Addendum 2000-1: During [REDACTED] during the containment breach [REDACTED], several of DEM's SRA and xACTS systems crashed

. and led to the launch of the BZHR unit. In the 25 days following the accident, the BZHR unit produced ten million entities whose internal biological structures were inconsistent with those of modern humans. These differences include additional ventricles, degeneration of the hands and feet, and radical changes in the physiology of the cranial cavity.

Functional organs that emit or respond to radio waves with frequencies in the 2.4-3.6GHz range have also appeared, with unknown purposes. These entities have not been treated with G-class hallucinogens during the replication process, and hypnosis has no effect on them. All these entities remain unconscious until five weeks later. These entities are currently under consideration for classification under the designation DEM2000-1.

It is currently unknown whether the cause of this incident was due to inverse time activities between [Altered] and [Altered], deliberate sabotage, information leakage, or just a non-abnormal equipment failure. Diagnostic examinations and structural repairs are performed with acceptable risk.

The DEM facility is expected to resume normal functions in 2012 (crossed out), 2017 (crossed out), and January 2022.

Currently, all anomalous entities generated by DEM2000-1 are "properly contained (crossed out)" in the temporary containment site on the lower floor of the facility's permanent residence area.

After Ishii read the last sentence, cold sweat had soaked her back unknowingly. She took a small breath and looked in the direction of the residential area where she had walked around unprepared.

It says those things breached containment? ! How many are there, ten million?

But how long ago did that happen, a thousand years ago?

Swallowing subconsciously, Ishii groped his way to the entrance to the lower containment area mentioned in the document. The well-sealed metal isolation door here is tightly closed.

Ishii didn't dare to open the door in front of her rashly. She didn't know if there were still those monsters inside. She went to the monitoring room and tried to turn on the camera.

Although the remaining electrical energy is not enough to activate the planned facilities here, all infrastructure and various gates, monitoring, and consoles are still powered.

Soon the picture was clearly conveyed from the waking screen.

The huge temporary isolation and containment area was empty, with nothing on it. The ground was covered with thick dust and there were no traces.

"Huh...fortunately, I'm not locked up with a group of monsters."

Just when Ishii was relieved, violent vibrations and blocked explosions came from the distant mountain wall, which startled her again.

"what happens?!"

"Warning, the security facilities outside the facility are activated, and an abnormal entity is trying to attack the main gate of the facility."

"Abnormal entity?!"

After Ishii had a brief understanding of the former Foundation files in which most of the vocabulary was obscure, he was full of unkindness to the meaning expressed by this word.

"How could something like that come in? Call the surveillance immediately!"

"The external monitoring equipment circuit was compromised."

Ishii put down the things in his hands and ran outside. He looked up at the door on the rock wall where he first entered. Gravel and dust were falling on its upper edge.

Obviously, the super defense gate that is nearly one meter thick must have suffered an inhuman impact just now. The monster blocked by the last gate at this moment...

If you come in, you will definitely die.

Chapter 44 Curse?

Chapter 1234 Chapter 44 Curse?

"I asked, can the security measures outside hold up?"

"Estimated probability of destroying the anomalous entity: 1%"

"...Where's the weapons room?"

"Located on the third floor, there are equipment provided to the MTF Mobile Task Force created after the execution of the CYA-009 protocol."

Ishii ran down the stairs to the third floor without stopping.

However, it seems that since the first heavy blow, there has been no movement outside the door.

But Ishii was not naive enough to think that the other party had given up. When he came to the weapons room and opened the door, Ishii was dazzled by the variety of equipment in it.

"What are these things..."

There were basically few that she knew how to use... She could only grab a relatively normal-looking assault rifle in the gun cabinet.

She was also mentally prepared that this thing would have no effect on the monster outside the door, but this was just to give herself a token of comfort and courage.

After all, facing the unknown with a weapon in hand is definitely a little more secure than being unarmed.

At the same time, outside the gate of the DEM facility——

"This door is really hard..."

Chisaki Mori scratched her head in embarrassment as the result of the blow just now did not cause any deformation or damage to the door.

Fortunately, Liang Yilan knocked him to the ground and pulled him back, preventing Chisaki Mori from firing a second jet-black flame bomb at the door.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden...? The captain has already said that we can't attack here by force!"

"So I'm just giving it a try!"

"You idiot..."

Liang Yilan angrily hit Mori Qiansaki on the head again.

Cheng Rang looked at the half-burnt sign on the door with a subtle expression.

"Is it really like what Elaine said, no matter where on earth there are humans, there will be this organization?"

Christian asked, "What's that?"

"The Foundation is probably a mysterious organization that secretly protects humans from anomalies."

"How come you are so familiar with it? Have you ever experienced those worlds?"

"No... I have retired employees of theirs... ah no, to be precise, they should be employees who survived the accident and have now changed jobs."


Before approaching the hidden entrance, Cheng Rang had already noticed the large area surrounding the wasteland surrounded by the Scranton Reality Anchor and the Continuous Time Slot device.

Although those anchors had long since aged and failed due to lack of maintenance, Cheng Rang could still tell at a glance whose masterpiece they were.

If Mr. Scranton, who has devoted his life to protecting the survival of human civilization here, knew that his granddaughter in the parallel world was making a fortune playing with adult products to obtain research funds, would he be so angry that he would jump out of the graveyard and give her a toilet pusher? ?

Cheng Rang rubbed his chin and said slowly: "According to my guess, if we use abnormal means to break into this foundation facility, there is about a 200% chance that the facility will directly activate the self-destruct function, destroying the surrounding environment." Everything and us were blown apart.”

