I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 447 Chicken talking to duck

At 20:00 on the evening of July 5, the ascender of Shuguang-3 detached and took off, preparing to dock with the command module in low-Earth orbit.

The television and broadcast cameras next to the landing site saw the angular ascender in the upper part of the lander rising rapidly after ejecting a burst of gas. Because of the extremely low gravity on the moon, they tilted their attitude when taking off and entered as quickly as possible. The track flickered for a few times before disappearing from the screen.

There is still a lot of equipment and tools lying around the remaining lander, and about one-third of the experimental projects have been cancelled, waiting for the next mission to continue.

Strictly speaking, both Dawn 3 and Artemis 2 failed to complete all scheduled plans, and the time they spent on the moon was much shorter than imagined. They came and went in a hurry.

"Victor, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's awesome. I've never sat on a rocket in this position."

Victor's voice was slightly dull because his current posture was very strange.

Because there were no more fixing measures in the cabin, he and Koch had to rely on the fixed slots on the bulkhead. Since the life-support backpacks on their backs were too large, they were both tied facing the bulkhead...

At this time, the "portal" happened to also move to the day side of the moon, and Reed Wiseman finally succeeded in getting in touch with them.

"Thank you, Victor and Christina, you are the bravest Americans, and you are all unprecedented heroes."

"Uh... we'll talk to you later, buddy. Zhang said we're about to dock with the command module. See you on Earth."

The docking process was also fully automatic. Ding Jihua opened the door from the command module side.

There were two before leaving, and four came back.

Zhang Zhiguang and Fang Lin gave up almost all sampling tasks. Only one of them caught a small handful, maybe two or three kilograms, as a souvenir. But fortunately, they harvested two humans and Artemis 2, which added up to more than 100 kilograms. A set of extravehicular walking spacesuits (damaged commemorative edition) is not too much of a disadvantage.

The command module of the Dawn Spaceship can originally support up to 7 people, so it's okay for five people to squeeze in, but there are a lot of supplies in the cabin.

Because the amount of lunar dust residue brought back by the four people on the moon seriously exceeded the standard, the command center decided to abandon their docking mission with the Wutu Space Station after their return to prevent the space station from being contaminated.

Instead, Ding Jihua went to a group in the morning to get some supplies and experimental samples before leaving, preparing to pick up people and set off home immediately.

Now that he saw the four people and the situation inside the rising period, Ding Jihua realized the necessity of issuing this order.

The four people who returned took off their spacesuits before entering the command module, then packed them in bags and sent them back to Earth as souvenirs.

During this process, Ding Jihua saw lunar dust particles reflecting light almost everywhere on the spacesuit. Some of them were deeply embedded in the surface, and the damage was indeed serious.

Fortunately, several astronauts wore jumpsuits that only exposed their faces and their skin did not get stained by these things, otherwise it might cause itching or other problems.

After almost an hour of carefully handling the samples and spacesuits, the five astronauts were finally able to relax.

Ding Jihua brought out the rice dumplings and vegetables picked from the Wutu space station that had been prepared long ago as their celebration feast.

The other four people were already hungry and tired, and their appetites increased when they saw the fresh vegetables.

"Old Ding, how's it going up there at Black Rabbit?"

While eating rice dumplings with bean sprouts, Fang Lin asked about the situation on the Wutu Space Station.

Ding Jihua: "Actually, it is not much different from the core module of Tiangong. Although it is heavier, it also has more equipment. I have seen that it is basically running normally.

I heard that the impact of lunar dust was underestimated at the time, and they were also considering whether to add a cleaning airlock to the space station. "

Fang Lin: "Actually, there shouldn't be that many. It's mainly because it's too easy to get contaminated while working. The amount of normal activities should still be controllable."

"Be prepared. The four of you will be ready later. Concorde's experts will conduct a remote diagnosis to see if you have inhaled excessive amounts of moon dust. Gee, the inside of the ascender is almost like a construction site."

Victor and Koch couldn't get in the conversation because they didn't understand Chinese, so they just kept gobbling down the food. The food on Dawn 3 was much more delicious than the food on Artemis.

At 1 a.m. on July 6, the ascender separated from the command module, and the remaining fuel was prepared to be used to slow down and impact the ground around the Qom impact crater to help the seismic detectors better understand the geographical structure and mineral distribution around it.

Immediately afterwards, the Shuguang-3 spacecraft began to accelerate and officially began its journey back to Earth.

"Sir, that's their response."

John took the file from his assistant, which contained a report written by McMaster.

In order to negotiate the role of bilateral rescue and border assistance, he sent McMaster to the capital for negotiations. He would stay until the astronauts landed and then bring them back together.

McMaster directly put forward John's conditions as soon as he landed, but the other party expressed extremely strong dissatisfaction:

The so-called reopening of some trade and high-end chips is purely a mosquito leg, but the lithography machine said it is acceptable and requires the purchase of 20 latest EUV lithography machines at a reasonable price;

In the airworthiness certificates of the three types of aircraft, the C810 does not need to be replaced by the An1250, and the remaining C822 and C832 must also be given;

The docking of survey ships can be abandoned, but international satellite launch restrictions must be lifted: satellites containing AUS components are "sensitive" and they cannot be allowed to undertake it. It is really force, and the opposition is very firm;

The International Joint Rescue Command must be a neutral organization without any position, and Aramco is welcome to join.

Obviously, the first exchange of opinions was a chicken-and-duck talk. Only slight concessions were made on the surface, but the core interests were still firmly grasped.

The differences are too big. The Aerospace Development Committee believes that it has given up most of the follow-up work and risked its life to save the two astronauts. It cannot be dismissed so easily. If Victor and Koch really die, the impact on Aramco will be extremely exaggerated. Absolutely It can't be fooled easily.

John also knew that only with this prerequisite could he promote "90% success", but the price was too high and he didn't dare to sign.

After thinking about it, he called Pio and prepared to call people from Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The airworthiness certificate with the greatest stakes harmed the interests of these two aviation giants, and the Artemis 2 mission They are also the main contractor, so they have to bear some responsibility, right?

As for satellite launch... let's ask McMaster and Hexagon for their opinions and see if we can achieve a compromise result.

As for the EUV lithography machine, just ignore it. If they really sell the past 20 advanced process lithography machines, TSMC and Intel will have to face unprecedented competition. Besides, 20 EUV units are Asmail's production capacity of several years. This kind of lion's mouth is completely Come to show off your momentum.

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