I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 59: The Philosopher's Stone chapter where the Philosopher's Stone never appeared,


"He and his saints committed numerous crimes, including several murders."

"Through revolutions in America and Europe, he eventually established a power base at Nurmengard Castle in Austria. In 1945, Dumbledore defeated him in a legendary duel. He was later imprisoned at Nurmengard Castle Gad.”

It’s exam week!

Owen let out a sigh of relief.

He finished first in his grade.

An excellent life does not need explanation - if he, an adult wizard, cannot get full marks in the first-grade exam, then - St. Elizabeth's Hospital will beckon to him.

"That's enough Hermione, I saved your life!"

In the crowded auditorium, everyone was spending their last weekend at Hogwarts.

Tomorrow, the train leaving Hogwarts will leave for Hogsmeade Station.

"I have never denied this, Ron." Hermione was a little angry and frowned slightly. Did this guy think she was some bad woman without a conscience?

"I mean, for such a big thing, why is there no news at all from the magical world?"

"What news do you want?" Behind her, Owen held a piece of pie in each hand and ate it. "If you were the warden and your most important prisoner escaped, no one would know about it, and that The prisoners did not cause trouble after being released from prison.”

"Are you going to pretend that this never happened, or are you going to tell the whole world that you were a prisoner because of your incompetence?"

He licked the oil stains on his fingertips, then put his right hand into the inside of his clothes.

He caught the sleepy guy who had been sleeping in his arms and said, "It's time to eat! Sirocco."

"Shirlock?" Hannah on the side poured a glass of milk into a silver saucer and handed it to Owen.

"Well, how about the little guy's name? It sounds nice~"

It was a small beast about the size of an adult's hand.

He has a pair of blue eyes, like gems.

In other places, except that the claws are thicker, the tail is leaf-shaped instead of stick-shaped, and the neck has a deep mane, the rest is almost the same as a cat.

Owen couldn't tell what kind of animal it was, and even Professor Sprout couldn't figure it out.

Perhaps only Professor Kettleburn (Professor of Care of Magical Creatures) and Hagrid in the entire Hogwarts can recognize its bloodline.

But since it was a gift from his grandfather, it was definitely not an ordinary magical animal.

It must have some strange ability.

"But -" Hermione still wanted to argue with Owen on a certain issue.

However, Harry on the side tugged his sleeve, "I think he is a good person. Maybe there is some conflict between him and Professor Dumbledore, but he is better than Voldemort!"

With the stewed eggs and the strong comparison of killing his parents, Harry no longer had any ill feelings toward Grindelwald.

That figure is simply the ultimate desire of boys!

I heard that there is already a small circle among the first years of Gryffindor who worship Grindelwald.

Mr. Pote, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, became the leader of the circle.

"I didn't mean that." Hermione defended again, and of course she thanked Grindelwald for saving her.

What she struggled with was why the so-called prison, Nurmengard, was silent.

Maybe it’s the perfect yearning for the magical world.

This silence reminded her of the British Empire's standard four-stage crisis response tactics.

It's hard to accept.

And Owen, the Lezi man, has already seen through everything.

Everyone laughs at Da Ying, and everyone is a Da Ying.

"In the first phase, we announced that nothing happened."

"The second phase, saying maybe something happened, but we shouldn't take action."

"Phase three, saying maybe we should act, but we're not doing anything."

"The fourth phase is saying maybe something could have been done, but now it's too late."

"Isn't there still the International Federation of Wizards? 'He' appears here. What if the Federation asks for our support?" Hermione, who was still very immature at this time, did not have the grace to be the Minister of Magic in the future.

For a simple question like this, Owen didn't even think about it carefully before he answered directly: "Then we will provide all support except help."


Okay - Hermione was speechless.

"Ding~~~" The clear sound of the glass ringing spread throughout the auditorium.

Professor McGonagall looked at the young wizards from the four major colleges with a smile.

Especially that look, which stayed on Owen for the longest time.

However, in the past, the longer Mr. Mew looked at him, the darker his face would become. I am extremely happy today.


Be free!

This unfortunate kid is finally leaving school!


"Another year has passed!" Principal Dumbledore showed a forced smile.

"A lot has happened at Hogwarts in the past year. But before enjoying the delicious food, as usual, we have to hold the Academy Cup award ceremony."

As soon as the old headmaster finished speaking, a thunderous cheer and stamping of feet erupted from the Hufflepuff table.

Badger Yard has never been so proud.

The fat monk was floating in the air and frantically provoking the ghosts from other colleges.

Professor Sprout also changed his clothes specially, into a decent and clean dark green wizard robe.

You must know that Professor Sprout in the original work usually wears a thick hat full of patches and is covered in mud, because she always stays in the greenhouse playing with flowers and plants. Whether it's a freshman dinner, a Christmas dinner, or a finals dinner.

always like this.

Owen felt that their dean must have messed up.

Anyway, Hufflepuff is down every year.

It doesn't matter if the dean just messes it up, especially since Slytherin has won six consecutive championships before this.

Professor Sprout’s mentality can also be understood.

But this year is different.

Because they won this year!

Hufflepuff's victory after decades.

And there is no doubt that it is a huge score, leading the second place by a terrifying score of nearly 250 points.

Seventy-five-seven points!

This was the result after Dumbledore gave Gryffindor a lot of points.

Otherwise, Gryffindor would never have had four hundred points.

"It seems there is no suspense anymore." Dumbledore looked at Owen.

Since the Forbidden Forest and the Philosopher's Stone, he has scored nearly three hundred points by himself.

Coupled with the earnings from class time, although this kid is very naughty, you can't deny that he is indeed very smart.

This resulted in that at least half of Hufflepuff's points were earned by him personally.

"Then I declare that Hufflepuff wins this year's Hogwarts House Cup!"

In the auditorium, the brown flag belonging to the Badger Court was floating in the air.

Behind the rostrum, the image of a simple and cute, but strong and powerful badger also appeared on the huge floor-to-ceiling window.

Suddenly the entire auditorium fell into a sea of ​​joy.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, there is less and less time to fish. Uncomfortable! ! !

Tuesday is another day for pursuing reading. Everyone, please kneel down, DuangDuang! ah! I hit my finger, ┭┮﹏┭┮.

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