I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 489 Business Solution Ideas

The "Snowbird" radar is invisible and has obvious optical characteristics, but this is not due to poor consideration by the design team.

They had already thought of this problem when they used the unmanned platform for engine testing. When flying at hypersonic speeds above Mach 10, the air will naturally produce a large amount of plasma during violent collisions, and these plasmas will radiate outward including visible light and infrared characteristics. A variety of electromagnetic waves including.

The original team came up with a way to apply an electric field at the engine inlet to guide the plasma to flow through the body in the route they wanted, and finally merged with the engine's wake.

The confined plasma forms an enveloping elliptical cloud, which can not only absorb electromagnetic waves in many bands to improve stealth, but can also disperse to significantly reduce detectability.

This technology first originated in the 1950s and was later tested in the prototype stage of the Blackbird, but was eventually canceled due to control difficulties.

Now, with the great advancement of computer control technology, the desert base has turned plasma invisibility into a reality.

It achieved very good results during the test of a small unmanned demonstrator. However, the "Snowbird"'s body was too large and the collision was more violent, and the resulting plasma cloud was more difficult to control. This led to its extremely obvious failure in actual observation. The radar stealth effect has also been greatly affected. Under normal circumstances, it is more than ten times more difficult for the anti-missile system's radar to capture him.

The new solution proposed by Androv was a technical idea, which the people present could not quite understand, but it was enough to know that it could be improved. Being too ostentatious was not a good thing.

So the last topic is space evacuation... no, the idea and feasibility of the space emergency command center.

Every nuclear power will inevitably consider the issue of command in the end of the world. As long as the leadership remains and can maintain contact, its counterattack capabilities and cohesion will not be dispersed.

Although there are underground bunkers in various countries that can withstand attacks by any known means, who can guarantee that high-level officials will be at the bunker entrance when the nuclear button is pressed?

So the "Doomsday Plane" was born. Take Aramco as an example. They used a modified Boeing 747, codenamed E-4B. In order to defend against electromagnetic pulses and radiation dust, the body has a complete protective layer. At the same time, the avionics system uses vacuum tubes and simulations on a large scale. circuit to enhance reliability under electromagnetic disturbances.

Every time the boss travels, it follows behind the president's plane. During the war, it takes off and cruises with high-level officials. Because of the addition of a large number of fuel tanks, it can stay in the air for 34 hours, which is enough to return to the homeland from any corner of the earth and allow the boss to fly. Senior management conducts remote command.

The survivability of a doomsday aircraft in a nuclear war with the current technological level is still quite strong. However, there were no real special planes in China before, let alone a doomsday aircraft.

Previously, China planned to purchase a C832 for modification, but the two-engine platform was not as risk-resistant as Aramco's four-engine platform, and it was not possible to produce a four-engine aircraft specifically for this purpose, so the progress was slow due to unsteady determination.

This emergency incident deeply inconvenienced the superiors. The C832 ordered for the special plane will not be officially delivered for operation until next month. This time, a temporary 747 was used. It was very troublesome to handle affairs during the flight. If it was a real war, there would be almost no command ability. .

It just so happened that space safety came into play in this incident, so the higher-ups wanted to know whether it was possible to build a doomsday command center in space.

As for this question, Academician She and Lin Ju have already discussed the answer:

“If a safer doomsday aircraft is needed, we propose that it can be modified using Tengyun Engineering.

You can even use it as a special plane to travel. As long as you can ensure fuel, you can not only visit quickly, but also enter space in emergencies. It is safer than any current doomsday aircraft.

During regular flights, Tengyun can operate without using the apex mode, and can still reach a speed of over Mach 10, allowing it to visit the world in one hour. "

Everyone: "..."

After Academician She finished speaking, there was silence in the conference room for a while, and then someone from the military raised his hand.

After getting permission, he stood up and expressed his sincere doubts:

"Then why don't we just use the Snow Pheasant to transform the special plane? It can fly directly back to the mainland in an hour, and its flying height is high enough to avoid the impact of a nuclear explosion."



Lin Ju listened below and thought it made sense. After all, he would have to return to the homeland to command in the end, right?

And this dear friend also sent another soul question:

"I remember that the Tengyun Project uses low-temperature methane fuel and needs to be temporarily refilled. It will take at least a few hours to prepare. I'm afraid it's too late, right?"



Because they were in a hurry, Academician She and Lin Ju really didn't think too much about it. They were busy discussing what happened last night, but they made a stupid mistake.

Moreover, Androv stood up at the right time:

"We have previously planned to use Snow Hu to transform private jets. It is almost feasible. There is no problem on my side."

Superior: "Comrades from the Aviation Development Commission will go out for now and come in later."

It took more than an hour, when everyone else had dispersed, before seven or eight members of the Aviation Development Committee were summoned back into the meeting.

The relationship between the 8.12 incident and the space port is over. Now the superiors are concerned about another matter.

The boss threw the issue of JAD that published Academician Yu's paper on the table and said angrily:

"No one will care about you for a few days, and we are going to use hydrogen bombs to blow up the moon. If we stay a little longer, will there be no moon left?"

Academician She: "It's my fault in this matter. The comrades just put forward ideas. It's me..."

The superior stopped the two of them's performance of the painful love scene. Now that there was no outsider, it was almost okay. He took a drink of water and rested for a while before asking:

“Is this hydrogen bomb explosion really necessary or just propaganda?

If it is a conventional method, how much energy will it cost? "

Seeing this, Lin Ju quickly called up the data on the tablet. This was the real data calculated by the Aviation Development Commission, which was far less exaggerated than the millions of tons of explosives widely rumored by the outside world.

In order to highlight the convenience of hydrogen bombs, many concepts were secretly changed in publicity, which seems completely unfeasible. In fact, the explosives and plans used for mining on the moon are very different from those on the earth, and the amounts used are much smaller.

But the superiors still gasped when they saw it. The explosives alone would require at least 100,000 tons, and a chemical plant with a total weight of 600 tons would need to be launched to the moon. It would take three years to complete production. The total plan is to launch a 4,000-ton payload to the lunar surface. It lasted five years, cost 8 billion in launch and transportation costs, and the total investment was about 18 billion yuan. Taking into account personnel and other maintenance costs, it was finally completed at about 22 billion yuan.

With this investment and this cycle, United Mining may be dragged into bankruptcy.

The superior put down the tablet and rubbed his brows vigorously. He really wanted to say that he should cancel the mining plan. More than 20 billion had been invested in this project alone. The total cost was hundreds of billions. It was no exaggeration. The economic cost was really bad.

Finally, after a long time, he said melancholy and firmly:

"We are now on the cusp of the storm. It will be very sensitive for officials to use hydrogen bombs to blow up the moon, and it will easily become an attack target."

Lin Ju and Academician She were disappointed, but this was also expected.

Just when they were dejected and ready to give up, they heard the voice of their superior:

"But it's not completely impossible. We are not the only ones who can provide hydrogen bombs. Since you plan to use them to mine, these hydrogen bombs can also be regarded as a special kind of mine explosives.

United Mining is a commercial company, so why not try to solve it through commercial channels and conduct external bidding? "

"Huh? *3"

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