Peru and Felipe met in the town, and seemed to come to my place together. He met Laurel when he was there, and he knew him.

And Lou heard Ali on the way, and Felipe heard me.

"Did you understand the situation? Let's get out of Laurel and tell us what you've got so far. I won't do anything wrong. I promise to make something useful."

Felipe comes at me.

I will stop with both hands while I step backwards.

"It's close, because it's close. Felipe is too sudden."

"I'll tell you what's important first."

"I'm still like that. I'm relieved in a way. Well, I don't have anything else and I'll talk slowly at night."

While holding down while saying , Allie opened her mouth.

"Yes, it's already a good time, and how about eating ahead?"

Pia, I'm restarting.

Recovering quickly ... nothing, I was frozen without listening to me while listening to the situation.

"Meal! I'm hungry. Felipe, promise promise."

And Lou who heard Allie's words suddenly flourished. Her body stretches and shrinks her tied pink hair like a pendulum.

But Felipe is next to him and looks a bit bitter.

"A promise?"

"If you show us to Aishi, they will make rice."

"Well, such a promise."

"... I have to do it now?"

"No, I want to eat now, I am hungry now."

When Peru makes a gesture of stroking her stomach, Felipe sighs. Apparently, Felipe seems to be able to cook-I have been living alone for a while, and here I do not have a convenience store or cup noodles, so I have to do it-and it seems like a good skill, I remember hearing that with Laurel He seems to have requested that he be guided to me and treat him in exchange for the material he found.

"Okay, I understand. The promise is a promise. I'll have you keep it when it's over, Lou, Aishi.

Felipe shrugged into the inn.

No, I didn't make a promise.

Felipe enters the kitchen of the inn and is busy moving around here and there.

When I was thinking about my skill, I was more skillful than I thought, and I was able to cook in no time.

One of the dishes that Felipe behaved is a bean cream soup.

I was watching how I cooked my skills, but it was like this.

Soak the flour in water, add plenty of cheese, honey and eggs and stir well. Simmer it when you've mixed enough. Then you will have a soup with the saltiness of the cheese and the sweetness of the honey.

Put some kinds of beans, such as yellow, green and red brown, as ingredients, and sprinkle with chopped parsley-like ones to complete.

It was good that the technique was crisp, and as far as I could see, it looked quite good.

In addition, crisp grilled and boiled sheep sausage with a sweet and spicy sauce made by mixing honey, pepper, salt, pepper and vinegar, salad, and garlic-flavored bread The table became quite luxurious.

All together, we four surrounded the table, and it was time to eat.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Yeah, really nice, Felipe. Let's eat."

"Oh, good!"

Lou had already thrown his food in his mouth when he told him to eat. Was he so hungry?

"Like, this is sweet and spicy!"

Peru first eats sausages with a pleasant, rustling sound. Sweet and spicy sauce seems to be quite a favorite, and it is worn too much.

I scoop the cream soup and bring it to my mouth.

... this is delicious!

The fragrance and saltiness of the cheese are just right, and because of the honey, the taste is mellow and the subtle sweetness remains.

I used it for sausage sauce, and Felipe likes to use honey. Is it a sweet tooth that doesn't look good?

Or do you often use Laurel? I don't know much about cooking, but I don't know much about it, but it's okay if it's sweet or spicy because everything is delicious.

"It's delicious ... Felipe had such a special skill. Since he's a tool craftsman, is his skillful and good at cooking?"

"Okay, I don't know, but there are many people who can cook this much without being a craftsman."

Ali admire Felipe's cuisine and glanced down at the notes Felipe had taken while cooking. They seemed to be taught about seasoning and cooking tips.

When I had my lunch made in my mind, I remember that it didn't go very well. Ally had that too, so I wondered if he would teach me.

Well, if you can make this yourself, you probably won't have to worry about rice anymore. I guess I can remember that too. It might not be a bad idea to try it a little later when I have time ... but I feel like there is no particular time when I don't have time.

"Yeah, I don't do Felipe. I can be a cook."

Lou, who eats the most, says that Felipe is not a big deal, but she is good at her expression and her mouth is loose. Actually, I thought she was a nice type to be able to praise the dishes.

In that way, we had a good dinner while eating our food.

"That's right, Aishi. I'll get your answer soon."

