A text welcoming him popped up on the screen. Ishii was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously nodded to it: "Ah, good afternoon."

[K-class doomsday scenario has been detected. 】

[...The facility has insufficient energy, and the location assessment of Level 4/2000 personnel failed. 】

[The security program is in the final unlocking stage, CYA-009 program: has not been started yet. 】

"Ms. Ishii." A synthetic, emotionless voice sounded.

"Ah...there!" Ishii was stunned by a series of unknown changes in front of her, and she came back to her senses from the call of that voice.

"You are the first non-Foundation personnel to enter here through the security facility so far, so please stay calm, you will be one of the pioneers to save human civilization."

"If you are willing to accept and accept this responsibility, we will guide you to assist you in completing the initiation procedure CYA-009."

"What is that?" Ishii asked.

"You must agree to the following regulations before the process can continue. Otherwise, we will erase your memory and send you out of the facility, waiting for the next non-abnormal human to enter."

A series of strictly logical responsibility and confidentiality regulations flashed on the screen. After Ishii finished browsing, he asked the machine in front of him: "What is the memory-erasing drug ENUI-5? It is a drug that can erase my memory." Is that so? Why erase the memory..."

There are obviously no people left in this world. As it says, the doomsday scenario has occurred and human civilization is on the verge of destruction. What secrets need to be kept?

"You only need to choose whether to agree to the above charter, and then I will explain your problem in detail."

If you agree, it means that your memory will definitely be erased later. If you don't agree, you will know nothing.

So why does the so-called important responsibility of saving human civilization suddenly fall on ourselves?

Ishii began to feel that the machine in front of him spoke with condescending pride, which was extremely ridiculous.

But the words Noretti once said to herself seemed to suddenly echo in her ears.

The so-called "something that restores hope to this world..."

--This is it?

Ishii took off his glasses, wiped off the dust with his clothes, and slowly put them on.

"Well, who else can come to such a far place except me."


Ishii was silent for about five seconds, as if he was considering the two consequences of agreeing or giving up.

"I agree." was the final answer.

【Thank you for your cooperation】

The mechanical voice sounded again: "Ms. Ishii, congratulations on becoming the current temporary top person in charge of the DEM facility. Until the next Foundation personnel above level 4/2000 are found, you will be given the authority to activate and set all equipment. "

"Now you will be guided and troubleshooted on basic behavioral patterns."

Afterwards, the sound of machinery began to explain in detail the efficacy of this facility as various text documents and pictures appeared on the screen.

The full name of the so-called D.E.M facility is: Deux Ex Machina (Mechanical God)

It was built by a secret foundation that has been hiding in the dark to protect humans from all kinds of anomalies since the birth of human civilization.

This facility contains the crystallization of a variety of humanity's top technologies. Its only purpose is to rebuild civilization when the doomsday scenario cannot be prevented in time, thereby preventing humankind from going extinct or near-extinction.

Since its establishment, this DEM facility has been activated at least "four" times. However, that information has been missing, and the time and reason have long been unknown.

In preparation mode, the DEM facility is powered by a liquid thorium fluoride reactor and a geothermal energy generator.

Liquid thorium fluoride reactor has an effective life of 70 years

, the staff on duty in the facility should be rotated regularly, but according to records, there has been no sign of human activity here for at least a hundred years.

Even geothermal energy generators, which rely on nearby volcanic activity to produce a nearly unlimited energy supply, have lost the effect they could originally provide because the volcano and large-scale magma underground have been completely frozen.

At the same time, it is also equipped with detailed water purification facilities, air purification and circulation systems, a hydroponic production wing and enough housing for 10,000 people to permanently settle.

And in order to be competent and complete the main task, which is the activation of protocol CYA-009, it is also equipped with half a million human replicators.

At its peak, it can produce 100,000 non-abnormal human beings who can grow and develop every day.

