Cheng Rang made a gesture of obliteration and then walked off the stage.

Afterwards, Karasuma and other men in black brought in boxes of weapons.

"We will provide bullets and daggers that are harmless to you but effective against that monster. At the same time, in order not to cause panic around the world, this matter must be kept secret from your family and friends."

"In short, there is no time left. If the earth is destroyed, we humans will have nowhere to escape!"

At this point, everyone has received the assigned daggers and guns.

Shiota Nagisa raised the green plastic dagger in his hand and poked it on the table. The next second, the dagger bent softly.

Isn't this kind of thing just a toy... How could it be possible to kill that monster?

Even the so-called guns are just toy guns that fire plastic BB bullets. As Karasuma said, they have no lethality to the students.

Looking around, it seemed that other people who had obtained such weapons were equally puzzled.

With tangled and weird thoughts, the first day of class ended in a hurry after all the students introduced themselves to each other.

When the school bell rings tomorrow, it will be the signal that the assassination officially begins.

Also because of today's mutual introduction, Shiota Nagisa learned that the petite black-haired girl sitting behind him was named Cheng Xiaomo.

It is a very unique name among the classmates, which means that she has the same surname as Teacher Cheng Rang.

"He is my brother." During Nagisa Shioda's inquiry, Xiao Mo admitted the relationship between the two without hesitation. However, Xiao Mo kept silent about all the information about Cheng Rang, as if he was used to telling people His words and questions were filtered as if they were completely inaudible.

She just emphasized: "I want to go to school, so I brought me to school. I want to learn knowledge and make more friends. Assassinating teachers or something like that - I have no interest."

"Are you serious? That's 10 billion."

"Xiao Mo, you don't need money." She looked at herself with bright, deep eyes like ink, and tilted her head: "Your name is... Nagisa, right?"

"Ah, yes...."

"Are you a boy or a girl? She looks cute, but she smells of a man."

"Hey!?" Shiota Nagisa quickly raised his arm and smelled himself, "There shouldn't be any smell...I even take a shower! And I'm a boy! You can tell from the style of the school uniform, right?"

But it is true that Shiota Nagisa has short blue hair and a single ponytail on the back of his head. He has big eyes and delicate appearance like a girl. If he is not wearing a men's school uniform, it is very easy to be mistaken for a girl.

Nagisa has always been troubled by being misgendered.

"Eh~ Really?"


Chapter 8 Time for Assassination

Morning, the old school building of Chuqiu Middle School.

The preparation bell rang, and as if on time, the yellow octopus, the head teacher of Grade 3 E, appeared at the door of the classroom.

Putting the roll call on the podium, his face with the iconic smile remained unchanged, and a slightly nasal voice came out of his mouth.

"The class meeting has officially begun, please give orders to the students on duty!"

As the student on duty today, Shioda Nagisa tightened his grip on the pistol hidden under the table, "Everyone...stand up!"


At the command, all the students stood up. Some even knocked over their chairs because of their excessive movements, but no one cared.

Everyone held weapons in their hands, dozens of black guns

He aimed his mouth at the figure on the podium.


We are killers, and our goal is to kill in front of us and save the earth.


Da da da da da…!

The dense bullets replaced salutes and greetings, forming a dense rain of bullets that hit the octopus on the podium. In an instant, its figure began to blur, and it flickered in the area behind the podium at an extremely fast speed, dodging all the BB bullets fired at it.

He even had time to say hello and roll call to his classmates.

"Good morning, classmates."

The manic plastic bullets bounced around making crackling sounds, and the sound of high-speed moving clothing and gunshots were mixed together, making it feel like a real battlefield.

"Teacher, the roll call will begin now. Of course, students can continue to shoot at me. Isogai-san."


"Sorry, it's amidst the chaos of gunfire after all. Please be louder."

"...Ming, I understand!"

"Okuno-san." "——Here!"

"Kataoka-san." "——Arrived!!"


"Classmate Cheng Xiaomo." "..."

There was no response to the name in the gunfire. It was repeated again. When there was still no response, the roll call continued until the roll call was over and everyone put down their weapons panting.

too fast! Even the whole class couldn't hit it if they shot at it at the same time!

"It's such a pity. Even today, not a single bullet hit our teacher. And classmate Cheng Xiaomo was late again."

It wasn't until Octopus finished speaking that he looked towards the classroom door and saw Xiao Mo, who had arrived belatedly, standing outside the door with his schoolbag on his back.


"Come in, classmate Xiao Mo, haven't you slept well today?"

"Yes, I'm sorry... Ever since I was able to sleep, I have always felt that I didn't get enough sleep." Xiao Mo lowered his head in embarrassment and quickly came to sit behind Nagisa Shioda.

"Well, this statement is very concerning, Xiao Mo. For children like you who are growing up, rest is the most important thing to pay attention to."

"It won't happen next time...teacher."

"Hmm~" The teacher's grin remained unchanged, and then he began to summarize the assassination operation that opened today.

"Tactics that rely solely on quantity will weaken the thinking of individual individuals in the organization. The line of sight, the direction of the muzzle, the movements of fingers, and the movements of each student are all too simple."

"You have to put in more effort, otherwise... you can't kill the teacher with a top speed of Mach 20~"

"——Teacher, did you really dodge all our bullets? After all, these are just toy plastic bullets for air guns, right?!"

"That's right, teacher, you must be holding on even though you were hit!"

"Definitely, definitely!" All the students echoed in unison. Obviously, under the heavy rain of bullets in the assassination operations in the past few days, it is impossible for such a big octopus to escape unscathed.

