Wang Du is wide, the Adventurer Guild is also to the east and west, the east side confirmed during this previous meeting with the Guild Master Zelich, but is interested to see what kind of request there is on the west side.

"This is the West Alliance. The request... I see."

The guild on the east side had many dealer ship escorts, miscellaneous requests around the harbour town, and crusades for demons that appeared by the sea.

In the western guild of the opposite hinterland, there are many requests for dungeons, crusades from the villages around them, and herb collection in the hinterland, apparently about half a day from the Wang capital.

"Even in the same king's capital, the type of request changes."

"It's funny!

With a guild with few people in the afternoon like that, and Teto and I are finally discussing whether to do even some kind of delivery request, people in the organization rarely come this time of year.

"Hey, keep the material on the counter!


For adventurers, wizards with wizard-like wands and robes weaving on their beautiful appearances give orders to fellow men.

The ordained adventurer seems to be dissatisfied with the wizard's great demeanor, but he arranges a loot solemnly packed in a bag, never in his mouth, on the guild's counter.

Everyone exchanges in a transverse manner when there are multiple groups led by wizards dressed in such uniform dark green robes.

Having been slightly uncomfortable and interested in the condition, we stop by the corner of the guild to observe the condition.

"Our share keeps the material that serves as a catalyst for wind and water magic. And half the reward."

"No!? I know you guys do need a magic catalyst, but half the reward minus that is tyrannical!

"Are you willing to complain about a Sutherland Gate? Even you guys can't fight without wizards now!


The wizard, who names a Sutherland Gateway against an adventurer who can't repent, has a niggling grin.

"Yeah, well, you just have to listen to what adults have to say! Unlike the common people, we don't have enough money for noble magic studies!

With that said, the wizards, who received only gold and catalytic material, just leave.

I head to the empty guild buying counter, somewhat surprised by the sight I'm not used to.


"Hello, ladies. I wonder what's wrong?

"Please buy this"

Sneak a pre-removed medicinal herb from the velcro bag onto the counter.

Without submitting your guild card, ask as local residents disguise themselves as coming to make change in the guild.

"Hey, what was that 'Sutherland Gate' earlier?

When I ask with a small animal, the person at the counter in front of me tells me politely as he lowers his eyeballs slightly.

"Your daughter, don't you know? Sutherland Gate is where the best wind wizards come from in Lowville."

"A gateway to wizards... are they amazing people?

The person at the counter answers nothing with a grinning look to my question of a calm voice.

Apparently, the situation is unsatisfactory.

I then heard a lot of stories as a bickering during the buyout, and listened nearby because the adventurers who were working with the earlier wizards in the afternoon tavern were also foolish.

"It's tough ~"

"Brothers, you're working hard."

"That's right. But there's nobility behind them... damn it... but I can't help it if I tell my kids this."

And I was able to spend an afternoon knowing a new aspect of the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Lobail.

That's what Sutherland is all about.

In this world today, a mass disappearance of magic occurred in the runoff of magical civilization 2,000 years ago.

Using that as an opportunity, a large number of people who could not withstand a low magic environment died, the magic average for those who withstood the environment was lower, and the total number of wizards was reduced.

To protect such a rare wizard and secure the power of his own country, an object called the Magic Noble was born in each country.

Such magical aristocrats began to take and inherit disciples in order to maintain their magic, aim to develop and keep them uninterrupted.

With the know-how to train talented magicians in such a long history, an organization that has increased the number of rare wizards is a magical gateway.

A Sutherland Gate seems to be a magical gate centered around the Count of Sutherland, a famous house of wind wizards in the Kingdom of Lobail.

There have been many studies, especially focusing on wind magic, and many court magicians from the Kingdom of Lobail have been produced.

It also has to do with the location of the Lowbail King's Capital, and if there is a Wind Wizard, the ship can be moved without being driven by the weather, and it is treasured more than any other attribute, such as pushing back windstorms and high waves that strike the King's Capital with the wind.