"Captain, why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Mori Chisaki shouted with a dark face, thankful that the door in front was strong enough.

"Ah, didn't I say that?"

Christian nodded immediately, "I told you."

Liang Yilan: "I told you before I came here."

Chisaki Mori looked confused, "Huh? What was I doing at that time?"

"——Committing a second degree of chuunibyou."

"I'm very sorry for causing trouble to you all." Chisaki Mori immediately apologized.

"Well, I'm used to it... Shijing should have gone in by now." Cheng Rang found that his God's Right Eyes couldn't penetrate the door and the surrounding rock formations to see clearly what was inside, so he could only speculate, " After all, I’ve seen her plane parked not far away.”

"There is a high probability that the elevator was moved when we came down." Liang Yilan gave a thumbs up and pointed to the black elevator behind him.

After Ishii entered, the transmission beacon and positioning device were blocked. Presumably this must be the Foundation's last facility to restart and preserve the fire of human civilization.

It must have cost a lot of money and a long time to manufacture. The beacon spire was probably built by a certain site in response to this doomsday restart facility.

Can you guide all surviving non-abnormal humans to come here to take refuge?

Maybe there will be even more outrageous technologies inside, such as being able to create humans or something...?

"Then how should we get in?" Mori Chisaki asked.

"The security measures here should only allow non-abnormal humans to pass. We will probably have to wait until Noretti comes with two other people before we can open the door." Cheng Rang raised his brows slightly, "And have you noticed that the mission has been updated. "

[Clue Mission 3: Seize the item "Dawn Core" that can replace the energy supply of the D.E.M facility]

"What is this dawn core?"

After Liang Yilan saw the mission target clearly, her eyes widened slightly and she said, "Ah, I know this."

Then she took out the documents about Dawn's core information she found in a hidden research facility.

Cheng Rang took the file and looked through it quickly and asked: "The records don't seem to be very clear... Have you been to the research base mentioned here?"

"Been there."

"In the time before us, then."

"Yes." Liang Yilan nodded, "But there is no good news. Unfortunately, there is nothing there and it has become a ruin. Not to mention the Dawn Core, not even the production equipment can be seen, and there are no file records. It seems like it’s just a noun that stays in the files.”

"But the system mission requires us to find the Dawn Core to replace the energy source of this facility."

"It's not about finding..." Christian corrected, "but about taking it. This means that we need to take the mission props from somewhere or from whose hands."

"Snatch it or something... There is no other player in this world, who else can we take it from-"

As Cheng Rang spoke, his tone gradually condensed and he looked at Chisaki Mori, who looked innocent.

Chisaki Mori felt panicked when Cheng Rang glared at her. He quickly rubbed his shoulders and said, "Captain, why are you staring at me like that... I'm not as good as Long Yang."

"Liang Yi Lan said that the Dawn Core can no longer be found in this world, so we have to get it from somewhere else."

A few cold sweats suddenly broke out on Chisaki Mori's forehead, "Captain, you don't mean... we have to be the player team that invades other people's worlds, right?"

"Didn't you say you are very strong, are you scared?"

"Are you kidding me that Dark Flame Master is afraid?!" Chisaki Mori rolled up her sleeves and was eager to try.

Christian said: "But we did not take the initiative to invade the props, so there is a high probability that other teams will invade us with the Dawn Core... For example, in another parallel world, this DEM facility has completely failed, leaving only the Dawn Core. "

"——And they happen to be players who actively invade items?"

Christian nodded: "After all, the system will not assign impossible tasks to you, and it will never disappoint."

"So we're going to start team PVP~! My hands have been itching for a long time." Chisaki Mori moved her body and said eagerly: "The opponent will be a team of at least four people. There are many

There is a small chance that it will be a five-person team, but it is not impossible. Because of the matching value, the number of people in the invasion team will definitely not be less than ours. "

"So the other party will come directly to us and start fighting?" Cheng Rang had a bad feeling and opened his friend list to send a warning message to Noretti.

"It's very likely. After all, active invasion means directly teleporting to a random location within fifty kilometers around the player."

"Will the compromised party be warned?"

"Of course! Isn't it always like this?" Mori Chisaki said matter-of-factly: "Last time we received a warning and were ready to attack the opponent."

Liang Yilan flipped through the system prompts repeatedly, "However, the other party may not have come yet."

Cheng Rang didn't receive a reply to the message he sent, and his expression was solemn: "How can the task be updated if you don't come over? Christian also said that the system will not release tasks that cannot be completed, right?"

Chisaki Mori suddenly showed an expression of disbelief: "Captain, you mean..."

"Noretti, it is very likely that she has met the enemy. Don't forget that in addition to the main branch C, she also has another mission, which is to protect Qianhu and Yuli!"

[Ding, please note that Clue Mission 3 has been updated. 】

[The invasion team has been deployed in an area 50 kilometers away from you, please be prepared to fight. 】

[Team size: 5, average level: 900]

Noretti looked at the sudden prompt from the system, her body slowly stiffened, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Sitting behind the crawler car that was still moving slowly, Qianhu, who was driving the car in front of her, and Yuri, who was sleeping soundly in her arms, were not even aware that they were about to be involved in a death storm. among.

"Xiao Qian..."

"What's the matter, Noretti?"



Looking at the girl who looked back at him inquiringly——

[You who bear the weight of this bond will bear the curse of loneliness. 】

Her silver eyes overflowed with remorse and apology:


Chapter 45 Struggle

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