I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 904 The Secret of Thick Red Sauce

Tai Shifu, within ten years he will definitely become the king of gourmet food.

Is it going to be overrated?

Du Jinyan met Zhao Fuyu once, and he had to admit that this young cook was amazingly talented.

However, the King of Food represents the most extreme culinary powerhouses in the world.

Such a young cook can become a gourmet king. For a cook like Du Jinyan, it is like a blow to reduce dimensionality.

Everyone has a different life experience.

His road can go so fast. As long as you don't go in the wrong direction, you will see the same road sooner or later.

Aware of his disciple's mentality problem, he knew that he was hit too hard by Zhao Fuyu.

Bai Ada also gave him a little reminder before continuing the previous topic.

Actually, the old man is still too conservative.

ten years.

For an existence like him, it's too long!

Hearing the words of his grand master, it was at this moment that Du Jinyan truly understood that even though he and Zhao Fuyu were both cooks, the gap was still as huge as the sky!

After accepting the invitation, it is natural to make preparations.

Especially when Bai Ada, as an elder, personally sent people to deliver greeting cards, Zhao Fuyu was even more sloppy.

On the day when this person is going to come, Zhao Fuyu also went out to wait in person, sweeping the couch to welcome him.

This is a tradition followed by Zhongzhou people. Maybe many young people no longer pay attention to it, but for them, it is a kind of respect for each other.

Although Zhao Fuyu is not a rigid person, but he has already handed over his face, and he will not intentionally slap his face casually.

Naturally, there are all the receptions that should be given, but he is not a wasteful person. If you have the capital to welcome him, then do it well.

Naturally, Bai Ah wouldn't attach too much importance to this, seeing Zhao Fuyu go out to greet him, it already represented the mutual respect for each other.

The two parties naturally greet each other with smiles, even if they know that Bai Ada has something to say, at least Zhao Fuyu and him are quite harmonious at this time.

After meeting him all the way, Zhao Fuyu finally opened his mouth after asking Bai Ah Dacai to sit down in a tea booth in the courtyard.

Mr. Bai came in person, and I'm really a little panicked.

However, what kind of enlightenment you have, you still need to speak frankly, sir.

Zhao Fuyu has always disliked any gaudy small talk, and he can be direct when he has something to do. The superficial skills of both parties have already made the decision.

With so much time to play the game, it would be more meaningful for him to turn around and spend more time researching recipes and ingredients.

He didn't expect Zhao Fuyu to be so direct, he reacted after being stunned for a while.

After all, the age is different. Although Zhao Fuyu's status has already surpassed many people, he is still a young man.

It is already rare to be able to know the meaning of the famous post and give it the greatest respect.

The older generation's style of talking for a long time before talking about things has long been replaced by efficient and direct conversations.

Although there were also verbal confrontations, they were mainly for the sake of competing for interests and benefits, not for deviousness, and it took a long time for people to understand what they were talking about.

It is said that it is for euphemistic expression, so why not pretend to be profound?

Besides, at the end of the euphemism, isn't it for the sake of profit? Where can I be tactful? Not hurting peace. As long as it is about interests, which time is it not hurting peace?

Bai Ada shook his head, thinking that he was pretty good, and could understand the thoughts of these young people. If it was really those holy ones in the Pavilion of All Saints, the current situation would be even more embarrassing.

However, he still didn't follow Zhao Fuyu's idea and directly talk about things.

Instead, it brought up something else.

You should know that the reason why the old man was able to make a statement before.

Hearing this, Zhao Fuyu's eyes flashed, but since it was about cooking, he was still willing to chat a little more, so he nodded.

Mr. Bai, when Shanghai cuisine was still a mess, brought together Chinese and Western cuisines, including the essence of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisines, and established the purpose of today's Shanghai cuisine faction, which can be regarded as pushing Shanghai cuisine to its true peak.

Even if it's not really the largest cuisine in Zhongzhou, it's still one of the most popular cuisines now.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fuyu actually knew about these old calendars of his own.

Bai Ada couldn't help but smile a little more.

Then you should also know what the old man's purpose was.

It's exactly the words 'thick oil red sauce'!

But in fact, under the words of Shanghai and Shanghai cuisine, what can really be included is the ordinary home-cooked cuisine, and the real high-end cuisine uses the methods of other cuisines.

So the lack of motivation for the follow-up of Shanghai cuisine also lies in this.

Speaking of this, Bai Ada couldn't help but fell into the memory.

Actually, the old man continued to work hard on home cooking, but hesitated to work hard on high-end cuisine.

However, the old man finally chose the purpose of opening up the future of Shanghai cuisine in terms of home cooking. Do you know why?

Hearing this question, Zhao Fuyu almost blurted out without thinking.

Because the people are the most precious, but the most precious are the people!

Zhao Fuyu's answer surprised Bai Ada, but he quickly nodded again and again.

The old man didn't expect that you already understood this truth at a young age.

It is true. Once the framework of home cooking is set, it can continue to develop in the future. It is inevitable that one day it will go from home cooking to high-end.

But once you develop high-end cuisine and don't pay attention to the development of home-cooked cuisine, then you can only play high-end cuisine.

Any dish that can flourish in the world is the combination of the two.

Shanghai cuisine was too weak at the time, and I can only choose one of them.

Seeing Zhao Fuyu's very approving expression, Bai Ada understood that this junior who shined brilliantly in the world no longer needed to worry about his cooking direction.

The point is, maybe the speed at which he entered the realm of the King of Food might be faster than anyone else imagined!

Gathering back his scattered mind, Bai Ada looked at Zhao Fuyu seriously.

The old man told you the secrets of Shanghai cuisine in the past, not to show off to you.

It's just to let you know one thing. After the old man did this, the growth of Shanghai cuisine has now become the existence of a prince.

Countless cooks of Shanghainese cuisine are all my disciples and grandchildren, so that's all.

The key point is that if every cook of Shanghainese cuisine has any new cooking ideas, I will have the opportunity to know as soon as possible!

Do you know what a big bonus this is for a cook?

This is also the secret method of the Zhongsheng Pavilion

For some reason, Bai Ada suddenly exposed the secret methods of the Zhongsheng Pavilion, Zhao Fuyu was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to listen carefully.

He also vaguely guessed the real purpose of Bai Ada's visit this time!

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