And when the food was settled down and the dishes were cleared, Felipe turned a strong glance at me.


"What is it? What magic material did you find? Because you were there, did you find anything unusual before you left Laurel? I won't tell you that you didn't find it."

Felipe leans forward and asks a question.

Even during meal, it is still.

"It's no different than when I was in Laurel."

"It's been a long time since I was in Laurel, so it won't change that much, humans."

Felipe says with confidence. I don't think it's a big deal to say confidently.

"Well, that's right."

"Ayashi, I was trying to make a rare magic tool with the rare materials that you supplied, but it's gone, so it's not at all. Well, that's good, it's a rare thing I've found."

Don't be afraid to leave the city and come on a search trip for that.

Well, I also recognize Felipe's skill, and if you can make unusual tools, there is no problem. It's rather a wish or a come true.

So I put out the material I found at Unhollywood.

Golden femur, whitened root, solid fox fire etc ...

When you show them, Felipe makes your eyes shine.

"Oh, I guess so. Even if it's worth it. Eat, eat. You can say anything you want to eat."

"What is it feeding?"

"That's right. Would you like to hear what I got when I got it? I don't care what I did and what happened."

"I'm a little worried about my position in Felipe."

I thought I hadn't talked to Lou or Ally in detail yet, and just told me that I was Unholy Wood just right.

And I heard about Ali and Felipe's experiences before coming here, talked about various things, and lit up at night.

For a while, Ali and Felipe also stayed in Plokai.

Ally went sightseeing, went to the adventurer's guild and was commissioned with Lou and me. Felipe went to a mage school where he consulted with acquaintances and other guys about magical tools, processed the materials I had given me suspiciously there, and watched the Colosseum together a bit later. In fact, he seems to like it.

Such a thing, we spent a decent time in Prokai, and-.

"I want to go to Neman"

One day after a while, I said so.

Plokai saw quite various places in and around the city. You can say that you have already enjoyed it. Then my personality is to see another city again.

It's a good time that Ally just came. Originally, I was planning to go to Neman after Prokai.

"I like it. It looks interesting when I look at the new places again, and I'm going."

I say Lou goes along.

Then, Ali happily broke.

"Come by all means. I came to Prokai for the first time in a while and enjoyed it. I will guide you in Neman this time."

"Let's go, I'm gonna go back to Laurel, but it's a trip we've been to. We'll get what we can only get on the road and then return."

Felipe also goes along.

And we decided to head for Neman.

"Are you going to Neman?"

"Yes, Lisa Haruna"

Lisa Haruna came to me with the episode while preparing to leave the city.

They are coming to Plokai a little bit. It seems that supplies that Unhollywood does not have are only available in human towns, so it feels like they are staying halfway between Plokai and Unhollywood.

"I'm a bit curious, but it's been a bit more interesting for Anhollywood after a long time, so I'll stay here for a while.

"This is what helped me. It's like going home."

"Huh, yes. You should always come to Anhollywood .... But I can go anywhere I like and I can't guarantee that I'll meet."

Lisa Haruna laughs at her. Well, it's really like Lisa Haruna.

I turned my body toward the episode.

"The episode is fine too"

"It's Neman. Neman is fine."

"Yeah, that's right. I'll make sure."

Just hitting my fist on my own stomach, not to mention that the episode is natural.

"I'm in trouble if I can't meet when I go to see him. The episode still needs to be cleaned up of Unholy Wood's slapsticks, but I think it's not bad to walk outside once you've settled down."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to see Unhollywood, which isn't as misleading as before."

"I'm originally wrong because it's the undead home."

"Oh, that's right."

Hahahaha and episode with me. Episode suddenly licked his neck. I warped my back.

"Uhhh! What, episode"

"Hehehehe, I wanted to suck a little blood, so instead. I'll meet you next time, blood of Eishi. I gave it to Lisa Haruna-sama.

"Isn't my blood a juice or a healthy drink?"

"Ah, huh, Eishi! I'm fine!"

"It's breathtaking, Aishi-kun. This is a farewell from us. I don't know if it's helpful, but I'll read it later."

Lisa Haruna says so and gives me a letter. The cream-colored paper feels like something important is written on it.

"... Yeah, I'll read later. That's fine. That's it!"

I waved my hands to the mischievous episode and Lisa Haruna, and ran to the riding platform for Neman.

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