"No, no, not even one!"

As a superpower, of course, it has its own standards of conduct. It is impossible for John to pretend to be stupid and let the ADC work in vain, but the other party's request is too exaggerated.

Apart from anything else, if we abandon the restrictions on the launch of sensitive satellite components and open launch orders to them, at least 30% of the business will be lost. The other party's cheap advantage is well known, and the capital is real.

Survey ship docked? Unless you let your friends stop with them to hurt each other, it's impossible.

Instead, establish a normalized space rescue organization... John keenly sensed some room for maneuver and could discuss it within a limited range.

But I'm afraid it won't satisfy the other party's appetite.

John thought for a while:

"How about I lift some trade restrictions? High-end server chips and other high-end equipment can be sold to them with restrictions."

Kelly: "To be honest, we are not optimistic about chips... Our software manufacturers have already begun to adapt to the XOS system. Intel and Qualcomm are also making a big move into the ternary system after reaching a partial patent exchange agreement in the first half of the year. Our restrictive effect is only It will get worse and worse. Now they are also launching Starlink, called Lingxi satellite, which is said to have used mass-produced ternary chips;

As for equipment... maybe they need lithography machines. Modu Microelectronics only announced this year that it has mastered 22nm technology, which is far behind us. "

"That's what you said. I'll reply tomorrow. Damn it, I have to go to sleep. NACA completely ruined my day."

"Sir, Claire has submitted her resignation to Congress."

"Resignation? You must at least resolve this matter before resigning. It's all because of his rashness!"

NACA is trying to find out the cause of the accident, and John is trying to find a way to shirk the blame, but there are also real elites discussing a way out.

Just outside a villa in the suburbs of Washington, National Security Advisor McMaster drove here in casual clothes. There were seven or eight cars parked outside the wooden villa.

The door was unlocked, and in addition to seven or eight casually dressed people, there were takeaways and drinks inside the house, just like a normal weekend gathering of friends.

"You're late Herbert, close the door."

A man in a shirt was sitting on a single sofa drinking whiskey. He was Major General Carey, the current rookie in the Air Force.

The boss changes every four years. This does not mean that the political protagonists will also switch at any time. In fact, those hereditary senators and inconspicuous middle managers who rely on control that often lasts for decades are the real people of this land. the actual manipulator.

Behind them stands the enterprise, and behind the enterprise is Huar Street. They stand at the top and influence everything.

Every boss change is just a manifestation of Huar Street's demands. Occasionally there may be some surprises, but other surprises will soon come to solve the surprises.

Everyone is here, and they are all waiting for the protagonist here: Jack Sullivan.

Sullivan is a current member of the think tank and is known to the outside world as his opponent of John.

"I am here to hope that everyone can work together to solve our common difficulties."

Sullivan looked at the people around him. Although there were not many, they already had enough influence in total.

"I have to admit that the situation has changed. In the past, we ignored manufacturing and thought that we could control the world by relying on finance and cutting-edge technology. But now there are obviously some problems. According to many studies by think tanks, we have confirmed that the local area needs to regain its strength. Only in this way can the manufacturing industry return to its peak."

McMaster: "This is not easy. I didn't expect you to become John's supporter so quickly."

"No, the situation is changing faster than imagined, and past experience no longer applies."

Sullivan pointed to the sky: "Aerospace technology is progressing much faster than we imagined, especially recyclable rockets that have changed almost everything. I have carefully studied and found that the launch cost of SpecaX is dozens of times lower than that of traditional aerospace companies.

The Star Wars plan, which was used for strategic deception in the last century, can completely become a reality by relying on cheap launch prices. Just like if the Saturn V could be reused, we would not cut off the follow-up plans for the moon landing. In fact, the Aviation Development Committee Just rely on yourself to move forward in this direction.

We must vigorously support any company that develops reusable rockets and enhance manufacturing capabilities to reduce costs. SLS is too expensive and it simply cannot compete. "

Carey: "I think you still have something to say."

Sullivan: "Yes, now they have the upper hand in space, right? With the nuclear-powered space shuttle, the space station five times larger than the International Space Station, and the ever-increasing number of satellites, we are facing unprecedented challenges.

If I had to make an analogy, it would be like April 12, 1961. The Alliance sent Gagarin into space and we had accomplished nothing. Our status and security were shaken. "

The rest of the people fell into thinking. It seemed that this was indeed the case. In just two years, the strategic situation had changed drastically. It was just that the Artemis Project had exposed these disadvantages.

Sullivan: "I, and many people, the ones you guessed, believe that it is very necessary to once again use a huge national plan to comprehensively improve the level of science and technology, just like the Apollo and Star Wars projects, and to overtake the alliance like a counter-superiority. them."

"I understand, it's the Ares project, are we going to land on Mars?"

McMaster responded that the only way to surpass the moon landing was to land on Mars.

"Yes, but it's more than that." Sullivan nodded and shook his head, and continued to add:

“The Star Wars program must also be restarted, and we will also deploy nuclear aircraft of hundreds or even kilotons in space. In addition to these, we will suppress and restrict their manufacturing industry to continue to plunder capital and money from the world.

We need to re-introduce huge subsidies to the local manufacturing industry, recapture the lost markets, and save unemployed workers. As long as we survive the initial efforts, we can rely on the protected market to resume industry in an all-round way. "

After hearing Sullivan's words, the others looked at each other and quickly understood the meaning: money.

Landing on Mars, Star Wars, and reshoring manufacturing all require unimaginable amounts of money to subsidize. Even hundreds of billions are not enough. At least long-term investments of trillions of dollars are needed to see results.

This can indeed strengthen the manufacturing industry and re-establish space dominance, and can also solve social problems such as massive unemployment, but it also means that it is possible to usher in the crazy fiscal deficits of the last century.

In fact, at the end of the 1980s, both sides of the Cold War were already at the end of their strength, and Aramco's prosperity in the 1990s and 10s was entirely sustained by eating the dividends of its opponents' collapse. If it were delayed for a while, the result would not be certain.

Sullivan: "We have convinced most of the congressmen that they need to make recommendations to John immediately. The Yankees are facing the most dangerous moment in their history."

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