1 still made him furious, and he openly tweeted @NACA and Blue Origin, SpecaX, Boeing and other companies demanded that they launch more than five lunar rovers to the moon within six months...

After posting several consecutive tweets criticizing NACA's overstaffed staff and inaction of officials, he sat down to put down his phone and ask his staff.

"NACA is now preparing to secretly implement a plan to land on the moon first. Is it possible for us to succeed?"

All the staff looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Some of them were engaged in economics and some were engaged in palace fighting. Although there were also engineering and technical backgrounds, they could not answer this question.

Pio: "Boss, you have to believe in the profound foundation of the United States. We are moving forward at an unprecedented speed. It is faster and safer than the Apollo project. Our astronauts are all prepared."

John: “I mean, wouldn’t CASA find out and be unable to catch up?”

Pio: "..."

"Your Excellency, this is difficult, but we can strengthen confidentiality."


"NACA has sent additional engineers to support Blue Origin. Is Jeff Bezos the biological son of the NACA director? Such strong support?"

The Aviation Development Committee’s daily tea party is a small meeting 30 minutes before work every afternoon, which does not delay work and can summarize information in a timely manner.

Academician She started talking about the current situation of Blue Origin, and someone immediately answered:

"I think they can't stand the low efficiency and unreliability of Blue Origin. An engine as simple as the BE-7 can fail. I remember that engine was successfully tested during the Constellation project, right?

Let me tell you, it's commercial aerospace... Ahem, Bezos used the Internet style to build rockets, and even broke his chair and damaged his tailbone. NACA may also be afraid of delay. "

"But this support team is too big. Look at the reports in Florida. The deputy director came with more than 20 backbones. He can do it independently, and he has spent a lot of money. Hey, maybe it's Seeing how good our lander is, we want to have the lander ready half a year ahead of schedule."

"Our 'Full Moon' has more than just a few dozen people. The core team has more than a hundred people who just rushed to build it! So what if they are half a year ahead of schedule? The Rockets can't wait. 'Blue Moon' requires at least two heavy Falcons or two It takes one SLS to land on the moon, and the rocket alone is enough to make them worry to death..."

A certain expert's slightly mocking words caused a burst of laughter. "Full Moon" is a split lander with a maximum weight of only 23 tons. It is indeed not that big. It is not as advanced as the HLS integrated one, but the purpose of the Dawn Project is to save time. , it is understandable to be conservative.

Moreover, the more advanced integrated lander has entered the development stage as early as the completion of the 'Full Moon' design work, and it is an open tender by the Aviation Development Commission, so the indicators will definitely be better.

However, the boss who had been holding the scented tea suddenly said: "What if NACA goes crazy and prepares Artemis 2 to land on the moon? It will also orbit the moon."

Academician She immediately shook his head: "This is not an Apollo spacecraft. The lander and spacecraft were launched separately."

Boss: "What if they launch now?"

Academician She: "Then it won't work unless all the Falcon 9s from SpecaX are brought over to fight the Falcon Heavy. Besides, their landers have never been landed by anyone. Although the Apollo project did not have any, they did not land on the moon before." It was tested several times in space.”

The boss picked up the tea cup again and stopped talking, sitting there with a thoughtful expression.

The topic of Aramco's aerospace is over, and the focus has shifted to China.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Ju, who was in a hidden state. The latter took out his tablet with a smile and showed the good news from the base.

Press the power button and a bunch of numbers and text appear on the screen.

"Everyone, the YM-12 has been debugged, and the forging of the main structure of the full-scale test prototype of the Tengyun Project is underway. This is the final data."

Although the basic technical indicators of Tengyun Project have been set last year, they are just an outlook. In the actual research and development stage, various difficulties will definitely be encountered, so the indicators will also change, which is normal.

But Tengyun Engineering has already begun to forge the body, which means that the actual indicators have been almost determined and the final result will not be much different.

Everyone hurriedly crossed the tablet, and the first person they saw was Academician She. He lowered his head and read quickly and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The maximum take-off mass is 190 tons, the empty weight is 49 tons, the orbit mass is 62 tons, and the maximum speed of atmospheric flight is Mach 10.8.

The empty weight is almost the same as the original plan, and other indicators have even improved slightly, but the design is different.

In order to reduce weight as much as possible, the future Tengyun must be divided into two versions: cargo and passenger. The pure passenger version can hold 20 people, and the cargo version has 2 pilots and 2.8 tons of cargo.

Why does the cargo version have a lower load capacity? Because the cargo hold is located close to the nose, the range is destined to be limited, and the hatch must be installed. 2.8 tons of cargo is already the maximum capacity.

Of course, the most important thing is the estimated cost of flying.

The bulk is still low-temperature fuel, and the most worrying part is the skin, which uses specialized, state-of-the-art insulation materials to greatly reduce maintenance costs. The maintenance cost for one flight (excluding personnel and ground handling) is just over one million.

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