I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1273 Entering the Tao in the world, all kinds of water flow

The two kinds of liquor used the Biquan exchanged from Good Fortune Shiguanglu, and the two liquors were not used, but the original taste of the special four season fruit was first brewed.

Such an approach was intentionally done by Zhao Fuyu.

Don't forget, what is the main material and what is the auxiliary material.

If four different fruit wines are completely brewed from Good Fortune Shiguanglu, then these special ingredients will be completely reduced to supporting roles.

But what Zhao Fuyu wanted was obviously not such a result.

The primary and secondary positions cannot be reversed, and what he wants is naturally not just ordinary fruit wine that tastes slightly better.

'The four base wines have been completed, the next one'

'It is transformed into the myriad ways of the world! '

Unlike ordinary people who make wine, they use common fermented substances to ferment the wine to develop the flavor in the wine.

But in the hands of beings like Zhao Fuyu, the things that ferment wine are no longer as simple as ordinary ingredients, but will become everything in this world.

Once anything happens, it has its own power.

The things of the world of mortals are things that countless practitioners exercise and polish their minds, so they can naturally be integrated into wine and become the key thing for wine fermentation.

However, ordinary cooks need to spend a lot of time to resonate.

But Zhao Fuyu is not so troublesome, he can completely integrate the worldly affairs in his heart into the drink.

This is his talent for cooking. In fact, after entering the realm of the king of heaven, he already possessed such power, but it was inconspicuous.

When cooking in general, his own resonance can also cover this part of innate power.

However, in winemaking, his talent is particularly prominent.

Countless human breaths, those things that were originally hidden in human experience, without any trace of magic, appeared in Zhao Fuyu's brewing process, and perfectly blended into the wine.

In the erratic, with a trace of chic and cheerfulness, the simple movements unexpectedly made everyone present unable to distract, they just stared at Zhao Fuyu's production process with wide-eyed eyes.

It was in this situation where it seemed as though he could directly observe the traces of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth that Han Li finally understood why the old diners present no longer were distracted by other things when Zhao Fuyu was about to use all his strength to cook.

Even he himself has devoted himself wholeheartedly to that kind of comprehension of the great way of heaven and earth, and the world of mortals.

The state of the diners could no longer affect Zhao Fuyu at this time.

What he does is not simply separating first, then merging, but also truly completing this special wine.

When each type of base wine enters the Zhuanlong pot for brewing, it is actually very different from the time when the previous type of wine enters.

This means that the brewer has a complete understanding of the condition of his liquor and the accuracy of timing.

Regardless of the fermentation in the Zhuanlong pot, it seems that Zhao Fuyu should fully understand the situation, which is actually wrong.

In order to ensure that the dishes in the dragon pot can get the same fermentation effect as the natural time flow of the world, the time fluctuation inside is not constant.

Always in a certain kind of special fluctuation, the spirit of turning the dragon pot only needs to complete the cooking inside to reach an optimal node.

It is actually impossible to fully control how long it took.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that it cannot be controlled at all, but this kind of control cannot achieve extreme refinement.

In many cases, to judge whether Zhao Fuyu has reached the situation he needs, he has to rely on his deep perception of the state of the liquor, as well as the most critical intuition.

The first thing to put in is the green plum wine as the base wine, because the green plum wine can be brewed for a little longer, and then add a part of the blue spring water diluted by the good fortune time dew, and then add it to the blue spring not long ago, probably after a while for three minutes.

Cherry wine should also be added immediately. At this time, there is no need to add Biquan. Instead, you need to pick up the dragon pot and start shaking it from side to side. Just shake it for fifteen seconds and stop immediately.

Don't even have a trace of shock, and then immediately start to filter the wine into it, and put the remaining Biquan into the Zhuanlong pot.

At this time, an indescribable aroma of wine began to waft in the dragon pot.

It's not just the smell of wine, smelling the presence of this fragrance, one will be inexplicably entered into an illusion where countless creatures exist at the same time.

Even if he is as firm as a king in cultivating his mind, at this moment, he seems to have entered the lair of the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon, and he is immersed in it in an instant.

Others, such as the newcomers Han Li, Yan Chixia, Yusuke Urameshi, Ace, Kyoshiro Mibu, Ghost Eye, Brothers and Sisters of Zaomen, etc., also have almost no ability to resist.

Only Xuantian persisted for a while, not completely immersed in it but seemed to have entered a lucid dream state, but the Changsheng Emperor's realm and xinxing had been polished by trillions of reincarnations.

Don't say it's just the smell of wine in front of you, even if it's the real situation, so what?

He can also see through all external things with a firm heart, leaving only his own body.

Therefore, the mortal scenery created by the aroma of wine did not make him lose his sobriety, but at the same time, it made him extremely admirable.

One must know that such handwriting is just a vision created when the wine was not finished. Once it is really finished, one can imagine how amazing it is.

Perhaps the fine wine can no longer be described, and the exquisite delicacy can only be described with Xianniang Shenjiu.

The unfinished liquor has already created such a scene, and it is impossible to say that Zhao Fuyu did not notice it at all, but compared to these things, the completion of this peerless wine is the most important thing in his heart Heavy.

What's more, after so many times of tempering the mind, if this environment is unbearable, it will be useless to practice for so long.

Even Han Li's state of mind is very tenacious. He can go through so much tempering in his youth, and he can suppress his chaotic thoughts, stepping up to the top step by step.

His character is also trustworthy.

So Zhao Fuyu put all his mind into the dragon pot, especially when the aroma of the wine was wafting, he completely gave up his five senses, and simply relied on his deep resonance and intuition.

I don't know how long time passed in the incomparably quiet and ethereal realm of the heart lake, until a faint ripple rose slowly, and then turned into a stormy sea.

He knew it was time!

The last pear wine was completely poured into the dragon pot, followed by crazy shaking, as if shaking the dragon pot out of shape.

Violent shaking, as if ice particles hit the wall of the pot.

That is to say, in such a state, Zhao Fuyu's violent shaking was very short, maybe no more than three to five seconds, and he stopped immediately, and then he looked at the spout of the turning dragon pot, and the smoke drifted up one after another. Turned into Yunxia.

It seems to be an endless story in the world of mortals, like a stream turning into flowing clouds, and once again integrated into the Zhuanlong pot!

The brilliant brilliance flickered, as if the gods were born out of the world, unexpectedly forming an inexplicable coercion

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