
A large row of dignitaries including Nakayama Jiuji, Hao Gong, and the Ministry of Defense stood neatly in a row and bowed more than 90 degrees to the media.

It took a whole day for the order in the city to calm down, and the statistics afterwards were shocking.

At Edo Haneda Airport alone, 1,108 people died, 2,340 were seriously injured, and more than 7,000 people suffered varying degrees of minor injuries due to stampedes, crowding and other reasons. The casualties were over 10,000.

The main cause was the collision caused by the A350 trying to go around, which not only killed more than 700 people in one go, but also caused the order of the entire airport to completely collapse, and the situation continued to worsen.

More than 5,000 car accidents, 200 arson cases and more than 1,000 robberies occurred in the city in one day, causing 174 deaths and 6 billion yen in direct economic losses and 200 billion yen in indirect losses.

Of course, the most serious and influential one is the arson incident at the Spiritualist Club. The Police Department has discovered many intentional arson points.

This fire that occurred in the midst of chaos completely affected the entire Spiritualist Club and the surrounding area, turning it into ashes, and the suspect has still not been identified and is still being traced.

No matter how you look at it, the trauma caused by the "8.12" incident is shocking and can only be compared with some extremely serious natural disasters.

The authorities immediately issued condemnations and demanded 30 billion yen in financial compensation for the more than 50,000 victims, hoping that the perpetrators would publicly apologize.

But the domestic response was only to dispatch a rescue team with a total of no more than 200 people and the Red Cross Society for humanitarian relief. As for compensation?

"... We express our deep sympathy for your experience. Our rescuers will adhere to the principle of humanity first to carry out rescue activities. The first batch of donated funds of more than 1 million yuan will be provided to the people in the disaster area free of charge."

The spokesperson first expressed concern and sympathy compassionately, then the smile on his face turned away and he said seriously:

"We need to reiterate again that the civilian aircraft that accidentally entered the airspace of the three parties this time was a civilian aircraft used for high-altitude weather detection. When faced with a major danger, the pilot handled it appropriately and bravely saved the aircraft from falling and causing a secondary disaster, which contributed to world environmental protection and security. made significant contributions.

During this process, our weather aircraft only passed harmlessly and did not cause any direct harm. The so-called compensation is completely based on falsehoods.

On the contrary, the riots in some areas are completely caused by long-standing public suspicion and disapproval of the social environment. We urge relevant parties to face up to themselves and stop going against the wishes of most areas and people and going their own way, which is harmful to the people of this country and the world. Irresponsible for the safety of future generations..."

After finishing speaking, the spokesperson closed the manuscript and turned away. The press conference will be in the afternoon, and the morning will be just a press conference and will not answer any questions.

He is in a very happy mood now, whether it is what happened next door or the speech he read today, he is very happy.

Of course, it is impossible to carry out so-called compensation in China. This confirms that the personal losses were caused by oneself:

We just passed through harmlessly, how could we hurt you? It's you who caused the mess, okay?

Another reason is that compensation cannot be compensated. The losses at Haneda Airport are too great, and a large number of casualties are international tourists, including domestic tourists. Even if compensation is given, it must be a purely humanitarian subsidy.

The group of tourists who burned down the Spiritualist Club went to other places as quickly as possible and bought air tickets to return home. The security bureau immediately controlled them, but the main thing was not to let them go around shouting and causing trouble. You just need to know this kind of thing.

In fact, while the people in the country were cheering, they could also guess the inside story. Who else could burn down a spiritualist club?

The spokesperson re-examined the afternoon's itinerary, and there was still a very important item in it: a protest against the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea.

Although this is not the first time, the timing is more subtle.


Medvedev, the attaché of the Lucia Embassy, ​​and Kijian, the ambassador of the country, sat together in a street snack bar, exchanging news while eating.

The snow swan also flew over Vladivostok the day before yesterday, but the place did not fall into chaos and was just curious for a while.

Based on the relationship within the Huayin Treaty Organization, Lucia only protested symbolically, and then focused on the "weather plane".

Institutions from various countries in China are now moving around like crazy, looking for clues about this secret project, hoping to get some inside information.

The results of various countries' military military deductions for "weather aircraft" are that the defense success rate is not even 20%. Just look at the 18 "Patriot 3" launched by Edo in succession. Although Lucia has always felt that her own S500 air defense system is definitely He is the strongest in the world, but he has no confidence after seeing this scene.

The MiG Design Bureau and RKA, which are conducting forward-looking research on plasma stealth technology, have studied the information provided and believe that the external radiation characteristics of the "weather aircraft" are not normal. It definitely uses part of the plasma stealth technology, but it still seems to have a lot of Big flaw.

This result made them both happy and worried. The Su-57, which had already realized that it was going astray, had been thinking about how to improve its stealth performance. However, since the appearance could no longer be significantly changed, it could only use the plasma stealth envisioned by the MiG. The plan has some value.

Although it seems that the Chinese have not taken this road yet, since they are also vigorously developing, there is definitely a prospect.

Of course, the reason for the worry is the amazing performance of the mysterious aircraft. It can ignore almost all air defense systems in the world and break through, giving it an overwhelming advantage over any party.

When did they secretly come up with this thing? It’s too scary!

In the past, the Chinese Air Force, which had been only able to retreat to the offshore and could only reach half of the island countries, will definitely reverse the situation. According to the estimated combat radius of more than 5,000 kilometers, if it is refueled in the air, it can take off from the north and cross the North Pole to reach Ami's hometown. Returning again, no escort is required throughout the journey.

Even if she did nothing, she could still make Ami so sick, let alone Lucia who was right next door.

Jean was purely out of technical interest. Although it was only 5,000 kilometers from the northwest hinterland to Paris, at least he didn't think it was necessary to do so.

Both of them collected public information, and the information they obtained was very limited. The biggest breakthrough was that they found out that the mysterious aircraft seemed to have a major relationship with Xinyuan Company, but it was useless to think about it carefully.

Jean and Medvedev had almost completed their exchange when they finished lunch. When the two left, Medvedev received a call from the ambassador.

"Roy, go back to the embassy quickly. There's something big going on and you have to be there."

Medvedev hurriedly bought an ofo yellow car and paid a deposit. At this time, driving or taking a taxi were absolutely wrong choices.

Gene was confused when he saw this, but he still chose to take a car. He was afraid of heatstroke when riding in the capital today, and at least the car had air conditioning.

However, his phone rang a few minutes later. After answering the phone, Gene greeted the other party first and had to find a small yellow car to scan the code and register.

He frowned when he saw the deposit of 199 yuan was required, but still chose to pay, and then rode a small yellow car to the embassy in the sun.

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