"Well, shall we make cold soup for dinner as promised"

"Witch, I'm going to help!

In the kitchen of the rental house, me and Teto line up and make dinner.

To match the cold potato and milk soup, make fish muniel and vegetable and mushroom butter sautéed, seaweed salad, etc., which would be well done inside.

"Okay, is this what this is all about?

"It looks delicious today!


I was thinking about finishing the dish and eating it, and when I heard the croquet squeal and looked back, the girl I was putting to bed was up.

"Oh, um... where am I?

Answer as little nervousness as possible because I ask like I said it was a snack.

"This is our house. On the way home, Crowe found you and brought you home."


"It's a black kitten clo there! He's smart and cute!

When a girl stares at a clo pointed by Teto with a blurred gaze, she gives a fluffy soft look.

"Thank you, you saved my life."


When a chestnut-haired girl who looks soft points her finger at Crowe, Crowe turns her back and moves to the front of the meal plate.

And I ask a girl who drops her shoulders to interact with such a cro.

"It's time for dinner, but can we have dinner?

"You know, even though you were down, you even lent me a bed, and then, even a meal -" Gyurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... "-"

I try to say no, but you seem honest with your stomach.

Whether the scent of burnt butter stimulated her appetite, the belly worm sounds grandiose and the girl blushes her face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. You can't leave a hungry young child alone."

"It is! Witch's rice, it's delicious!

"Ugh, yeah? Young boy or witch? Thank you..."

The girl whose tail was about to disappear but who thanked her well, hands on the meal.

"What is this bread! White and fuzzy! And sweet! This soup is cold and spicy even though it's trout! Oh, the smell of fish muniel is so good! Oh, not wild grass, salad, fresh salad and dressing delicious! And this crunchy thing is seaweed? I can't believe there's such a way to eat..."

I made extra because I thought Teto would eat it, but the girl is so hungry, she eats it like it really tastes good, so I figured she'd be happy to eat what she made.

"It was a pleasure. And thank you."

The girl, about 12 years old, who bows her head politely when she's full and she's back in strength, has a gaze to peek at this one.

Me and Teto think it's time to cut it out.

"Let's introduce ourselves. I'm Chise."

"And it's Tet! It's the chrome I explained earlier!


I tell them their names, and Teto also makes them pose long live with a satisfied and weakened clo after meal along with an introduction.

The look softens the girl's face about how she lost her shoulder power.

"I say, Yuisia. A wizard belonging to a gateway to Sutherland...... an apprentice. Again, thanks for your help."

"So, how did the wizard of the Sutherland Gate, Yuicia, end up down there?

Urisia, leaning slightly in regret for my doubts, slowly raised her face and spoke over herself.

SIDE: Yuisia

I was the son of a civilian living in the lower town of this king's capital.

The parents were there, but the fisherman's father died when he went out to sea and was flushed by a storm, and then his mother died of an epidemic disease, as he followed.

At the time I was 10 years old I had no time to grieve, and was taken to a dorm at Sutherland Gate as a wizard apprentice because of my magic by chance.

I worked hard to make money by becoming a court magician and to be a fine wizard that would reassure my deceased parents.

But even though I can use life magic, I seem to lack the talent for attribute magic.

One Gate in Sutherland gives preferential treatment to the Wind Wizards for a prestigious party of Wind Magic.

When that happens, a fall like ours is really left out.

The privileged kids go to the guild and defeat demons in the dungeon to level up, adding more magic and repeating magic exercises to sharpen their [wind magic] skills.

For us against, the number of magic we can use no matter how much magic we try to practice with a lot of magic for the civilian population is determined.

That opens up the difference more and more.

Besides, the privileged children have money in the children of nobles and merchants.

Whereas we can be even stronger using catalysts and magic boosters, we make money doing chores that are sent out of the Guild and Sutherland Gate every day to earn Sutherland dormitories.