For this reason, they have the idea that 'wind magic is the supreme'.

As a trademark, he wears a dark green robe and appears to indicate which faction he is from.

For the record, the brother-in-law system is being used because there are not enough students to remember magic even when creating a magic school, which is costly and also coupled with the Wizard's secrecy.

It is the current wizards who are using such a system of brotherhood to train wizards.

"The wizards at the gates of Sutherland, against the backdrop of their status as magical aristocrats, are using adventurers to level with efficient demonic exorcisms in the dungeons -"

"That attitude is still bad."

In the evening, Teto, holding Cro, mouths dissatisfied.

Indeed, the attitude of a wizard at Sutherland Gate is not very good.

But apart from that, I honestly have something to admire.

Efficient wizard training know-how we have accumulated over the years.

Although limited to what is called the wind attribute, the study of magic catalysts and magic drugs has led to the development of means to enhance one's own magic, tattoo and tattoo development to efficiently transmit magic, and the granting of tools.

Also, magical developments adapted to the characteristics of the region, etc.

There are many interesting examples.

"I know the magic catalyst, as a theory, but I'm not using it."

A magic catalyst is one that reacts the magic and magic of a material substance to increase its power.

Magic medicine that increases the power of magic is something that temporarily lowers the magic power in your body by taking it.

"For me to be able to increase my magic power with [strange nuts], I don't need catalysts and magic drugs because they can be excessive firepower, but I can feel people's creativity."

For me with more than 300,000 magic powers, it's only about the error, such as all aids.

But I'm also excited to think that those little piles might create new inventions.

Such information is mostly kept secret and unnecessary to me.

But what I would like to analyze, improve and study catalysts and magic drugs may already be like a leisure time crush as a person living immortality.

For the record, if Magic One Gate is to be the party studying attributes around magical nobility, then the Church of the Five Great Gods and others can also be considered to be the magic one who does not belong to a country that aims to magically recreate the miracles once exercised by the goddesses.

I also think it is another interesting example of how, due to race characteristics like the Gard Beast Nation, beasts with few wizards are not born with an organization like Magic Gate and the state is spending money to train wizards.

"Thinking about it... that's really funny"

"The witch seems to enjoy it more than anything...... ah!?


That's how as I walk down the path of dusk, the cro in Teto's arms descends to the ground just a little bit, entering the back alley.

"Chro, you wait!

"What could it be?

Crowe doesn't act without clapping because he's a smart phantom beast.

For that, I thought it must be a meaningful behavior, and when I chased after the chrome, I was smelling it in front of something like a chunk of black cloth.

"Chro, what's wrong?


Snort with Sunsung and watch Cro slap Pospospos with his forelegs and a chunk of black cloth moves with Mozomozo.

Gently squeezing up the ends of the black cloth, the chestnut-haired hair drops a room zero.


"It's a girl."

This is the girl who looked like she said she was a 12-year-old girl.

To find out if he's alive, I feel the shock of something like current running at my fingertips when I touch him directly.

I learned from her empathy in a rather sensory part, not a theoretical one.

"Witch, what is it?

"Ugh, yeah. It's okay."

I look around, confused without knowing what the senses are.

This place is insecure at night for a backalley stop in the Wang capital.

Leaving a fallen girl alone is not sleeping well either.

"I have no choice, let's take him home"

I'll leave Teto to hold the girl and go home.

However, the robe the girl was wearing at that time looked familiar somewhere.

"Oh, well. The Wizard of the Sutherland Gate I saw in the Alliance."

However, I wonder why the wizard of Sutherland, who also has a strong force in the Kingdom of Lobail, was going and falling.

There is no noticeable trauma to that, and the complexion shows a slight colour of fatigue, so I guess I'm overworked.

I don't know how it went down, but when we brought him home, we put him to bed and waited for him to wake up.

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