When Lianzhi saw the four astronauts entering the landing module one after another through the camera outside the lander, they finally felt relieved. In any case, there was no need to worry about any more accidents happening to them.

Claire believes that the joint index can be disbanded, but Academician She insists that the danger has not been completely eliminated, and experts from other countries also enthusiastically said that they can still help, so Claire can only choose to give up.

Well now, the whole world has been watching NACA humiliate adults. If the sun rises in the Eastern Hemisphere in a few hours, there will be 4 billion people torturing them all over again.

The safe entry of the four astronauts into the lander does not mean the end of the rescue mission. There is still a lot to do, but Academician She and others no longer need to personally supervise it.

It is now four o'clock in the morning, and 18 hours have passed since commanding the moon landing operation. Especially the temporary overtime operation of "Saving the Moon Men and Women" has exhausted the physical strength of almost everyone in the command center.

Academician She left the next plan to Lianzhi to discuss. He had to report to the capital before he could rest, unlike Lin Ju who was already preparing to return to the guest house.

Before parting, Lin Ju made a suggestion:

“As the frequency of outer space exploration around the world increases, the risk of accidents will also increase greatly. Although science and technology in various countries are advancing, in the final analysis, there are only so many that are reliable, and it cannot be said to be 100% successful.

Not only manned missions, but space debris, asteroids, etc. are also potential important threats. It is better to set up the joint index as a normalized organization to speed up response. "

"You mean..."

Academician She has grown old and refined a long time ago, so he cannot understand the meaning behind his words.

As an international organization, the joint command must have regular extra-atmospheric space reconnaissance and early warning capabilities, ready rescue capabilities, and a global measurement and control network to play its role. However, the number of countries that can participate is limited.

If the joint index can be fully implemented, whoever has influence on this organization will legitimately have the ability to influence the world, and the image will be very correct.

Just like the United Nations, although big countries can still do whatever they want, it is completely different if there is a formal approval. No matter what they do, it will be justice.

And there are many reasons for its establishment. From last year to now, there have been three manned space mission accidents around the world, which shows that the necessity is very urgent.

"This is a good suggestion. Let's make this idea more concrete and submit it together later. If there is a date or no date, we can play two shots."

"Do it as early as possible. You can first let someone, preferably someone other than yourself, give you some advice."

"Haha, then I guess Prince Sweetan would be very happy, haha!"

Back at the guest house, Lin Ju slept until noon.

Look up at the sunshine on the beach in Qiongzhou... The clouds are thick, and a new typhoon is about to land on the southeast coast. There are more than a dozen weather warnings this month alone. The Qiongzhou launch site in the second half of the year is not completely unusable, but there are definitely more The time will be somewhat different from the expected time.

The impact of this damn weather on the base may be ranked first.

Let’s take a look at how things are developing today and refresh the hot searches:

"Daily Daily's sharp commentary: Resolutely rescue the lives of foreign astronauts, space has no borders!"

"The Artemis 2 lander crashed on the moon on the evening of July 4, and the two astronauts were successfully rescued by Chinese astronauts."

"Prince Sweetan said it is necessary to establish a regular international space rescue organization to prepare for high-risk missions by immature countries."

"NACA acknowledges that the new generation of HLS may have design flaws, and the specific reasons are under investigation."

"ICAO Council Chairman Sciacchitano responded to the application for an airworthiness certificate for domestically produced passenger aircraft: it is under discussion."

"British media: Chinese may become a required course for astronauts in the future."

"Explorer 9 played an important role in the rescue operation."

"Famous actress was forced to execute 300 million yuan"


The top seven hot searches were all related to aerospace. This result made Lin Ju very satisfied, and the authorities must have taken action.

He opened Twitter again to see the reaction from the outside world. Unexpectedly, when it refreshed, it was the tweet posted by John:

“The Artemis II mission was 90% successful, the first woman and black man walked on the moon.

(The Artemis 2 mission was 90% successful, and the first woman and black man landed on the moon)"

“We used our own rocket to send astronauts there, and used the newly developed lander to send humans to the lunar surface. The two astronauts are also very healthy, which is obviously a large part of the success;

The only problem is the 50 kilometers from the lunar surface to space, which is only one part of the 800,000 kilometers round trip. "

Late at night on the lawn of the Presidential Palace, John explained the sufficient reasons for "90% success" without changing his face, leaving the reporters below dumbfounded.

90% success is also success, but there is no word about failure.

But this kind of sophistry cannot stop reporters. Photos of the "Blue Moon" lander's wreckage have now spread all over the world. Who would believe that this was a successful landing?

"Mr. John, we all saw the lander that crashed deeply into the ground. If the Chinese astronauts hadn't arrived in time, our astronauts might have died."

Faced with reporters’ questions, John remained calm:

"Obviously there is something wrong with your information, ma'am. According to the data we got, the lander only offset a part of the distance. This is a very common situation in the plan, just like the Apollo 11 mission also deviated by 250 miles. .

In fact, the only accident we encountered was the unfamiliarity with the terrain, which led to the accident. No one knows space better than me. "

After the messy press conference, Chief of Staff Kelly came to the door immediately.

"Sir, the Chinese have put forward their conditions."

John was still rubbing his head with a headache. Although the astronaut was indeed alive and there was no need to issue an obituary, it was obviously not a good thing for NACA to be embarrassed around the world.

After hearing Kelly's words, he already had a guess in his mind. He sighed and said:

"The airworthiness certificate cannot be given. This is a profit of hundreds of billions of dollars every year. If I dare to do this, veterans with PTSD will buy rifles tomorrow."

"But they want more than that." Kelly handed over the documents with a wry smile.

“They also want to liberalize international commercial satellite launches, establish a global agency to normalize space rescue, and allow their survey ships to dock at our islands in the Pacific and Atlantic, each of which is egregious.”


John flipped through the stacks of documents angrily. The other party had never explicitly asked for compensation, but now everyone knew the meaning of throwing out so many proposals at once, that they wanted to eat A Mei's flesh and blood.

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