The system is equipped with a computer memory bank that stores all known human genomes. Through these auxiliary systems, it can reconstruct any lost human genome, or create new and unique genomes as needed to reinject them into new human societies. Adapt to possible coming changes in global climate and living environment.

"It's just, incredible."


Ishii's eyes widened and his chapped lips quivered slightly.

At this moment, her outlook on life seemed to have been completely overturned in just thirty minutes, shattered to pieces with just one blow!

Such a vast factory building behind him, and densely packed and neatly arranged machines...

Is it actually used to "make humans"? !

"Originally, these tasks were supposed to be carried out secretly by the foundation personnel in charge here without everyone's knowledge. However, the K-class doomsday scenario stipulated in the agreement was not successfully prevented by the foundation, so the security system here The first step of unlocking will be carried out, from opening to authorized personnel to allowing entry by any Foundation personnel."

"If after 20 years, the DEM facility has still not been activated, security will be further relaxed to allow any non-anomalous human being to enter the facility to initiate procedures."

Once the program is successfully launched, the monitoring facilities within the DEM will immediately determine the location and status of all authorized personnel and evaluate them.

Mission-critical personnel not found will be copied according to the most recent neuron scan file and awakened before any other system initialization.

"When those personnel are regenerated, the security will be locked back to normal, and your mission will be over, Miss Ishii."

Ishii seemed relieved to hear this, "That is to say, I am only responsible for finding people who are capable of operating this facility..."

"Uh, production, copying, manufacturing? Anyway, just make that person, right?"


At this point, all explanations end.

Ishii finally had a clue about the outcome of the current world. The reason why he could find design drawings of different aircraft of various eras at the air force base may be because of the existence of the DEM facility.

There are various signs that this thing has been activated at least four times! ?


"Damn it, the only thing human beings have done is to destroy themselves!"

Huge mechanical-level ancient cities, discontinued civilizations, mysterious stone statues, and even the development direction of technological regression have returned to the embrace of theology.

In this final world, countless remains of previous civilizations have been left behind, trampled under the feet of future generations, and trampled into the soil forever.

"So, what's my first step?"

"Please find a way to replace the liquid thorium fluoride reactor fuel, or drop a nuclear bomb into the interior of the volcano to restart the condensed geothermal energy generation."


"This facility is in urgent need of energy supply, otherwise 95% of its functions will not function properly."

Ishii was the first to rule it out of his mind about dropping a nuclear bomb to blow up a volcano. It was simply something that only a madman would do!

When Ishii came to the location of the reactor with her last hope, looking at the empty fuel tank, she covered her forehead in despair and walked back with weak legs.

"The reactor fuel has been exhausted, and the replaceable fuel pack is expected to be exhausted. Maybe it has been too long and no one has been here... So, I have to drop a nuclear bomb into the volcano, right?"

"Yes, this is the only remaining method that can be provided at the moment, Miss Ishii."


In the end, Ishii had no choice but to say: "I'll try my best. So, are there still nuclear bombs here?"

[Nuclear weapons inventory: exhausted]

Looking at the words of despair that popped up on the screen, Ishii suddenly laughed.

She slumped down on the chair in front of the console, talking to herself with dim eyes.

"Human beings are completely hopeless..."

She suddenly felt as if this planet was missing such things as humans.

Maybe we can live a better life, but not necessarily.

Chapter 43 Records

Chapter 1233 Chapter 43 Records

Ishii found an archive room in the facility base that records various permanent archives. Since she is currently the highest temporary person in charge here, she can view those files.

Ishii, hoping to find some clues from these previous records, began to read through them.

[Administrator’s Notes]:

I demand this be a permanent record, and I don't care what you think

It's an insult to your intelligence; some things are just that important. This facility is definitely not a facility that allows us to let down our guard, take more risks on other projects, allow cross-experimentation between projects, or whatever you want to find a reason for things to work out.

Primary containment procedures still allow us to pursue the best chance of survival; otherwise there would be no reason for such extensive cover-up measures. We can only suspend our distrust of God again and again until the universe says “no.” And given what we've had to do over the past few decades, we may have already crossed that line - Former Administrator Dr. William Freeze.