It stretched out its tentacles helplessly and sighed: "There is no other way. In this case, just load the gun and give it to the master."

He took the loaded pistol from a girl's hand, rolled it up with his tentacles, and pointed it at his other arm, "Didn't I tell you, Master? Although this kind of bullet is completely harmless to you..."


When the trigger was pulled, the gun fired. It was clear that the BB bullets were fired, but its arm was completely broken, and flesh and blood flew out, shocking the students.


The broken tentacle fell at the feet of the girl who gave the pistol, and was still squirming wildly.

"This is a special ammunition developed by the country for teachers. This ammunition can destroy the cells of the teacher like tofu. However, it only takes a few seconds for the teacher to regenerate his tentacles."

During the conversation, the broken tentacles suddenly grew back and returned to their original shape.

"But it is still very dangerous if you are hit in the eye by such a bullet. So in addition to assassinating your teacher, I also ask all students not to shoot indoors~"

"It would be great if everyone could kill me before graduation." The smile at the corner of its mouth became wider, and its face turned into yellow and green stripes, obviously mocking everyone with contempt.

Chuqiu Middle School Class 3-E, Assassination Classroom. The class bell rang again.

"Then students, please put away the guns and bullets first, and then class will begin!"


The subsequent classes were carried out normally, although the teacher's style of painting was not quite right... He would often use facial expressions to express whether the answers to questions were correct or not, and would also use tentacles of various colors to provide "vivid" teaching. But in general, the content and rhythm of the teacher's lectures have obviously been carefully prepared and are very easy to understand and absorb.

Shioda Nagisa often even had this thought popping up in his mind - this Octopus teacher seems to be very talented in teaching...

During class, Shiota Nagisa turned around and talked to Xiao Mo who was sorting out the textbooks. After studying for the past few days, it was obvious that she was the student with the most problems in the class.

This question is not that of a problematic student, but the act of actually raising your hand to ask the teacher...

On average, it happens at least three times in a class, and every time the question is asked by everyone

The kind of common sense questions you know.

For example, what is more outrageous is...why the board behind the teacher has white writing on it.

As for questions about schoolwork, Xiao Mo is the one who listens most attentively. For these "common sense vocabulary" that she cannot understand except during the explanation, she can basically answer the questions very quickly when asked. correct answer.

The reason is "basic".

"Xiao Mo, your math is really bad..."

Xiao Mo raised his head and smiled naively, "Hey, hey, I can't help it, I still don't understand this kind of understanding of numbers. What I'm best at is counting."

"Anyone can do such a thing as counting..."

Xiao Mo raised his finger unconvinced: "But Xiao Mo is really good at counting. Now he can count from 1 to 100 million and it won't be wrong."

"Eh!? Are you kidding..."

Counting from one to 100 million is probably just because you are very confident in yourself. After all, counting hundreds of numbers does not take much time. But if you count to 100 million, then even if you count one number per second, you still have to count. Several years, right?

"No, I've already counted it several times." Xiao Mo blinked, as if it was a matter of course. But Nagisa Shioda could only smile bitterly.

"Ah, stop talking. I still have a lot of questions to ask the teacher!" Xiao Mo took out his notebook from under the desk and opened it from the place with the red bookmark. The densely packed questions on it made Shioda Nagisa shiver. trembling.

"...Is this, so much?"

He felt a little sympathy for Teacher Huang Octopus, who was pestered by Xiao Mo to ask so many questions every time during class.

"Yeah! I want to come to school because I know the teacher can answer these questions that I don't know. In fact, Xiao Mo has gained a lot in these few days!"

"Then, I wish you success..." Shiota Nagisa waved to the girl who ran out of the classroom with her notebook in her arms, unable to let go of the wry smile on her lips.

Go to the faculty office and knock on the door.

"Come in." Teacher Karasuma's voice came from inside.

"excuse me!"

"It's Xiao Mo, classmate." Karasuma looked up from the document. Among the students who had visited here frequently in the past few days, he had a deep impression on Xiao Mo.

The other students came with weapons to some extent, some of them attacked while asking questions, and some simply found excuses to come and assassinate them.

But Xiao Mo was the only one who brought her notebook with her every time and simply came to ask questions.

"Isn't Teacher Ruanmian here?"

"Soft..." Wu Jian complained about the name Xiao Mo gave to the monster, pointing out the window with his eyes, "It just went out, saying it was going to Paris, France to taste the desserts there."

"Hey! How cunning~!" Xiao Mo hugged the notebook with some disappointment and prepared to leave.

"You can ask me if you have any questions. After all, I am also a teacher here."

Seeing the somewhat lonely Xiao Mo, Wu Jian suddenly made such a remark out of nowhere.

The girl's gloomy eyes suddenly brightened up again, "Really? Mr. Karasuma!?"

"Well...I can basically answer common sense questions."

And to be honest, Karasujian is also curious about why the monster's face has become worse and worse every time when facing the notebook in Xiaomo's hands these days. What problems are recorded in it?

The most recent one has even started to turn gray...

When Cheng Rang passed by the staff office with his pockets in his pockets, he heard Xiao Mo's voice coming from inside. He curiously looked in through the window, only to find that Teacher Wu Jian's face was frighteningly white.

"Teacher Karasuma, what's wrong with you, Teacher Uzuma! Please cheer up!"

Rushing into the office and grabbing the floating soul, trying to stuff it back into Karasujian's mouth, Cheng Rang shouted in a panic.

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