It’s 1:07 a.m. Beijing time.

"Victor, Victor..."

Victor dreamed that he was lying in a chair on the balcony, basking in the sun comfortably. His mother had called twice for dinner, but he just wanted to sleep and didn't want to go down, so the door was knocked loudly, and at the same time, his mother continued Shouting his name.

He didn't know how long his mother had been shouting, but he finally woke up a little from his nap and prepared to get up to eat, but found that he couldn't move.

The blanket on his body seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms. Victor thought of the strong muscles all over his body trying to get up, and finally felt a little looser, and even the air became fresher.

"Mommy mommy!"

"It's great that you're awake, that's great Victor."

Victor opened his eyes and saw a woman's face.

Christina Koch was lying on the ground, holding her mask close to his, using vibrations to transmit sound.

"Did I fall asleep? Koch, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I'm just too..."

"no no."

Koch's voice sounded both on the radio and in the mask:

"You almost died. You just fainted due to low oxygen concentration. Do you remember?"

Victor frowned and began to recall, only to realize that his head hurt like needles, but the memory slowly came back to his mind.

At that time, Koch had been calling for nearly two hours and was exhausted. He still couldn't see any response, so he decided to rescue himself.

It was impossible to climb up, so Koch risked being crushed to death and walked along the cave along the route where the lander was smashed in:

This is a large and long cave. The lander smashed in from the entrance and began to slide for a long distance. Then it stopped where the terrain became higher and broke the top of its head.

Koch went there for almost half an hour but found that it was still too deep from the ground and there was no way to get up.

As a result, when she came back, she found that Victor was unresponsive. She thought he was asleep at first, but when she got closer, she discovered that Victor's spacesuit was flashing a red light, which was a warning that the oxygen concentration was too low.

It stands to reason that when an astronaut's space suit is abnormal, it will send a warning to other astronauts, but now this device is obviously broken, just as the oxygen that should have been used for six or seven hours is almost exhausted for some reason.

Koch desperately made a small gap to check Victor's spacesuit, helped him open the backup pipe, and then restored the oxygen supply.

Knowing that he was wandering around the gate of hell, Victor broke out in cold sweat. His concentration decreased due to high mental pressure and exhaustion, and he actually fainted without realizing it. It was really too dangerous.

"Koch, did you find your way out?"

"No, I walked to the place where I came in and couldn't find it. I didn't dare to go any further."

Koch shook his head sadly, even though he had undergone heavy training in psychological quality, he could not help but feel a little decadent now.

"The Dawn-3 astronauts must have been resting. They just made a splash in front of the whole world, and then they ate and slept contentedly..."

"Don't say that about Koch. They must have discovered something abnormal. Maybe they are jointly looking for us with NACA. We must persist all the time and continue to call for help. There are no radio signals on the moon. Our call for help It will be discovered.

Think about Reid, and Jeremy, and 400 million people. Although we did have a little accident, we still set foot on the moon, right? "


Koch sighed and cheered up again, climbed to the top of the lander again, then raised the crude antenna high, checked that the battery was OK and prepared to continue sending signals.

The two of them were chatting non-stop, and Victor's spacesuit malfunction also sounded the alarm to her. If she was a little negligent, someone might die suddenly. During the emergency landing, the lander kept rolling, and who knows what was damaged.

But after all, it had been more than ten hours without a break. The two of them were getting more and more sleepy, and the frequency of conversations was slowly and imperceptibly decreasing.

I don't know how long it took, but Koch's hand holding the transmitter had no movement, only his fingers were shaking slightly, and his whole body was leaning to the side. When she was about to fall, she suddenly came back to her senses and grabbed an edge.

The "Blue Moon" is more than ten meters high. If it falls, it will cause severe fractures even if it is affected by the gravity of the moon.

Koch, who was still frightened, gasped and looked up, and then saw the monster with one red eye and green hair at the hole above.

14 squatted on the edge of the hole, looking for the location of the remaining astronaut and confirming whether they were alive.

Because it has now entered a moonlit night and lost visible light, it turned on the active infrared headlights on its chest and the low-light night vision device in its mask, which looked like a moving group of red and green lights in the darkness.

Both of these views can be much clearer than lighting.

Although Koch was startled, the astronaut's psychological quality prevented her from screaming. Instead, she trembled and turned on the high-power searchlight above her head.

This time, a slightly thin astronaut appeared.

The other party also made a gesture because of her light. Koch was stunned for a moment before he realized that he asked her to turn on the public channel radio.

"Excuse me, which astronaut of Artemis 2 are you? (English)"

The voice is that of a slightly younger male, and the grammar can clearly tell that it is Asian - to be precise, only Chinese people can speak such long and complicated English.

"I am Christina Koch, payload specialist for the Artemis 2 mission, and my companion is Victor Glover, the lander pilot who is buried in the rubble below.

Please save us. There is something wrong with Victor's spacesuit and he may die at any time. We crash-landed in the cave and the communication system was almost completely destroyed..."

I don’t know if he has imagined the current scene in his mind too many times. Koch couldn’t finish his words as soon as he opened his mouth, but they were all valuable information rather than emotional catharsis.

On the ground, the translator who had just spoken to her through 14 quickly made translation sketches in his notebook to extract key information.

In just a few minutes, the command center imagined the tragic experience of "Blue Moon":

Halfway down, various electronic systems began to freeze and become unusable. The attempt to enter the orbit failed, the engine stopped, and a suspected external explosion caused a serious shift in the center of gravity. If Victor hadn't worked hard for mechanical control and was lucky, the engine would have been successfully restarted for a while. , it is absolutely a machine-destruction and a fatality.

But what was even more unfortunate was that the emergency landing area happened to hit the cave and then slide along the cave. Except for the internal cabin with protective measures in place, the exterior was almost completely destroyed. It can be said that the ground team was quite capable. At least Victor was able to open the hatch smoothly and come out. .

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