The tone sounds very serious. The former administrator of the archives, Dr. William, seems to have repeatedly emphasized that this is a very important facility, but now it has not been maintained for hundreds of years.

Ishii even wondered a little absurdly, would this place have been forgotten by the time those steel-layered city-states were erected on the surface of the earth?

Don't they like to perform memory erasure operations on people, but even if they forget all those things, it doesn't mean that the war never happened.

The talents engraved in human instincts will still choose to embark on the path of self-destruction again and again for some boring reasons.

After grabbing a few documents, Ishii planned to go to the hydroponic production wing above to take a look. He didn't bring much water or food when he came out.

But there should be enough here, and it will definitely be enough for me to eat alone until I die.

The warehouse door slowly rose and opened, and an endless supply of various supplies were neatly sealed in boxes and stacked high.

It has been known before that the DEM facility has houses that can provide permanent settlement for 10,000 people, so of course it has water and food that can be consumed by 10,000 people, and this food is sufficient to directly support those 10,000 people in the hydroponic production wing. of crops until they are self-sufficient.

What makes Ishii most incredible is that even though there has been no maintenance and control for more than a hundred years, clean and clear drinking water can flow out steadily with just a slight twist of the faucet.

With a glass of it, you can even taste the freshness and sweetness of mountain spring water.

Out of curiosity, Ishii climbed to the shelf with the help of a ladder and pried open the box on the top layer.

All inside were bags packed with unknown materials. They should be food. After all, it was written as emergency food.

"But this thing...has been expired for decades, at least?"

But since it was a huge mysterious organization that could build facilities to restart civilization, with trust in them, Ishii still opened a bag and tasted it carefully.

"Wow, what is this...it's delicious."

The salty taste and the satisfying texture made me want to hum, which made Ishii fill his stomach with a bag of rations in just a few mouthfuls.

"What kind of black-tech emergency food is this? I thought it was bricks that looked like compressed dry food."

——Long live the Foundation!

Ishii couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

After eating potato for who knows how long, I finally tasted a rare other flavor, which was similar to the canned food that Noretti shared before I left.

Should it be the meat of some kind of animal?

However, even after such a long time, it has not broken down. It is indeed the basis for these guys to restart civilization.

There seem to be various drink preparations. Pour the powder from the plastic bag into a cup and add water to drink all kinds of strange flavors that you have never tried before.

The dazzling turquoise color seems to be called energy drink, and the black liquid is coffee...but the milk powder seems to be really part of the expired list, it has been spoiled and cannot be drunk anymore.

Therefore, even with the foundation's ability, there is no way to guarantee that everything here will still be usable after a hundred years of no maintenance...

With enough to eat and drink, there is no need to worry about food and clothing here. All the basic facilities and materials that can be considered to maintain life are fully prepared, enough for Ishii to use until he grows old and die.

After moving into his new room, taking a hot bath, and changing into a loose and comfortable orange overalls, Ishii returned to the external equipment hall, wanting to check out these so-called machines that can "make humans."

"Let me take a look, there is something called the BZHR human replicator. There are notes left..."

Opening the files brought out, one of them contains notes about this instrument left by the Institute of Biotechnology Research and Development Department.

"Use of the BZHR system is currently suspended due to maintenance experiments and emergencies (CYA-009 remains "active"). Possible hostile intrusion is currently under investigation, and the data appears to be very difficult to correct. We are still Looking for the distribution of innate and genetic defects is still far from the basic line number. Currently, I can only guarantee that the new species has 60% to 70% survivability. See Appendix 2000-1."

It seemed to be a record left when this facility was activated... Ishii looked up at the standby machine in front of him.

"This thing has a fault code, but I can't fix it."

Ishii ran back to the archives room with this record, and after comparing the time, Ishii found Appendix 2000-1, which described an incident that made Ishii feel a little frightened.

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