I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 880: The Wonderful Seven Flavors!

Cooking has reached Zhao Fuyu's level, even the simplest movements seem to contain many mysteries.

Whether it is an innocent child like Nezuko, or an ancient king like Gilgamesh, they all have their own understanding.

Even the 'King of Vampires' Akado, who didn't come this time, and the 'General Thunder and Lightning' Lei Huan can get something from it.

However, one was sprinting to the next step in the Realm of God, and the other didn't want to step into the Realm of True God at all, so he reduced the number of times he came to the multi-world restaurant.

This is what makes Zhao Fuyu's cooking wonderful, in fact, only Orochimaru and others are watching now.

Otherwise, those who can really be of great use must be these existences close to the realm of true gods.

But even so, a little comprehension of these dao rhymes will have inexplicable benefits for Wutiao Wu, Wang Ye and the others.

At least this group of people can't take their eyes off Zhao Fuyu's cooking process.

It is simply unimaginable that these people are top-notch existences in their respective worlds.

'The shape of tofu has changed, the taste has changed, and even the taste has undergone earth-shaking changes'

'But tofu is still tofu'

After the previous discussion, Wang also had a deeper understanding of the Eight Miraculous Skills and the way of refining qi, and the dish itself was also cooked for him.

So he could see more things clearly, and his eyes quickly fell into a state of tranquility.

Besides Wang Ye, Orochimaru and Gojo Satoru also have a higher level of understanding of Zhao Fuyu's cooking, and the rest of them are slightly inferior.

But the benefits to them are unimaginable, especially Ye Xiu, who has just mastered the power of electricity, has gradually realized how to pass this power on to others.

Making the front-end method of this extraordinary system more capable of giving ordinary people the opportunity to get started, but first of all, it is necessary to exercise the quality of the body and the tenacity of willpower.

Ye Xiu's eyes also flashed a heavy understanding, and soon he was intoxicated into Zhao Fuyu's cooking process.

Turn off the steaming tofu and fish cake first, and then Zhao Fuyu focused on the final hurdle. In fact, if this skill is not done well, so many tofu works before are mixed together, and it will not be perfect. mix together.

To put it bluntly, it is doing useless work, seven-flavored tofu and so on, but it is just empty talk.

Of course, Zhao Fuyu had already thought about this whole article, otherwise he would not have taken out the two pieces of chicken breast from his mother in advance, and cooked one piece directly at low temperature until it became fine silk.

The other piece is to remove the fascia, then chop it into minced meat, mix it with the juice from the salt, onion and ginger cooking wine, and prepare it for clear soup later.

At this time, the shredded tofu was also fished out by Zhao Fuyu, and it was also mixed with shredded vegetables from Shanghai Qing, shredded ham, dried shiitake mushrooms, and other things.

Not only with the taste, but also with the color.

It can be said that when these things are mixed together, the prototype of Zhao Fuyu's cuisine has already appeared. This is a tofu soup, and it is very likely to be soup!

If someone made this judgment, then Zhao Fuyu, who was cooking, would probably applaud and shake his head at the same time.

The tofu soup is right, but soup? There is no need for this at all.

The reason is that there are several ways to make tofu. In fact, whether it is fried vegetarian meatballs, those fried tofu, or even steamed tofu fish cakes, there are quite a lot of starch in them.

According to Zhao Fuyu's estimate, the starch in it is enough to thicken the clear chicken soup, but what should be paid attention to is that after so many fried foods are mixed into the soup, the taste of the soup will be destroyed.

But Zhao Fuyu has already thought of a countermeasure for this point.

In fact, the answer is very simple, wash a dish of these fried tofu with soup first.

The fried Yong Tau Foo is not so troublesome, it can be rinsed in clear soup for a while, and the excess fat can be removed after cooking for more than ten seconds.

But those fried tofu and vegetarian fried vegetable tofu balls must take a little time and effort to process.

After the chicken soup is hung in the pot with minced meat, divide it into two parts, one is a little more and the other is a little less.

Then the old hen continues to be thrown into the usual Zhao Fuyu soup pot to continue to use the residual heat. The remaining chicken soup is stirred with minced meat, and slowly settles. When the minced meat coagulates, a lot of fat is removed.

Then you can pour in some minced chicken. After doing this three times, turn off the heat and let it settle for a while, then sieve it with a cloth net to remove the minced meat that has absorbed impurities. What is left is the most essential meat without any fat. Chicken broth.

This clear soup is also the basis for making several top dishes in Sichuan cuisine, but this time Zhao Fuyu will use this soup as the base for his seven-flavored tofu.

Mix a small portion of clear soup with a certain amount of water, wait until it boils, and heat it with the lowest heat, then throw in the tofu in the fryer, as well as vegetarian fried vegetable tofu balls.

After boiling on low heat for about three minutes, turn to high heat, put the tofu inside into another clean colander directly with a colander, filter out the excess soup, and continue to filter out more fat in the outer layer.

It can be said that after such a set, there will hardly be much grease left.

But for Zhao Fuyu, this was not enough, I saw that he put the remaining minced meat into the blanched clear soup again, continued the process of clearing the soup, and then continued to blanch on low heat for about a minute, Take out and strain the soup.

After this process, the previously fried tofu and vegetarian meatballs basically have no excess fat residue, and absorb a certain amount of clear soup.

It's much easier to combine later.

The last troublesome step is done, then the rest is easy.

I saw Zhao Fuyu took out a large casserole, poured all the clean clear chicken soup into it, and then slowly heated the chicken clear soup over medium heat.

First, sliced ​​tofu and fish cakes are put in, then shredded ham, soaked dried shiitake mushrooms, and then shredded tofu. In such a large casserole, these ingredients are extraordinarily empty.

But with the addition of the same ingredients, fried tofu, tofu balls boiled on a low fire before, and the remaining half of the chicken breast cooked at low temperature, shredded chicken, and fried stuffed tofu, at this time in the casserole Already had a bit of colorful feeling.

Then take out the tofu stewed with pork belly, wash the surface with clear soup, and then add it to the casserole.

The last thing is to sprinkle the remaining shredded Shanghai green cabbage on the soup surface.

There is no need to add other seasonings. After the various tofu ingredients are slowly boiled, the taste is simmered on a low fire, and the saltiness of the shredded ham is released naturally, this seven-flavored tofu is declared complete.

And the wonderful taste that brings together several cooking techniques and various sweet, sour, spicy and fresh flavors will be directly revealed!

At this moment, a multicolored glow gradually escaped from the covered casserole, gradually filling the eyes of all the diners present!

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