Ground command center.

It is already 22:40, almost midnight, but the lights are still bright here.

They are remotely connected with experts from the Fifth Research Institute in Beijing to discuss the issue of the lander.

Once the location of the two astronauts is confirmed and they are still alive, we must find a way to bring them back from the moon, at least to the space station.

Now the earth cannot transport any supplies to the moon. The rockets are enough, but the landers and supplies are not.

The "Full Moon" ascender is designed to accommodate a maximum of three people. The Tianmu-2 mission in August saw two Chinese astronauts and an Arbor astronaut land on the moon.

What if there are four people? Designing according to the usual redundancy of spacecraft should be enough, but some mass still needs to be sacrificed.

"I definitely can't bring the lunar soil samples with me, and throw away everything that can be thrown in the cabin."

"The backup life-support kits can be thrown away before takeoff. They won't be used anyway. The two together will free up more than 100 kilograms."

"The tools and equipment were also thrown away, and the lockers seemed to be removable."


After a brief exchange, the Fifth Institute confirmed that the ascender can bring four humans back, but there is another problem: there are only two seats.

You can't let the other two stand anywhere casually. A sudden change in the center of gravity during takeoff is very dangerous, but the ascender does not come with a backup for this thing, so... let's just tie it to the wall like strap 14, leaving all the space. alright.

In just over half an hour, a rough rescue plan was formulated. As long as they could fly with those two unlucky guys, it would be much easier to return to Earth.

Now there are only two jobs left: find them and make sure they are alive.

The two Shuguang-3 astronauts and 14 worked together to modify a large antenna and fixed it on the lunar rover. They connected it to the robot with a data cable. The latter was about to arrive in the complex terrain area.

"This robot is really easier to use than humans."

Yun Hongjun nodded while looking at the real-time images sent back by 14:

"Previous seismic monitors found that this area is full of cavities. It should still be a preserved landform formed in the ancient times of the moon. If there are no robots, I will definitely object to astronauts going in to search. It is too dangerous."

Academician She: "That's not the case. The lunar rover and personnel are multiple, and the lander is multiple. And I guess they must not have been in a normal posture when they landed, which is why they are in such a mess now.

Hey, Xiaolin, where did you go just now? "

Lin Ju shook his phone and pointed upward: "Make a call, I guess NACA is still desperately looking for someone. We brought two astronauts back from 380,000 kilometers away, and they have to show something." Yes or no?"

"What do you want? Money?"

"Of course not. I just asked Commercial Aviation to go to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) to apply for international airworthiness certificates for C822, C832, and C810. Our excellent aircraft must be experienced by people around the world."

Academician She opened his eyes wide. He did not expect that Lin Ju had this idea:

"If I were an Aramco, I would rather pay 10 billion U.S. dollars than agree to this condition. Opening up the civil aviation market would have a huge impact on Boeing. Not to mention Aramco, the Chinese and Brazilians would oppose it."

"Let's talk slowly."

Lin Ju spread his hands. Anyway, this time he couldn't do anything better without plucking a handful of hair from Ying Jiang's body.

"The asking price is sky-high, and the money will be repaid upon landing. In fact, the director also said that he has applied for unrestricted acceptance of international commercial satellite launch orders, and rented a place in Hawaii to build a docking port for ocean-going survey ships."


Although the ocean survey ship is apparently a rocket, another kind of rocket can also be used, and it is equipped with quite a lot of super powerful electronic equipment. It can search and decipher the radio and radar signal characteristics of other ships and aircraft. You are crazy. Will allow such a ship to dock in Hawaii.

As for the unrestricted launch of satellites, wouldn't it mean that the booming domestic private aerospace industry wants to compete for meat around the world? This Ami probably wouldn’t agree.

So far, a total of 9 private aerospace companies in China have obtained repeatable rocket launch capabilities. Although the engines or recovery systems are outsourced, they still have real launch capabilities. Their cumulative number of launches in the first half of the year alone exceeded 30. Taken together, I can already compete with Kongcha for meat.

For China, July 4th is a perfect day, and it is about to pass, but tonight there are many more people looking up at the moon.

At this time, Aramco was still in the afternoon, and it had not been long since the announcement of the suspension of the moon landing mission in the morning. With the government's strong control over public opinion, the public was just disappointed and the reaction was not too strong.

NACA is still trying to find traces of "Little Bird", but still has no results.

John is already preparing to practice expression management for publishing an obituary tomorrow. He is worried about how to face public criticism and congressional impeachment. He might lose his re-election.

When he was having a headache, his assistant sent him a document that he needed to review.

This is the news sent back by Sciacchitano, the headquarter of ICAO in Canada and Chairman of the ICAO Council:

Southwest Commercial Airlines and XAP applied for international airworthiness certificates for three passenger aircraft, and they were very high-profile, requiring specific responses within a week.

The actual controllers of ICAO are, of course, the world's established aviation giants and important parts manufacturers, most of which are in Aramco and a small part in Europe. In fact, the main decision-making power lies with the Presidential Palace.

Of course, these three domestically produced passenger aircraft, Boeing and Lockheed, are deeply hated. Except for the C810, this aircraft was relatively mysterious just a short time ago. The outside world first suspected that it was a fighter jet and then later recognized it as a passenger aircraft. Lockheed also plans to copy it and send it to the public. Rich people and the government are promoting it and are rushing to produce PPTs. Although this kind of supersonic small aircraft is very powerful, the market is not big and the hostility is less.

However, John still wonders why they are submitting an application for an airworthiness certificate now. This is not their style at all, and ICAO will definitely not agree.

The commercial aviation application had only been submitted for more than an hour, so John thought about throwing it aside and just ignore it.

4 pm Central time, 2 am Beijing time on July 5th.

In the sleeping Eastern Hemisphere, the Aviation Development Commission released an explosive news, which took the lead in setting off a storm of public opinion in the Western Hemisphere.

John saw this news very early because he had the habit of browsing Twitter and YouTube, unlike his predecessor who did not know how to use a smartphone.

The intelligent algorithm pushed him to the news released by CGTV YouTube 3 minutes ago, but the number of views has exceeded 10,000.

The title is: "The Dawn-3 command module photographed the wreckage of the Artemis 2 lander"

The cover is a photo of the moon with a red circle drawn on it, which directly indicates to users the content of the video.

John hurriedly clicked in. The video was obviously released temporarily and was only one minute long, so he finished it quickly.

That was a photo taken by Ding Jihua when he passed through the impact crater at an altitude of 70 kilometers. At this time, the sunlight was almost gone and most of the moon surface fell into darkness. However, after high exposure, the differences with the previous photos could still be identified.

I saw only a small dot with an obviously different color in the circled area and a light trace that could be seen after magnification, which was not there five hours ago.

The last sentence of the news was: "The two astronauts on Shuguang-3 also discovered the HLS distress signal and are organizing a search operation. Please pay close attention to the news of this station."

John felt his eyes go dark.

It's time for dinner, family

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