I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 845 The cooking has already been completed

All delicious food comes from humans filling themselves.

Canglin is practical and knows etiquette. Only when material is sufficient can people pursue spiritual pleasure and be tireless about delicious food.

So food, these things that can make people survive, are the foundation of everything.

In today's era, there is only one dream ingredient that has truly spread all over the world from the beginning, and is even inseparable from everyone.

That is the various rice seeds and wheat seeds that have been weakened countless times, but are really high-yielding dream food seeds!

Now this time, what they have access to is the origin of these grain rice species, the original strain that has not been weakened in the slightest by the real dream ingredients.

It can be said that such a storage room is where the destiny of Dongying Country lies and where the country's heritage lies.

Food is heavier than Mount Tai, and nothing can match its quality.

Whether it's wheat, rice, or various other grains.

Now, in the food storage room of Shilin Temple, countless kinds of food are displayed in front of the last eight contestants.

There are common foods from all over the world, as well as many rare food types that are as good as fantasy ingredients.

It can be said that just putting these things into the outside world can cause a series of industrial changes that can be called a revolution in the food industry.

However, due to the need to improve the physical fitness of the people step by step, some grain seeds have not been released even though they have the power to rival the dream ingredients.

If you improve the physical fitness of most people too quickly, there will be a huge contradiction, that is, the contradiction between supply and demand of dream ingredients and people's needs.

At least in a short period of time, the dream ingredients will be rolled out on a large scale. It is not just a matter of quantity supply. Even if the supply is liberalized, the many holes in the world and those cultivated by various countries will probably only be a drop in the bucket.

Then these people will either have nothing to eat, or simply starve to death.

Either option is not the best scenario.

Zhao Fuyu knew this well, but he was still shocked when he saw such a terrifying scale of grain storage in the storage room of Shilin Temple.

After all, it's not as simple as having a box containing dozens of kilograms of each type of grain.

Instead, each different type of grain has a full warehouse, and no one can directly estimate how much grain is in the warehouse at a glance.

Because even they couldn't see the end of the space inside the warehouse.

In the food storage warehouse of Shirin Temple, there are not just one or two such warehouses, but hundreds of them arranged in rows, with the types of grains contained in them marked by categories.

It can be said that the chef who entered here is like Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden.

Everything is fresh.

Even the frequently used Koshihikari rice and Daoxiang rice are stored in a warehouse here.

Just by relying on the aroma leaking from the warehouse, they also knew that the rice grains inside were far higher than what they usually used.

The eight people wandered back and forth in this huge warehouse, just like a few small bugs entering the human world.

So small and helpless, with no possibility of finding what you want.

Of course, this does not include Zhao Fuyu, but it's not like he saw the staple food choices he wanted in these warehouses.

But when he was cooking the main course, he had already confirmed what kind of main dish he wanted to make!

Therefore, Zhao Fuyu was the one who quickly figured out his goal. In the endless ocean of food, he quickly walked towards the rice area.

That's where he can find what he wants.

Only there can his main dishes and staple food be linked together!

“Si Miao Rice”

Taro fragrant rice, peach blossom fragrant rice, Koshihikari rice, Wuchang rice, Miquan rice

Zhao Fuyu did not expect that in Dongying, he could actually see rice seeds from several famous rice varieties in Zhongzhou.

However, the most precious rouge rice, Xiaozhan rice, Zhefang tribute rice, Wannian tribute rice, and Liulin tribute rice, which are truly extremely rare and rare rice species, were not seen.

Otherwise, Zhao Fuyu would have suspected that Shilin Temple sent people to sneak into Zhongzhou to steal.

But now that he has seen these precious rice varieties in Zhongzhou, Zhao Fuyu no longer thinks about it.

Simiao rice is the main body, and other Wuchang rice, Miquan rice, Panjin rice, and Pearl rice are slightly taken out and mixed into a certain proportion. According to the fine proportion control, he smells the fragrance of the rice and weighs the weight at the same time. I just picked up a full bag, weighing about three kilograms, and returned to the cooking area.

At this time, Zhao Fuyu was also the cook who could start cooking the fastest.

But he was not in a hurry. On the one hand, the rice was mixed together and needed to be soaked and cleaned, so there was no need to be in such a hurry.

On the other hand, there are still many ingredients for his staple dish that he has yet to obtain.

After he put down the rice bag, he quickly went into the fresh food area. I don't know what he brought out. Anyway, he waited until other cooks finally chose their own staple food.

Zhao Fuyu finally showed his face, but no one knew what he had done.

I could only faintly notice that there was something alive in the black closed basket, waiting to be used.

The staple food is different from the main course. It doesn't have to be so fancy.

Just one word, I'm full!

Nakiri Senzaemon spoke calmly and told the other cooks present.

In his opinion, many cooks have huge problems with their concepts and often need some guidance at this time.

It is understandable that the main course should be rich, delicious and top-notch.

You can even strive for excellence and even be demanding.

This is an acceptable range, but many cooks have similar requirements for staple food, which makes a good dish look different, without looking at the face or eating the head.

Completely useless.

This is of course due to the fact that people don't care about staple food after becoming extremely rich in materials. On the other hand, Dongying is also influenced by some Western dishes.

I always think that less and fine means good, high-end, high-end and delicious.

But in fact, in real Western cuisine, staple food also occupies a huge position. If you want to serve similar dishes, then the portions will be sufficient.

If you don’t order a staple food, the free slices of bread will be available to diners until they don’t need them anymore.

Many people don't understand the basic concepts, so they randomly modify these dishes here. Instead of learning the good things, they only learn the bad things.

It can be said that he is blind.

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