I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 879: Taste Packs Taste, Changes Are Infinite

Don't look at it as just tofu, but the changes after entering the mouth, not only the taste is different, but the texture is also strange.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the scent of beans in it, which is always lingering in all kinds of practices, and this is the only thread that Zhao Fuyu must follow!

Cooking has reached his level, and for any difficult problem, as long as he can grasp the main axis and integrate it with the ingredients or the context of the method, it will naturally transform into a peerless cuisine.

In a sense, any cuisine can match all themes.

The key lies in how the cook cuts into it.

In terms of Zhao Fuyu's skill, which has already stepped into the realm of heavenly kings with half of his body, even the real king of gourmet food may not know this better than him.

Crushed tofu, after several times of continuous whipping with fresh hind leg meat, also needs to be crushed by a wall breaking machine, and then continuously sieved with a dense mesh to remove excess meat tendons.

The rest is a muddy slurry mixed with tofu and minced meat, then add a small amount of potato starch, stir continuously to a certain extent, add salt, sugar, pepper, continue to stir until it can form a ball, squeeze it in your hands Press it out, and it can form a small ball without falling apart.

Even if this level is completed.

The other vegetarian tofu balls are even easier to make.

Carrot shreds, potato shreds, onion shreds, cabbage shreds, and some leek segments, together with the crushed tofu, add black and white pepper, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil and other seasonings, then add flour and The ratio of starch, flour to starch is about two to one.

It is also wrapped in a layer of batter, and squeezed in the hand, you can see that the tofu balls of the vegetarian dish are formed, even if it is adjusted.

It can be said that after this step, this seven-flavored tofu has almost shown everything.

All that is left is to prepare a crispy batter. The ratio of sweet potato starch and flour is also 2:1. Add eggs and clear oil, and stir together to shape, so that it can be completely wrapped on the ingredients without falling off quickly. , let the batter run completely smooth.

When kneading the batter with your hands, you can bring up a relatively thick batter line and slowly return it to the batter bowl.

Being able to reach such a point, it can be said that the crispy fried paste is basically completed.

At this point, the preliminary actions of cooking are basically completed, and then Zhao Fuyu begins to prepare for combined cooking.

The most critical thing is of course to raise a pot of hot oil.

And beside the oil pan, Zhao Fuyu set up a frying pan, ready to stew tofu with braised sauce.

This is also where the last unprocessed tofu goes.

If a dish that brings together various tofu dishes loses the delicious taste of stewed tofu, it will definitely be extremely disappointing.

Zhao Fuyu naturally wouldn't miss such a thing.

It's just that stewing also needs to borrow flavor ingredients. He chose pork belly, to be precise, pork belly stewed tofu.

Stir-fry the onion and ginger until fragrant. After cutting the pork belly that needs to be fried, put it in the oil pan next to it for a while to remove the excess fat and also remove a lot of the fishy smell of pork.

Then add sugar, soy sauce, and oyster sauce. After sautéing until fragrant, throw in the slightly golden fried pork belly. After a little frying, add the hot water for the meat.

You can wait until the pot is opened, then turn to low heat and simmer slowly.

After stewing for twenty-five minutes, the flavor of the pork belly is released, then put the tofu in, and simmer slowly for another half an hour. This is pork belly stewed tofu.

Of course, the tofu cubes must be boiled in salt water for a while in advance, which can reduce the beany smell while boiling. The smell of flower stew.

The tofu on this side is simmering in the pan, and the various oil pans on the other side can also start to move!

In fact, the most fried tofu is fried tofu.

Because there are the most marinated tofu like green pepper tofu, it is definitely not possible to get rid of oil.

And according to the taste of the ingredients, Zhao Fuyu fried the vegetarian tofu balls first.

Under Zhao Fuyu's hands, the meatballs, like a rainbow, lightly landed on the side of the pot, and then slid into the oil pan.

In a short period of time, a piece of vegetarian tofu balls floated on the upper layer of the oil pan. The temperature of the oil pan was about 170, and these balls were quickly fried to a golden color.

After these are all scooped up, the next pot of the same vegetarian tofu balls will be cooked quickly, and then the oil temperature will be raised to over 180, and then these balls will be fried again.

Soon after finishing part of the cooking, Zhao Fuyu didn't intend to relax, but instead stepped up the speed of the next step.

Those tofu cubes that have been marinated for a while do not wash off the marinated sauce, but adjust according to the intensity of the taste. For example, after the vegetarian meatballs are fried, the next step is fried tofu with scallions.

Tofu marinated with scallion oil and chopped scallion, salt and light soy sauce, coated with crispy fried batter, quickly emits a strong scallion fragrance at high oil temperature, and the outer shell is also shaped very quickly, forming a crispy shell .

Zhao Fuyu didn't fry all these immediately, but replaced them in the oil pan with another kind of marinated tofu.

Until the green pepper tofu cubes are fried, the only thing left is the teriyaki sauce tofu with the most intense sauce flavor.

Tofu wrapped in sauce, the outer layer is slightly patted with starch, and then wrapped in batter, so that the sauce can be firmly locked in the batter, and soon all the fried tofu is done.

Maybe the size and shape are different, and there are even some marinated seasonings wrapped in the batter, but they also have a golden and crispy shell.

In order to ensure such a taste, Zhao Fuyu specially used a high oil temperature of 190 degrees to make a complicated dish.

With such a process, these fried tofu can also ensure the crispy outer shell and the just cooked temperature inside.

Croquettes, stewed tofu, and fried tofu have all been prepared, and tofu and fish cakes are being steamed. The next step is to solve the process of stuffed tofu and tofu balls.

The latter is also convenient. Get a pot of high soup, boil the soup, turn it to a low heat, and when there are only a few bubbles, scoop in the tofu balls little by little.

When all the dumplings are put into the pot, don't rush to turn on the high heat, continue to cover the lid, slowly adjust the low heat to medium-low heat, boil for ten minutes, let the dumplings be completely shaped, then turn on the high heat, open the cover and cook for two three minutes.

You can turn off the fire, and the tofu balls are finished.

Yong tofu is even easier. Brush the pan with a layer of oil, put the side with the meat filling on the bottom of the pan first, wait until it is almost browned and turn it over, and then fry both sides until it is basically done.

It can be said that with the completion of Zhao Fuyu's cooking combinations, the wonderful aroma of tofu became more and more intense.

Even those who have eaten many dishes at the multi-world restaurant have only realized today that mere tofu can change into so many forms and create so many flavors.

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