That's why I went out to Plokai with Ally. First, go to the square you met again.

In the square, there were some bards playing lutes and performing tricks with puppets.

Ally is looking at them happily.

"Ally also likes this."

"Yes. This kind of forged art is a good thing. I think that I have to practice to improve my skills. For a long time, entertainers like them at salons, parties, festivals, etc. I liked seeing the tricks. "

"I'm saying something like Jaklosa."

"Jaclosa? Who is it?"

"There is an amphitheater in Plokai's specialty here."

"Yes. I've seen it several times."

"It's a warrior there. You're a noble but you're a warrior."

Ally turns to look at the amphitheater, where the roof is visible.

When I moved my gaze there, the familiar hood came closer.

"Oh, aren't you here, Aishi? I'm happy and happy."

"Hmm? Pia, skeleton"

It was the skeleton who called out.

I feel like I'm completely familiar with this city. It's surprisingly something in the world.

Ally noticed and looked at the skeleton.

Then the skeleton lowers his head.

Ally bows down,

"Are you a friend of Aishi? I am Ally. Please take a look.

"Come on again, be very careful. Allie-san. If you know Aishi, I'm a benefactor for me too, thank you. I say ton."

They say hello very normally. One is bone.

I thought a little and told the identity of the skeleton, thinking that if the vampire already knew Alley would definitely accept the skeleton if he spoke.

That skeleton will be easier to do.

"That's my skeleton."

"Wow, you're really boned. I've never met a skeleton who can talk to humans for the first time. Thank you again."

accepted straight away.

As expected, it is as expected, but as expected it is Ally.

It's a type that can accept anything.

Speaking with the skeleton for a moment, the skeleton went shopping and left. Allie opens his mouth to the rest of me.

"Aishi has a wide face that he knows a warrior and even a skeleton."

"She has a wide face ..."

Is that a point to impress?

I also know the goddess, and what will happen if I know that another vampire has been added on top of that?

…… When I think again, I have a lot of strange people I know.

I'm even wondering if there are more people I know than non-human beings.

I guess it isn't true ...

Then we walked around the city, and we came to the suburban meadow next. So I'm summoning Hana.

"Wow, it's a cute summoning beast. It's an animal you've never seen before, even though it has a bushy hair. Hana, please come."

After walking around the city, it was natural for outdoor allies to look outside the city.

Since he came to a large area, he summoned to play Hana, who worked at Anhollywood and at school, and found that Allie was biting more than expected.

"Oh, you're fine"

Hana strokes her stomach for a while and Hana relaxes with a pleasant face.

Hana, who had been stroked for a while, became tired and turned around in a normal direction, and this time she ran.

"Is it chasing after me? I'm pretty confident in my feet ... Hana, it's very fast running. Wait a minute, please."

Hana sprinting faster than expected.

As expected, the speed of a beast's agility is high enough to keep up with ordinary and extraordinary people.

I joined the chase, and played with the summons for a while.

After that, we toured the arena.

So when I was told, "Oh, that's the warrior in front of me, this is the fighter who saved the arena from Tsujiri sword." Ally said to those who said, "He saved the city of Laurel as well as Plokai's arena!"

Allie was very happy to talk to the audience at the arena about Laurel. No, it was an unexpected fuss. But, it was a great deal because I was able to eat and drink.

Spend a day in such a way.

We were two people in front of the inn where I was staying.

"Thank you for one day today"

"This is the first time I've spent a long time with Ally and refreshed."

"I'm glad if I could say that. I was a very fulfilling time with Aishi. It's a good adventure, but it's good to spend time like this. "

When I see Allie, who is sorry, I nod.

Ally stares at me.

The sunset is dyed red on Ali's face. However, he suddenly felt that his face was redder than the sunset.



Ally is one step closer.

"I wasn't able to meet for a while and thought that it couldn't be helped, but I was surprised when I met after a long absence."

"What surprised you?"

"I don't think I've been in Laurel for a long time, but during that time it was very natural for me to spend time with Aishi and adventures and other things. I realized that if I still face this way, I feel very comfortable. "

"Ally ...?"

Ally is staring at me.

The eyes seem to have strong emotions.

I'm one step closer to nature so that I can be sucked in.

I've been feeling uplifting after a long time, I'm sure each other-we tried to think, but we can't afford to think anymore-.

"Oh! I'll give you Eishi ... Oh, Ally! Yah!"

"Aishi ...! Paku, Hahaha! I finally found it!"

Suddenly, a large duet jumped in.

Me and Ally return to me at the same time, and at the same time look backward and turn their faces towards the voice.

With Peru, and-Felipe came together.

"What, why are you standing in such a place and staring at each other? I would rather do it inside the inn if there was a business than doing outside."

"What do you say in the inn, what do you say ... no, I'm right now ... oh yeah ..."

Pia, stopped.

Allie's function stopped completely in Peru's words.

You have entered your own world as it is hardened.

At that time, another person, Felipe, was looking at me sharply.

"I've just met here, but it's been a hundred years. He's the one who can take a lot of time."

"Take trouble ... Why Felipe is here?"

"Is there only one reason why there is a magician?"

Felipe squints and smiles.

"Ahhh, it's you. I know I'm finding a lot of good things. Let's see it."

Felipe sneaking up on me.

Lelu is grinning in the face that something interesting is likely to happen, and Ally is still firm.

Apparently, I thought I wouldn't be able to end this day with just a leisurely breath.

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