"Boeing believes that as long as the C822, C832 and C810 meet international civil aviation safety standards, they can apply for airworthiness certificates from ICAO.

It’s just that we think their price advantage is not big and some minor adjustments can be made. "

At the negotiation site in Beijing, Zeng Xiangdong, the current president and top engineer of Commercial Aviation, was a little surprised.

He used to work as a senior engineer at Airbus, and later went to China Aviation Industry. After many changes, he became the president of Commercial Aviation. He is currently still busy with the construction of the Yizhou production base.

The one who negotiated directly with him was Shepard Hill, the current Vice President of Boeing. He happened to be promoting the Boeing 787 in China. He just met with McMaster yesterday. Zeng Xiangdong was very surprised by his answer today.

To be honest, Commercial Aviation has always focused its greatest attention on the C822. When it is difficult to go abroad, regional passenger aircraft are the main market. The demand for the C832 is destined to be low if it does not fly on transoceanic routes, and the competitiveness of converting it into a freighter is not as good as that of the old passenger aircraft. .

Boeing doesn’t object? There must be something fishy.

So he crossed his fingers and asked tentatively:

"We have always admired your great achievements in civil aviation passenger transportation. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Sheppard: "Your pursuit of national production seems to me to be a very cost-effective way. When applying for an airworthiness certificate, each subsystem needs to go through a lot of testing. If you replace some components with qualified international suppliers, , the time for applying for an airworthiness certificate is greatly shortened.”

"Of course we have plans for this. As long as the quality is up to standard, we will choose a more cost-effective supplier."

Sheppard: "If you are willing to outsource the engines, avionics, navigation systems and airframes, these two passenger aircraft can be put into route operation immediately."


Zeng Xiangdong knew that capitalists would not hold back any good farts. If the key components were released, Commercial Aviation would just make hard money like the C919. All the hard work invested in research and development would be in vain.

It would be better not to provide such relaxing conditions.

Suppressing the thought of getting angry, Zeng Xiangdong said calmly:

"For the C822, we can open the landing gear hydraulic system, part of the wing fuselage, interior, and APU. For the C832, it is slightly less. Except for the avionics and engine parts, other subsystems can be opened if international suppliers can provide competitive prices. , can be contracted.”

This is the bottom line of his instructions. If C822 and C832 can be exported without restrictions, the output will skyrocket. It is completely possible to find several foreign and domestic suppliers to supply parts together. As long as the key technology is in hand, the profit will not be reduced. There is also no risk of restrictions.

The most valuable ones are of course the main body, avionics and engine. Apart from these three major parts, the technical content of other parts in China is not worse than that in foreign countries, and some of them are equivalent.

Shepard obviously couldn't accept this result. He directly showed his hands:

"Mr. Zeng, what I represent now is not just Boeing. One passenger plane directly supports several giants and hundreds of companies. What you just said is not enough to convince most people.

We are willing to make some concessions, but not too much. "

Zeng Xiangdong took a deep breath, knowing that it might be a little difficult to reach an agreement.

"The domestic supersonic passenger aircraft C810 and the large transport aircraft An1250 have obtained FAA airworthiness certificates."

On July 7, Ami finally made its first concession—although it was also a mosquito leg.

There are only a few orders for small business jets like the C810, and it is marked that they can only be used for civil aviation. Although several wealthy people immediately expressed their intention to order, the total is still very limited.

The issuance of the airworthiness certificate for the C810 is more about Lockheed's desire to develop the supersonic passenger aircraft market. In an era when world oil prices are rising continuously, it would not be a bad idea if there are many wealthy people who are still willing to pay for it and get involved themselves.

As for the An1250, it is even simpler. There are only a few such super transport aircraft in global civil aviation demand, and it will not affect the current mainstream cargo business.

As for the progress in other aspects, only the International Rescue Organization is in-depth discussions and allowing TSMC to sell two mature 28nm production lines to the mainland. This is the biggest concession.

This made Lin Ju extremely dissatisfied. The key airworthiness certificates of C822 and C832 were boycotted to varying degrees by many European and American countries. After all, the civil aviation industry has already been shrinking due to the oil price market. It would be difficult to bring in a big old player. Profits are damaged.

But it is impossible to outsource key parts. We finally made it domestically just to avoid the core technology being controlled by others, so we are temporarily in a stalemate.

As for satellites... I heard from the Aerospace Development Committee that NACA is willing to persuade Congress to repeal some of the Wolf provisions and can open up a little bit.

"These Yankees really don't want to take any losses."

Academician She summarized the current situation very simply, and Lin Ju nodded in agreement.

"The worst case scenario is that we will detain the astronauts and not let them go. We can only leave after paying a ransom."

"Haha, you must not be heard by others."

Although he knew it was a joke, Academician She was still a little wary. Fortunately, they were now at the Xinyuan base.

There will be no mistakes in the return of Shuguang-3. It also adopts the route of the Apollo program. The astronauts do not need to do anything and just wait.

Moreover, the landing of the spacecraft this time is also very special. It adopts the method of splashdown and recovery at sea. An aircraft carrier formation has been assembled in the South China Sea and is cruising around to practice search, rescue and salvage procedures.

There are currently no helicopter attack ships in service in the Navy, otherwise it would actually be more convenient.

The follow-up work was handed over to others, and Academician She followed Lin Ju to the base to inspect the two service modules of the Qianjin space station that were about to be delivered.

According to the previous agreement, the main body of the service module and most of the equipment inside the module were manufactured by the space agency. They also took this opportunity to finally master the manufacturing technology of the giant module.

After they are completed, they will be flown to the base, where the nuclear engine and remaining equipment will be installed.

The Jingu base where the rocket was manufactured was officially accepted a few days ago. The base went over to inspect it and then accepted it.

Outside the assembly plant, two trucks with huge radiation signs each hauled a heavy container, inside which were two customized and improved A100 engines.

Unlike the space shuttle, which needs to compress the mass and volume as much as possible, the space provided in the service module is much more abundant, and many designs that compromise space can be changed.

The A100 thrust data equipped for the service module remains unchanged, but the power generation part is particularly strengthened. The continuous power generation capacity of a single one reaches 2.5MW. The six service modules can provide a total of 15MW of abundant power for the space station.

Even if solar cells are not needed, the power provided by these reactors is completely sufficient for the operation of the space station and can support a considerable amount of equipment.

Of course, this also destined to be expensive. At least Academician She believed that the cost of each engine worth two service cabins was completely reasonable, and he even felt that Lin Ju suffered a loss.

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