I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 58 Extra: The Agreement Between the Tower and Them

Chapter 58 Extra Chapter - The Agreement between the Tower and Them

"What if this knot in my heart cannot be untied?"

"It's like a nightmare that will haunt you forever."


1984, Paris.

It's raining lightly.

A street of some conspiracy.

In a cheap red tent, an old woman with nearly all her teeth was staring at a crystal with her cloudy eyes.

It was also a cheap crystal, and its shape was not even a regular circle.

Through the mottled halo, you can even see its core full of bubbles.

She was dressed like a gypsy woman and looked like a juggler or juggler.

If you don't take her age into consideration.

"In 1982, you picked up a child on a bench outside the Saint-Gervais-Saint-Proté church."

Sitting on the other side of the crystal was a man of considerable age.

His gray hair was all over his forehead, his eyes were deep and thin, as if he hadn't had a full meal in a long time.

His whole body exuded an aura called weakness.

It really makes people worry that he will walk into some alley, suddenly collapse, and leave this world in a hurry.

"Children?" The old woman seemed to have sensitive hearing even though she was very old. "That's a lot. In the past two years, children have been thrown away everywhere."

"Really, if you don't want to raise it, just control your lower body! It will cause trouble for others."

"The Svent Orphanage is just two kilometers away. All the abandoned children here are sent there."

"Thank you!" The man stood up slowly. Although the clothes on his body were covered with mud, they still could not hide his pride.

"Mr. Grindelwald, are you going to summon your old troops?"

Just as the man waved his hand to open a corner of the tent, the old man behind him suddenly spoke.

"You-" Although Grindelwald was not afraid, he inevitably looked at the woman with a more wary look.

"Don't worry, sir." The old lady opened her eyes suddenly, her gray pupils were almost invisible, "You liberated me and us in the United States."

"I will never be your enemy."

"You - the adopted daughter of the nun who encouraged wizards to kill No-Majs?" Grindelwald did not feel the magic aura from the person in front of him.

He didn't do much in America.

That was the only thing that could directly affect Muggles.

"I hate this identity."

"If you're going to get up again, you need a little help. Those of us—"

"No need." He said coldly.

"I was wrong before."

As he spoke, Grindelwald set up his tent and walked into the rain.

Let the cold rain wet his clothes and hats.

"Now I just want to make up for it, my followers."

There is a bitter and salty smell in the wind, and that smell is called regret.

"The agreement between the tower and them will never be broken!"

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