At one point, I thought if I didn't have the talent for wind attributes, I could just get into another attribute magic faction.

But the factions are not close to each other, and those who were once enrolled in one of the magic gates of the room, suspected of coming to steal magic research, cannot move in the first place.

That's how, in Jilli poverty, he couldn't give up becoming a court magician, trying to get a catalyst for his studies and magic with money he'd saved by cutting food bills and doing chores.

But my body collapsed more at its limits before I could save money.

And I let the two girls, who fell down and were kind to me, sleep in a soft bed and treat me to dinner.

"And like this...... sorry. On your own."

I was just a little refreshed to tell the two girls who helped me in front of me the whole story.

SIDE: Witch

"Rice, thank you. I'm going to go back to my dorm."

"It's too late, so stay here today. It's not something a young girl can't do."

"It is. I hope it's sweet for the favor! Oh, there's dessert too!

I'm the one holding on to Yussia trying to go home even though it's already sundown, but she looks a little weird.

"Young kids are even younger than me. Besides, are parental or parental clearances good?

"It looks like this, but me and Teto are older than you"

With that said, I'm a little surprised by Yuicia.

Young, unscrupulous kids can't leave me alone makes me wonder if I'm a bit of a caretaker auntie, too.

"And I have one suggestion for Yuicia, okay?

"So, suggestions? What is it?

When I touched Yussia, I learned something that I sensibly sympathize with.

To make me want to know who that is, I make a suggestion.

"Don't you want to live in this house?

"Doh, living together......?

"I still have extra room, so rent is fine for free. We also pay for food and groceries. Instead, when we go out for a long time, please take care of Crowe. And I want you to check the ocean every day to see if [Floating Island] is coming."

Well, Crowe's smart, so he'll come back on his own when it's time to eat, he mutters.

"Do you feel like hiring help with living in? But how could you let me be a stranger?"

"Well, is it something similar? I think I'll be less burdened with food and rent and stuff than I am with my current dorm residence. How about that?

To my suggestion, Yuisia seems, suddenly, lost.

There won't be such a delicious story, I think, on the other hand, I'm thinking intentionally, and more importantly, you don't know anything about us.

"Just... let me think"

"Yeah, anytime. Then why don't we take a bath and go to bed?"

"Yes, it is!

"Yeah, is it a bath!?

I raise my voice bright deliberately to shake off the heavy air emitted by troubled Yussia.

And use magic, as usual, toward the enclosure and tub built in a hurry in the backyard.

"-" Water, "" Fireball "

"Yeah eh -!"

Water flows off the air up to a cup of tub, dropping the fireball into the tub and boiling the water.

I look back at the girl who raises her voice in such an insane bath.

"You'll be tired, so you can come in first. Wash your body beautifully with soap. I'll get you dressed."

With that said, I will send Yussia out to the bath and prepare her pajamas, dresses, and more with [creative magic].

"Witch. Is Yuicia coming to this house?

"Um, I don't know. If we can see the power in the current series of magic, we'll come."

Teto looks at Crow, who looks asleep round the bed at the end of his gaze as he asks me.

Though the fairy cat of phantom beasts, he's still a kitten, so maybe he's tired of walking all day today.

Wait for Yuicia to come up from the bath while the two of us have tea.

And Yuisia, who could think carefully in the bath, hits and changes from earlier to tighten her expression.

"Mr. Chise, please expect to be more wizard than I am! Please teach me magic! Because I'll do whatever it takes to live here!

"Fine. Well, then, I'll take a bath. You can sleep first in the bed I just used."

"Well, Teto's coming to bathe with the witch too," he said.

"Yeah eh -!"

I guess I thought about it in the bath for plenty of time.

After such a long bath, I pushed myself in my bedroom clothes and asked for it, but I received a light acknowledgement and was flattered by how Teto and I were going to take a bath.

Later, like that, it was an encounter with the witch Yussia, who would be the disciple of [the witch of creation].

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