I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 844: Quota for the Fourth Round

You should know that crab pig is a kind of food material, but it is famous for its strong deliciousness concentrated in a light taste, and because this feature is very similar to high-grade crabs, it is named.

Although it looks stout and chubby, its high athletic ability and sufficient amount of activity make the body of this food very firm, and its fat content is less than it looks on the outside.

So to deal with this kind of ingredients, simple cooking is actually not enough, and many matching methods are needed.

It's not that it's not delicious to taste alone, but because of the light and concentrated sweetness, similar to the taste of crab, it's hard to really feel its unique flavor.

More ingredients are often needed to make this sweet layer more obvious, so that the taste of crab pig can be released to the greatest extent.

The method of grilling with big bang obviously did not consider the original taste of crab pig.

'How delicious would such a dish be? '

A group of main judges looked at the dishes in front of them, shining with golden light and braving the vision of flames, their brows were unconsciously furrowed.

If ordinary cooks try their best to release the taste of the ingredients better, then the skill of cooking is to make the layers of the ingredients richer, and they are basically cooking in accordance with the taste of the ingredients.

So what Shimura Jiro is doing now is a bit like changing the ingredients according to the needs of the cook to achieve his ideal taste, completely giving up the deliciousness it should have.

This method is actually the method of 'Food Tyrant' used by gourmet clubs!

Incomparably domineering, he used his own will to override the ingredients, completely violating the way of cooking in the world.

“Try it and you will know”

In the end, Tokugawa Wind Power, Tsukatora's eyes flashed a sharp light, he picked up the chopsticks, and started to taste his portion of dishes.

At this moment, Zhao Fuyu who was not far away looked at the dish that was put on the table with piercing eyes. He never thought that using explosive means would destroy the deliciousness of the crab pig.

Don’t forget, even for high-end crabs, there is also a heavy-flavored cooking method called typhoon shelter fried crabs. Black pepper crabs and curry crabs are also heavy-flavored spices, which set off the mellow deliciousness and sweetness of crabs.

It is not inferior to other accessories as a match.

It's just that no matter it is other cooks or the judges, the grade of fantasy ingredients is too high, too big, and they don't realize at all. In fact, all kinds of more common cooking methods can also be derived from fantasy ingredients. Come out more delicious.

'High-end ingredients should also enter the homes of more ordinary people. The cooking methods of ordinary people are the destination of these dreamy ingredients! '

Whispering in his heart, Zhao Fuyu looked at the judges' stand, very sure that Jiro Shimura was about to give these judges a big surprise today!

The sauce has been almost completely absorbed by the meat slices. The color of the tender and white crab pork slices, like ham, has now been replaced by a rich sauce color.

Garlic leaves, green and red pepper flakes, shredded onions, shredded green onions, it seems to be a mixture of stir-fried vegetables and barbecue.

Even if you look at it from a distance, you can still feel a frightening high-temperature flame constantly attacking you.

Tokugawa Mitsunari has tasted many dishes, but when he picked up this big explosive barbecue with his chopsticks, he still felt his appetite surging.

The straight wok gas, pot gas, and smoky smoke from the fire, mixed with the light and strong aroma of meat, constantly seduced his taste buds and made him want to try it!

Under that kind of temptation, Tokugawa Wind Power also directly opened its mouth and sent it in with chopsticks.

When chewing, the pleasure of constantly tearing the meat is obviously a very tender part. The fat bursts out in an instant, but it still makes people want to feel the taste of tearing the meat, and the release of those meat juices will make other accessories around He was coerced into it.

The extremely strong smell of fire directly rushed into his taste buds.

Let him understand what it means, a flame is burning in his mouth!

The aroma formed by the intertwining of the rich stir-fry and the flame is like a flame in the mouth, making people unable to distinguish the details of the taste at all, and can only feel the breath of the flame rolling on the taste buds.

The strong stimulation made Tokugawa Fuden's eyes protrude, but he also felt the impact of pure violence like flames falling from the sky.

Just when he kept chewing and swallowing, thinking that this dish was here.

A faint sweetness and deliciousness suddenly extended from the other side of the taste. The taste that belongs to the crab pig, which is like the highest grade sea crab, is light and rich, and the taste of the flame is directly extinguished at the end. deepest part of the mouth.

"Yes, yes."

"A descendant of Shimura's lineage, I'm actually worried that he won't be able to release the flavor of the ingredients."

"The light and strong taste are twins in themselves."

Whispering to himself also means that Tokugawa Mitsuinari really understands what Shimura Jiro wants to show in this dish.

And Nakiri Senzaemon also lived up to expectations, once again revealing that his clothes were bursting.

Obviously, among the main dishes in the third round, the chef who is really qualified to touch the legendary kitchen utensils has completely widened the gap with the others.

Just after Shimura Jiro handed over the dishes, the two-hour cooking time has come to the final stage.

Naturally, the remaining cooks would not have problems with time control, otherwise they would not be able to enter the third round.

It's just that in the final stage, there is still no dish that truly surprises people like Shimura Jiro.

So when all the cooks have finished their cooking, there are very few who can really enter the fourth round of the 'staple food' level.

From more than fifty people, there are only eight cooks left!

Among them, Zhao Fuyu, Xingping Chengichiro, Saiba Chaoyang, and Shimura Jiro are impressively listed, and now he has regained his energy and looks like a completely new Xingping Chuangzhen has become the only one who entered the fourth round in the state of Lin Chu one.

The judges wanted to see if Xing Ping Chuangzhen could create another miracle in such a situation surrounded by powerful enemies.

And these five people are more or less related to Nakiri Senzaemon, and the remaining three people are from other parties.

It can be said that the influence of the imperial circle in Kyoto occupying the luck of Dongying cuisine is becoming more and more clear.

Seeing that everyone was ready, especially Zhao Fuyu seemed to have not prepared, his expression was relaxed, there was even a little expectation in his eyes, and the fighting spirit had not yet been released.

"Next is the fourth round of assessment."

"Those who finally pass the final test will have the opportunity to come into contact with the legendary sacred object."

"I hope you all can go all out."

After Xiu gave his final declaration to the host, a door opened.

Everyone went to the most critical storage of Shilin Temple.

Grain bank!

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