"90 tons, 90 tons, 110 tons, 110 tons."

Claire counted the payloads launched from Qiongzhou in the past four days on her fingers, and then waved four fingers in front of a group of people.

"If we can launch so much material into space in a short period of time, we can land on the moon next week."

This is the headquarters of NACA, which now brings together more than a dozen powerful space companies, from the old completion complex Boeing Lockheed Martin to Air Force Blue Origin.

Xinyuan launched big rockets for four days in a row, and Claire was criticized by lawmakers for four days in a row. It was only the president's protection that prevented her from resigning.

The former's production capacity, which had been accumulated for more than half a month, was released in a concentrated manner, and it immediately showed crazy power, making the old astronauts tremble with fear.

Claire, who has been in a high-pressure state for a week, quickly summoned the companies involved in the Artemis project and began to take stock of their assets to see if there was any way to speed up the runaway Artemis 2.

The representative of Boeing was the first to raise his hand: "As of now, the casing of the second SLS has been completed, but the inspection will take a long time. We can guarantee that it will be ready for launch as early as mid-July."

Lockheed engineers followed closely: "The Orion spacecraft is completely sufficient, as you all know."

The representative of SpecaX is Tom Mueller himself, and he is also very confident:

"We have seven Falcon 9 rockets. One of the reinforced core stages required for Falcon Heavy has been manufactured, and the next one can be completed within a month, so SpecaX can provide two Falcon Heavy rockets."

When the Artemis program officially began, the Falcon Heavy was still a concept. Although the CBC configuration was not new and highly reliable, many people at the time believed that the reliability of the 27 engines was questionable, so the Falcon Heavy rocket was listed as Entering the plan is just a temporary measure.

But the Falcon Heavy has been launched three times so far, which is enough to prove its reliability.

Claire turned her attention to the Blue Origin representative.

"Well, the 'Blue Moon' lander is progressing very well, and the first one can be delivered in June, but its design has been modified too much compared to the original. We'd better have two months to verify its reliability. "

"You have to believe in the progress of computers!" Claire interrupted the latter. Blue Origin is not as impressive as SpecaX, but it is still the second largest aerospace company supported by NACA.

"Blue Moon requires a Falcon Heavy or SLS, and it also requires so much fuel. Where is your New Glenn rocket? The BE4 engine has passed the test run!"

After knocking on the slow Blue Origin, Claire returned to the topic:

“In other words, we can meet all the conditions required for the moon landing as early as the end of July, which should be a little earlier than the Chinese Long March 10, but not much.

Gentlemen, what I want to say is that we are too slow. We need a super rocket that can produce one launch within four months, preferably reusable. We also need to be able to launch a 500-ton payload within four days. Enter space! "

The huge solid wood table banged loudly as Claire slapped it, and the Boeing representative lowered his head and pretended that nothing happened.

Boeing does not yet have a reusable rocket plan, but the SLS budget has made many people dissatisfied. If it speeds up, it will inevitably increase investment, which is asking for trouble for itself.

Among more than a dozen companies, only Blue Origin's "New Glenn", SpecaX's Falcon Heavy and the starship that has not yet flown meet this condition.

Tom Mueller: "The B6 booster and SN12 are ready, and according to plan... they will launch tomorrow."

Claire: "Have you completed all project testing?"

Tom: "It's done for now. You know our route, so it might not go smoothly..."

Claire nodded, why are conventional rockets so slow to manufacture? Because each new model is not successful by simply combining the casing and engine, it requires long-term testing, and this cycle can take up about 2/3 of the time.

SpecaX's method of using launches instead of tests was not recognized early on, but with the success of Falcon 9, no one will say anything now.

But to the veteran military-industrial bodies present, the starship is an out-and-out monster in their eyes. It is made of crude steel and has 33 engines without any protective measures so close to each other. An aerospace engineer's nightmare.

The scene of N1 exploding four times in a row is still vivid in my mind. Most people present did not even think that B6 had higher technical content than N1.

"SpecaX will conduct a starship-superheavy booster combination test on May 28, numbered B6+SN12"

"With 33 Raptor V1 engines, Starship will become the rocket with the largest number of engines."

"The Dream Chaser B1 space shuttle completed its first unmanned launch after being grounded for three months and will resume the next manned launch mission."

"The Veneto-1 rocket body has been manufactured, and ESA: it is expected to complete its first flight this year."


ESA's Veneto rocket has provided engines and technical support since February, and now it has finally completed trial production of a new 5.2-meter-diameter rocket body. Although it is still far from a complete rocket, it also makes everyone at ESA extremely excited. .

This speed is quite fast for scattered Europe, but it is still much slower than first-class players.

"Mr. Lin, the starship is about to be launched!"

"I know, there's no need to shout so loudly."

Lin Ju looked at Chen Jun who was shouting and saying hello with his head full of black lines, and the forgotten memory resurfaced. The background color of the stainless steel of the starship was so clear.

Xin'an Automobile - has been vigorously developed in the hands of the latter. It just delivered its 1 millionth car not long ago. You must know that their products are mostly mid-to-high-end. It is amazing to be able to achieve this speed. They are the most conspicuous newcomer in the country.

If the base wants to pay dividends this year, it can get almost tens of billions.

And Chen Jun came here today not only to pay homage to his boss, but also to be a helper.

"Mr. Lin, our battery technology has stagnated. Can you give us a new 600wh power battery?"

"No, no, this won't work." Lin Ju shook his head firmly. Xin'an's battery route is to outsource the single cell route and assemble 21700 standard cells. This solution is enough to meet the needs of the next seven or eight years.

BYD's lithium iron phosphate battery is only 140wh/kg. Taking out the base battery is too bullying and unnecessary.

Seeing Lin Ju's resolute attitude, Chen Jun didn't want to fight anymore. He just sat there and sighed, saying that the base was under great pressure to pay dividends and the research and development costs were cloudy. Lin Ju had no choice but to say:

"This kind of power battery cannot enter the market yet, but other technical support can be provided, such as autonomous driving? Or flying cars? We can give more support to these projects."

Chen Jun: "Is robot No. 2 okay?"



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