"This is a comprehensive physical examination we conducted before the injection, including his various physical functions, nerve activity, past medical history, etc., all in order to obtain the most accurate experimental results."

Xie Miao pointed to a pile of information on the wall of the laboratory and explained that the person involved, Liu Si, was restricted to a chair and could not move for the time being.

The latter will be questioned by the Security Bureau from time to time. Considering that he will have to squat in the future, the base has not signed a contract with him, so now he can only feel aggrieved.

"The onset of effect of 304 injection can be temporarily divided into two stages. There is almost no performance in the first 15 days or so. Only careful inspection can reveal that some physical parameters are changing slowly. After this time point, the onset of effect will be very fast."

Lin Ju: "So... 28 teeth will grow soon?"

Xie Miao: "..."

"We haven't figured out the mechanism of this action yet. None of the gorilla experimental subjects have this condition. One volunteer may not be enough. You see..."


Semyon's desire for volunteers is actually easy to understand. Although orangutans and monkeys are both primates that are highly similar to the human body, even the slightest difference in DNA can lead to dramatic changes in shape. The genes of humans and bananas are similar. The degree is 60%.

Lin Ju walked next to Liu Si, who looked slightly swollen around his mouth.

Except for new teeth that are popping out like crazy, Liu Si's weight has soared from 72 kilograms to 76 kilograms in the past three days, but her body shape has not changed at all. After testing, it was found that her bone density was increasing.

This is similar to the description in the system information, but it is really amazing that the weight gain of bones alone can reach this point. Will the next step be the organs?

To strengthen the muscles first, strengthen the bones. Does Ami also pay attention to this?

Semyon: "Although eating has been troublesome recently due to his teeth, his appetite has indeed increased, he is hungry faster than before, and his temperature is slightly higher than normal people.

In addition, I discovered a very strange protein in the blood that was not found in gorillas before. This may be an important breakthrough point. "

Lin Ju looked left and right and couldn't see anything, but just because it could allow people to change teeth for the third time, 304 injection was worth the large investment.

Pharmaceutical companies can be regarded as legal robbers. Just one Viagra has made Pfizer countless money. The dental market is several times larger than Viagra.

"The funding requirements can be handed over later. As for the volunteers... at least we have to wait until the effect is stable."

"We want to develop moon business!"

Elon Musk shouted these words to Tom Mueller as he was being transferred to the boat by the sea rescue team.

On the morning of May 22, the Dragon spacecraft, which carried out its second manned mission, fell into the waters of Florida, ending his three-day space journey.

Except for the first few hours, he was preoccupied the rest of the time.

In addition to the four-hour live broadcast on the first day, the Storm also continuously sent back various photo data, changed its orbit multiple times, and conducted careful surveys of the lunar surface.

He couldn't wait for a moment to ask his friend and important engineer Tom Mueller to find a way to make the Dragon spacecraft fly around the moon.

Although the Dragon spacecraft has received quite a lot of tourist tickets and can also handle the business of the International Space Station, the competition in the current space market is very fierce. At least one H1 is launched in Qiongzhou every month.

In particular, the Steadfast has achieved regular flights. Xinyuan just announced last month that a Xinyuan No. 5B has been evaluated and retired because it has flown more than 20 times. It is planned to be given to universities as exhibition souvenirs.

Low-Earth orbit tourism can’t be compared for now, but what if it’s moon travel? Even if you just go over and take a look?

This idea has been taking shape while in space, but there is no concrete way to implement it.

As an important engineer of the Falcon 9 rocket, Merlin engine and Dragon spacecraft, Tom Mueller quickly gave the answer:

"The Falcon Heavy has enough lunar carrying capacity to complete this mission. The maximum mass of the Dragon spacecraft is only 15 tons, which is completely possible."

Musk shook his head: "It's too expensive, and one core stage must be discarded. We need a cheaper solution, preferably using current rockets."

Tom thought for a while and suddenly thought of something:

"Then assemble it in orbit, then launch a Falcon 9 to send a propulsion part to low-Earth orbit, so that it can push the Dragon spacecraft to the moon. In addition, the service module of the Dragon spacecraft itself can also provide some thrust. About 15 tons for the propulsion part should be enough.

However, such a Dragon spacecraft needs to make small improvements and reduce some quality as much as possible. "

"Then let's do it right away. It's best to let it pass next month!"

Lao Ma continued to exert his power of action. SpecaX was not afraid of failure, only afraid of not going far enough.

The arrival of the more than 100-ton Storm on the moon also gave him considerable stimulation, reminding him that his private spaceflight hand had touched the outside of the earth and that low-Earth orbit had begun to "low".

But the greater excitement is yet to come.

"5, 4, 3...ignite!"

Six hours after Lao Ma landed, a Xinyuan-3 rocket was launched from Station 2 of the Qiongzhou Launch Center, launching the third living module of the Qianjin into space.

This is the sixth launch of the Advance rotating assembly by the No. 3 rocket, successfully maintaining the launch frequency of once a month.

Even with such a high frequency, there are still many people watching the Rockets, and the beach outside Qiongzhou Island has become a monthly check-in mecca.

The enthusiasts did not disperse after the launch of the No. 3 rocket. They were all waiting for the space shuttle that would be launched in the next few days. The only variable was that everyone was guessing whether the launch would be Glorious, which was delayed by the eye of the storm, or Pioneer. Number.

However, the next day, a No. 3 rocket that was exactly the same as yesterday appeared at Station 4 of the Qiongzhou Launch Center.

Amid the shock, the No. 4 living cabin broke through the sky in the drizzle.

Also on the same day, a Xinyuan-2A-modified rocket was erected at two stations at the Xinyuan launch site.

The two space shuttles, which had been in the warehouse for more than a month, were dragged out together. With the help of support staff who came from the Qiongzhou launch site, they were hoisted together on the side of the rocket and entered the pre-launch state.

On the evening of the 25th and the morning of the 26th, two space shuttles were launched into space to carry out the fifth and sixth Space Station Assembly missions. The latter will also receive 10 astronauts at the same time for the first time.

If you include the Storm launched on the eve of May Day, Xinyuan has projected more than 500 tons of mass into space in 30 days, sent 27 people into space, and once again refreshed its own record.

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